
Monday, January 13, 2014

THE BIG REVEAL!!!! New Nail Shape in One of My Favorite Reds and Also The Post In Which I Officially Stop Going On About It

  *contains press sample(s)
  Morning, friends!!  So I'm sure you're all not half as excited for me to do my first post with my new kitten claws/points/whatever the kids are calling these things nowadays as I am, but maybe you wish I'd stop going on about the whole thing... Hey, it's the little things.  Anyhoo, that day is today!  I've got a couple partial collections on deck but I wanted, for myself, to first introduce these puppies in one of my favorites (and also, if you haven't chosen your three free-with-shipping Zoyas this is a great color to have in your stash).  So, without further ado, I present to you my newly shaped nailses in the gorgeous blood red creme that is Zoya Rekha.

Zoya Rekha swatch and review

Zoya Rekha swatch and review

  I posted about Rekha once before, but here's a quick rundown-- nice formula, a little thin, three coats takes away all patchiness.  I finished with one layer of Glisten & Glow topcoat.  I adore the drama of this roaring-20s style red and as in love with the color as I was when I first wore it, I'm even more enamored with it now because I think it looks pretty fantastic on my new shape :)

  One more thing, in case you're still planning on taking advantage of Zoya's fab special that ends today (and you should, because there's one more surprise in store once it's over, in the form of a secret code sent to each of us who took advantage of the sale), here are a couple more of my favorite Zoyas-- Raven and Brigitte, the latter of which is from the new Naturel collection (something else I can't shut my mouth about, lol).
Zoya Raven and Zoya Brigitte

  Final words-- I know stilettos/points/etc are a quite polarizing shape so if mine is now a blog you don't wish to follow because you hate this shape then that's cool.  I can almost guarantee you my mamamamama will hate them so you'll be in excellent company if you do, lol.  I just ask that you be kind... I welcome feedback but please don't be mean :) And now, on to business as usual.
  As always, thank you for reading and have a fantastic day!! ♥♥♥
*contains press sample(s)


  1. Your nails look really nice this way. I don't think of stilettos...I saw this shape referred to as "edge" one day last week somewhere. They do kinda remind me of an evil queen or something from a Disney movie. AWESOME!! :P And Rekha is a beautiful red...your pics make it look so juicy. <3

    1. Was it Phyrra's little chart? I saw that last night and had to google "edge nails". The search yielded both asymmetrically filed nails as well as those similar to mine . I agree, they're definitely not the long, thin, tapered stiletto. At any rate, thank youuuu for your vote of confidence again <3

  2. Love the nail look! It's not a shape I can pull off because of my job. Some of the longer stilleto looks I've not been a fan of, but I do like this "shortened" version of it.

    Was the code supposed to come with the Zoya order? Or are they being emailed after the fact? I just opened my polishes and didn't find anything out of the ordinary in with it.

    1. I think they said the code will be in our email or accounts on 1/15 :)

    2. Thanks Stacy :) I don't think my nails look very pretty past a certain length anyway so I'll likely just maintain this for a while (until a tip snaps and I'm forced to nubbify, nooooo!!!!!).
      Also, what Ali said. I know the cide's being sent out once the sale's over with so I'm glad someone knows when. I'm so excited to see what it's for!!

  3. I think the new nail shape looks great! Wish I was able to pull it off like you do. Gorgeous shade of red too :)

    1. Thanks so much, Lisa <3 I wish I could pull off nubs like you do!

  4. Still love the nail shape, I agree with Stacy, I think I dig em because they are a shorter version. As for the Zoyas. I was all "No Buy Becca" and made it through the entire promo, then I caved.... today.... on the last day...shameful....

    1. Thank you Becca :) And don't be so hard on yerself, Zoyas are awesome and it's a nice deal! What didja get??

  5. I like the shorter version of stilettos! Although I guess it's only till they grow longer ;)

    1. Naw, I think I'll maintain these for a while :) And thank you :)

  6. Loving the nail shape, so elegant and you are rockin' the red!

  7. I like them on you! I never realized nail shape was such a big thing for people. I'm more concerned with what's on them lol. I'm glad not all the bloggers I follow have the same nails. I'll take the variety, thanks!! :)

    1. It is entirely possible that I'm making a much bigger deal out of it than need be, lol. It's a very exciting thing for me and my lil life, though, haha ;) I agree, I like a variety, too. Vive la difference! And thank you <3

  8. Very cool...I've been waiting to see these since you first mentioned them :) I think these look really cool and funky!

    1. Yay, I'm glad you like them!! :) Thank youu :)

  9. I like your new nail shape. I don't like the stilletto nails that look like dangerous and you could put your eye out trying to apply makeup, but your shortened kitten nails are really cute on you. I don't know if I would like them on me though as with my nails I'd break all the tips the first day. Does it take a bit of getting used to with the new shape as far as the feel? I'm so used to squovals that it seems like any other shape would feel funny.

