
Thursday, January 9, 2014

Shimmer Jennifer, Jacki, & Adrienne

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Shimmer Jennifer, Jacki, & Adrienne swatch and review

  Hi everybody!  I'm filled with a bit of excitement and anxiety right now.  Even though I photo'ed and drafted this post just this week, it feels outdated.  A couple days ago, I broke a couple nails on my swatching hand, so my nails don't look like this right now.  Usually I just grimace and file everything down to an equal length, taper the sides again, and move on, and do so without much fanfare except to whine about my nubbage a little.  Well, this time I noticed that both nails had broken at such an angle that if I shaped them a very certain way, I could still maintain most of the length.  My friends, I have points.  Kitten heels.  Whatever you want to call them.  It's a pretty polarizing shape and it kind of scares me to unveil them on here but it excites me at the same time, because I adore them :) It's like getting a fabulous set of bangs cut into your previously one-length hair, or buying a pair of shoes in a style completely different from yours, and discovering you love them.  But I don't want to spend this entire post talking about my new nails so just know that a change is coming, lol :) :) :) and I hope it doesn't drive anyone away and that I'm totally overthinking it.  I've got one post after this one drafted with my long squares so stay tuned next week!!  Check out my instagram if you haven't already seen it... I took the most recent shot yesterday morning.

  Also, there's a discussion in one of my blogging groups on fb regarding advice you'd give brand new bloggers and there's a lot of "NO CENTER ALIGNING TEXT" going on in there, so I'm giving boring old left to right a shot.  It feels off balance to me but if it's easier to read, then I'm all for it.  Let me know if it's better, worse, or if you don't give two hoots :)

  Right.  On to the polish.  

  Today I get to share my take on some more Shimmer Polish beauties!  Shimmer is an indie brand I've grown increasingly fond of.  It's a line of full coverage and very versatile glitters with very broad appeal.  If you've made a product my 10 year old niece and my monochromatic creme-loving self both adore, I think you're doing something right.

  First up is Jennifer, tiny and small sized metallic sky blue, light pink, silver, and black hexes in a clear base.  The gold you see is light bouncing off the silvers.  I wasn't in love with the black hexes at first, but they really grew on me, making Jennifer stand apart from the rest, adding a hint of intrigue to the sparkle.

Shimmer Jennifer swatch and review

Shimmer Jennifer swatch and review

  Jacki is full of metallic royal blue, silver, red, fucshia, and purple microglitters in a deep plum colored jelly base.  I'm surprised by the simplicity of this one on the nail.  It's got a lot of depth, on account of the dark, sheer base, but the tininess of the glitters give Jacki a touch of demure.  It's a very pretty glitter for those of us whose tastes run not so bold. 

Shimmer Jacki swatch and review

Shimmer Jacki swatch and review

 Adrienne is metallic cerulean and white gold shimmers and different sized hexes with a smattering of tiny red hexes, all in a clear base.  Adrienne called to mind team and school spirit manicures right off and if you've got a favorite team whose colors are blue and gold, this one's a must-have.  I love that the gold is a subtle white tone and not in your face bright yellow.  There's definitely a time and place for that but the subtlety complements the cerulean beautifully.

Shimmer Adrienne swatch and review

Shimmer Adrienne swatch and review

  I used three coats of polish in each of these swatches.  They are all a little gritty and will benefit from two nice, thick layers of topcoat.  The formulas on all three are fantastic-- no pooling, minimal cleanup.

Shimmer Polishes retail for $12 each plus shipping, with international shipping available upon request.

Where to find Shimmer
etsy shop

  And with that, I'm off!  I look forward to your reactions on the changes, potential changes, and of course, these gorgeous glitters ♥♥ Thank you all for reading and have a beautiful day!!
*press sample


  1. For the record, I don't give a hoot about your text. It works both ways. Secondly, I saw your pointed nubs and am actually surprised by how much I love them on you. So congrats on trying something new! Finally, I have never tried Shimmer but these are lovely so I have no clue what I'm waiting on!

