
Friday, February 1, 2013

Catrice Blue Cara Ciao + More Nail Mail!!

Hi friends!!  Let's get to the nail mail first, since that's the whole reason this post exists.  I recently did a swap with the amazing and lovely Christine at Polished Marvels, and after a small amount of post office anxiety, a package arrived at my doorstep yesterday morning.  Talk about curing my flu blues, my friend spoiled me to pieces!! ♥♥♥

Included are two more of my beloved Peridot dupes (sorry to you gals bored to tears with those, but those swatches are imminent, lolol), some Europe exclusive Essences, a whole slew of Catrices, and another Max Factor (because she knows I love those ♥).  It was hard to decide which to wear first, but this gorgeous Catrice creme, Blue Cara Ciao, jumped out at both me and C.  Sadly, I could not get a color-accurate shot to save my life but I'm going to show you these, anyway.

Yum.  I love my holos, duochromes, glassflecks, and jellies but nothing's as pretty in my book as a smooth, glassy creme.  Blue Cara Ciao is a vivid and saturated azure blue with a touch more green than my photos show.  The Catrice brush is similar to WetnWild's Megalast, but a little thinner, not so tapered, and not all ragged like WnWs tend to be.  Application is an absolute breeze.  I used two coats here.  I'm stoked to have more of these European beauties in my collection and I can't wait to try out the rest of my new polishes!
Thank you again, so, so much, Christine :) :) Way to make a girl feel better. ♥


  1. My dear Liesl, this looks lovlier than I hoped on you!!! I am so happy you liked my picks, I enjoyed assembling this package tremendously!!! I am really moved and deeply touched by your heartwarming post and shout-out, and the spoiling goes visa-versa, I am really blessed xxx

    1. And I, yours :) You deserve all the kind words and I'm so glad we met :) :)

  2. Replies
    1. It's totally gorgeous. If you can get your hands on one you should :)

  3. Oh and I forgot, I was soooo curious which polish you would pick first :-) Blue Cara Ciao happens to be a favorite of mine to Yay!!!!!! I hope the reminder of the week was gentle to you and that you are recovering fast. I wear your Endless Blue as I type this and am smitten!!!!

    1. Yay!! I can't wait to see it on you! I ended up staying home the rest of the week and I really think I'll get my flu shot next year. Seven days of being out is so not worth the trouble, lol. I hope you're feeling better, too :)

  4. woww I love you new way of posing your hands *I haven't been on blogger but idk there's something new that I like :) love this blue it suits you well

    1. Thanks, Karine! :) Since I got my lightbox and ottlite my camera wants to turn my photos upside down. And thanks for the compliment on the color :)

  5. Wow! Great haul! I love Polished Marvels:) This blue looks great on you and I must say, your pics are amazing!

    1. Thank you and thank you :) I'm so glad you introduced me to her blog :)

    2. Awww you two are jewels!!! Both of you enrich my blogging life (which takes a huge part in my every day life). The two of you are so inspiring, hepful, supportive, witty - in short AWESOME <3 xxx <3 you touch my heart

    3. things are getting a little mooshy here:) I like it!

  6. I wonder, how will you love this polish after removing it... It stains horribly (despite good base and good remover), I only wear it once.

    1. I read your comment and it skeered me, hahaha. There's a "wear basecoat" label on the bottle and I kept hearing in one of my facebook groups this stains like the dickens so I went and carefully took it off... Not bad, but I won't be wearing any sheers just yet. :/

  7. Great Haul & such a gorgeous blue! It is super shiny!

    1. Isn't it pretty? Totally worth the staining. Really.

  8. Woooo nice nail mail! And that's a beautiful blue! Looks fantastic on you! :-)

    ~ Yun

    1. Totally awesome nail mail! ;) And thank you :)

  9. This is WOW!! SO many beautiful colors.. even the peridot dupes. But this one on your nails is already a fave of mine.

    1. I love it, too, and I really want to wear it again but I'm skeered of more staining. :/ Anyhoo, thank you ♥


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