    1. Thank you!! :) The day I filed them there were a couple times when I'd feel my nails and expect the square edges to be there and they weren't, lol, but otherwise, no, no real difference. They're surprisingly durable, too. The weakest points on my squares were the corners and now I don't have to deal with those, and the middle length of my nail is actually quite strong. Listen to me go on about that and today I'll surely snap one, lol. I'll report back if I do (with nubs...but hopefully not :D).

  10. Very cool looking nails. It's awesome that you posted with red because they look they would draw blood! LOL. My daughter Shelby would love them because she looooooves to get her back scratched :)

    1. That's what I was thinking. This particular red has always struck me as very evil queen-ish and I thought the two looked just as you said-- dangerous :D They're actually not as conducive to back scratching as my squares, and I think it might have to do with less flat edge? Also, I didn't make the points too sharp.

  11. I just found you, I'm not about to dump you over the shape of your nails - I'm not that kind of girl! As it turns out, I think they're really cute on you, and I love the way they look in red!

    1. Aww, you're so sweet! :) Thank you for your kind words-- I'm seriously digging them in red and I can't wait to put it back on, lol :)

  12. My mom basically said if I get stilettos she will not let me in the house....but we'll see about that! You are ROCKIN them, and that red is amaze.

    1. Lolol. My mom actually does not hate them, as they more closely resemble the classic round shape (which I almost did). So your mom may surprise you (and herself, tee hee)! And thank you :)

  13. Hi sis - no matter what nail shape you sport I follow your Blog!!! I agree itnis a polarizing shape but then good for you - this is what you like and what you want to show so stick with it ;-)!!! I wore Rekha the day you posted this too and I swear our nails showed the same color (read: your pictures are super accurate)! I am still whining over the one and only remaining source for Zoyas for me which are sold at ridiculous high prices - just 3 Euros less than a BL!!!! And I admit I usually then give the BLs a go.... Wonderful post sis xxx

    1. Thank youu sis ♥♥ So far, nothing untoward has happened, comment or otherwise, lol. I can guarantee that while I may go longer with these, I will never, EVER sport duck nails, lol. But maybe that goes without saying ;) Isn't this THE MOST FABULOUS RED?!?! Thanks for the compliment on my color accuracy. I look at my original post and cringe, lol. I almost didn't put that up-- I remember having the worst time trying to get a decent shot of this polish back then but after a certain amount of work, it just doesn't feel right scrapping it, you know?

  14. I have Rekha...I love it. It's a beautiful color. I didn't take advantage of the Zoya promo because I promised myself I'd do better this year. I have so many unused polishes I couldn't even convince myself to do it. I'll continue following my favorite blogs to see what I'm missing. lol

    1. Good on you for resisting! I wasn't going to take advantage because I have plenty of untrieds, myself, but I kind of had those summer glassflecks in my head. That, combined with the facebook buzz, made me cave, lol.

  15. First of all, I think the run-on title for this post is just extra hilarious!! :D LMAO/Le mow ;) And the shape really does suit you! I'm not sure I could convince myself to do it, but it's rather fun to see on you. :) I think since they're being called kitten claws, for your next mani you should take a pic with Beau's paw next to your hand, or both front paws on your fingers, if he play grabs at them like most cats do. :)
    Rehka is truly a lovely rich red, very very chic! I actually missed out on the promo; funny story, I was putting off ordering til the last day because I couldn't decide what to do/get, and if I should just add more to get to $25... well, I fell asleep with my laptop on me in bed in the midst of marathon swatch googling/watching an ep of Bones, next thing I know, I wake up squinting at the time & it's 1:30 am so I totally missed the midnight EST deadline! :( I wasn't too upset, but somewhat annoyed with myself. :P My bank account was definitely fine with it!

  16. L'mow XD XD XD Yes, more Baby Beau shots are always apropos and if I can actually get the little guy to cooperate for such a shot, then I will indeed post it herre.
    I really, really like this shape and thank you for your vote of confidence! I'm inclined to agree. I adore a nice, sharp square but there's something about them that never quite jived with my fingers. Maintenance was always a struggle and it was honestly hard for me to be 100% satisfied with how they photographed. But these are kinda comfy :)
    Saaaad face about sleeping through the deadline but Zoya's always got some awesome promo going. Maybe you can be extra splurge-y for the earth day promo!

    1. Animals certainly are uncooperative when it comes to photos! Case in point: tonight I was trying to photograph my friend's betta and he must've been scared of the lens. :P LOL
      I'm glad you've found a comfortable nail shape that you can slip into like pair of much-loved sweats!! Although I have ALWAYS thought that your swatches with squares were PERFECTION.
      Yeah, I'm not too broken up about it... especially since at this very moment I'm on the brink of two indie purchases! ^_^


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