    1. Lol :) Right on. I'm inclined to agree, after going over a few of my center text posts. Thank you for the vote of confidence! Best break I've ever "suffered", lol. And I honestly can't think of anyone who wouldn't enjoy Shimmers :)

  2. I love Jennifer, its awesome that its my sister's name too, lol. I don't really mind the text alignment either way since it makes no difference on whether its easier to read for me. It looks good though! :)

    1. Aw, you should totally get your sis a present! Jennifer's my favorite of this grouping :) Thanks for the text feedback, too. I think I'll keep with the left to right for a bit and see how it feels.

  3. I saw your points on fb. I think they look really cool. Shimmer Polish is one of my favorite indies. Seriously the quality is superb.

    1. Thank you sweets :) Shimmer's quality is superb! I've tried 7 and counting and I've really got zero complaints.

  4. Love love love your kitten claws!!!!!

  5. Shimmerrrrrrs!!!!! All of them are just beautiful and your pictures are brilliant! I don't give a toss about centered or left bound text - as long as it is black letters on white background it could be anywhere ;-)!!!! Have a wonderful day sis xxx

    1. Thank you so much sis ♥♥ Yes, black letters on white background is a must and I can assure you that will not change, lol. In the spirit of adventure, maybe I'll try right to left!! Ooh...

  6. I love all three of these, especially Jacki. <3 I really like the unusual look of Jennifer too. I only have one Shimmer, but it's really nice. And I have a problem with center alignment only when the author writes very short makes it look like a poem, and I feel like I'm reading Will Shakespeare's review of nail polish.

    1. LOLOLOL!! For my next trick, I'll write an entire post in iambic pentameter! Maybe on the Bard's birthday or something. I'll work my way up, starting with haiku. Hey, that could be fun! You in? lol. ;)

  7. You do such a great job showing off the Shimmers. I often had a hard time keeping my hand steady and the glitter would be blurry:( It's so cool how many color combinations there are. Shimmer Polish is awesome!

    1. Thank you ♥♥ I don't recall any of your pictures ever being blurry, Es. I think it's all in the camera, personally, because I know I'm not that steady! Shimmer is awesome-- thanks for turning me on to them :)

  8. Oooh more Shimmers! :D You're making me want more of 'em... I "only" have 3 at the moment, but will have to procure Carol at some point because it was my mom's name. :) I can't believe I haven't found any Julep, Zoya, or Shimmer that's named Emily! So strange. Oh well, it'd probably be some ugly color anyways.
    It's funny, the things that bloggers decide are a general "no-no." I agree with Melissa; centered text is only a problem when it's short & ergo, looks like a poem! - or "Will Shakespeare's review of nail polish." LOLOL!!!!
    The only thing I think should be a no-no is the first piece of advice Essie gave me: turn off the Captcha verification for comments. Hate that!
    Gosh you've captured all the little minute glitters oh so well... I need to figure out how to do that, fo reals, yo! ;) ♥

    1. I had to have Carol after seeing Ms. Es swatch it with Julep Eloise. I remember you saying it's your mom's name and then I felt all bad for taking it. Truth is, it's sitting here on my desk waiting to be mailed to ya. Just give me another few weeks to actually make it to the p.o. -_- Julep has Emilie but I know that's not going to cut it... so strange that there are no Emily polishes out there! And I'm glad you're liking all these Shimmers bacause I have SIX MOAR!!!!! XD

    2. Ohhhh you don't need to feel bad! I think she just doled them out 'cuz I got two from her and gave one away to my aspiring little polishaholic friend. ;) And say WHAT?!?!? You absolutely don't need to give it to me hon! You obviously love it... I'll buy it sometime, maybe or perhaps I'll find it on a blog sale. You know how I enjoy the rummage sales of the polish world! :D
      It is rather astounding that the 5th? most popular girls' name ever does not have a polish!
      Hmm I think you, Mo, & I should do another tri-post with our Shimmers and call it "Shimmer Me Timbers!" LOL


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