
Sunday, January 20, 2013

OPI You Don't Know Jacques! + Satinified Accents

Hi and happy Sunday evening :)  I've got a late dinner of butternut squash soup cooking on the stove and C is playing Singstar in the living room.  It's been kind of a bittersweet day at Haus LLPT.  We found out this morning that my 89 year old aunt in the next state passed from congestive heart failure... not a terrible shock, but she was always one of my favorites, and I'm so sad for my dad.  He's the youngest of six and now he's one of three survivors... That is life, though, and it indeed goes on.  C and I spent most the day at his parents' house celebrating his dad's birthday with the rest of the immediate family, grandkids and dogs included, and it was a great visit.  There's something satisfyingly comfortable about being with your parents on their birthdays.  My nails looked kinda cool. ;)

I recently, through my Blogazons group, discovered Vicerimus, a light and lovely blog with gorgeous photos.  You've maybe seen it on my Blogazons roundup posts.  One of Yulia's most recent manis is a warm and beautiful milk chocolate mani done with a Chanel polish and OPI You Don't Know Jacques! suede.  Suede polishes have a totally unique finish and mattifying/satinifying a creme doesn't give the same effect, but I had to give it a shot, anyway.  I used OPI You Don't Know Jacques! all the way through, and accented with Essence Soft Touch Special Effect Topper.


 You Don't Know Jacques was my favorite mani color back before I really cared about doing manis.  I thought the dark taupe creme was so original, chic, and edgy.  It's a pretty standard neutral nowadays, but I still think it looks pretty brilliant with dark pink. ;)  I haven't used this color in a while, though, and I was surprised at how thin it is.  It required a little more application care than most OPIs and I needed three coats to be happy with it.  I used one coat of the Essence Soft Touch on my middle and ring fingers.

I felt a little wordy tonight, lol.  So thanks for reading :)


  1. I love this color and don't know why I don't have it. Oh, yeah, I end up buying something else . I hate is a beautiful color though.

    1. I know what you mean! I can think of two colors right off that I've been meaning to get, but I always pass, for some reason, lol. I'm sure you'll end up with this eventually ;)

  2. Hi Liesl, I am sorry to hear about your loss. No matter how much we can reason the passing away of a close or farther related loved-one, our heart still suffers. Oh dear, your nails look perfect with Jacques!!!! And now that you mention it I remember too: the formula is just so watery. This must be the reason I stored the bottle away well out of my reach. And same here - I bought my Jacques before my nailpolish obsession gained full momentum and back then I felt incredibly classy and avantgarde - HA -those were the days!!! I also like both versions, matte or shiny, and your Essie-esque photo is gorgeous!!!xxx

    1. Those were the days, lol-- now look at us, all glittered and shimmered up ;) And thanks, I was pretty pleased how my Essie shot turned out :)

  3. Sorry about your aunt:( I'm glad you got some good family time though. You Don't Know Jacques is such a great color. I haven't worn it for a long time either. It looks really cool matte.

    1. Did you check out my inspiration? I LOVE the suede version! I wish they were easier to find.

    2. Yes! It looked a lot like Posh Bird actually:)

    3. Speaking of, I owe you an email. Long story short, I was thinking today, actually, but that obvi didn't happen. I'll try and send you a proper response later today.

  4. I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. It sounds like you have a lovely family that can love and support one another through this difficult time. On another note, your mani is gorgeous!!

  5. I've had this polish for the longest time and still have yet to wear it! I really love it though!

  6. So sorry to hear about your aunt passing <3
    I'm glad you were able to get some family time in.
    And cute mani! I like how the color looks with a satin finish. :-)

    ~ Yun

    1. Thank you :)
      It does look kind of neat :) I like satinifying things, lolol. ;)

  7. So sorry about your aunt, Liesl :(((
    I really like this mani, ESPECIALLY with your pink sweater!! I've had this polish forever and never tried it out!! Dummy me, gotta fix that!!

    1. Thank you, Gosia :) I've had the sweater and the polish about the same amount of time and they just seem to be a natural fit, to me, lol ;)


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