
Thursday, April 26, 2012

L'Oreal Club Prive

You know when you step outside your normal tastes and buy something slightly uncharacteristic, and it turns out awesome?  A few years ago, I had that experience with a pair of crochet and leather wedge shoes, which were a little more funky and bohemian than I usually go.  I love them and still wear them.  Such is the case with this color, L'Oreal Club Prive.  (I'm not going to feel too terrible about not knowing how to put the accent over the 'e,' because the folks at L'Oreal apparently don't, either... see below.)  It's been hard for me to get into wearing pastels, especially the mint green to robin's egg blue shades every other gal seems to love.  I've been wanting to try these L'Oreal polishes I haven't heard much about, so I picked up this one and thought, "Why not?"  (I may or may not have seen it in Glamour or Allure or something a couple months back...)

Club Priiiive?  Sounds like one of those fancy places!

I love this color.  It's a gorgeous, classic, shiny, creamy robins' egg blue, and perfect in three coats.  The formula's a dream to apply.  I won't say I'm a pastel convert, but I will be picking up a couple more softer colors from the Colour Riche line.


  1. I love this on you! Blue and purple are the only colors I really wear as pastels and this one is stunning!

    1. Thanks! I'm so pleasantly surprised by it. I feel like I ought to have a white bow around my nails. ;)

  2. This color is SO pretty and looks great on you. It's my favorite shade to wear even though it gives me lobster hands haha!

    1. Thank you!! I love it. And after cruising the other blogs this morning, maybe I am becoming a pastel convert. Lol at lobster hands... I highly doubt it. ;);)

  3. Oooooh I LOVE this blue - it's perfect! I need to go snag this because I've been looking for this exact shade - thanks for the amazing post...dude I don't own ANY L'oreals!

    1. Thanks, dude! :) The actual color is decidedly more green, which is still completely lovely, just not photo accurate. Silly cameras.

  4. Love this! I'm curious about this line and want to pick up the shade Tangerine Crush - the one I keep hearing about and is the only shade that is sold out at my Target:(

    1. Saaaad face that it's always out! You should find out when their shipments come in and, like, stalk them before they open. ;)

    2. Yes, I should. The girls at Ulta already know me when I walk in the door, I may as well get to know the people at Target:)

  5. This looks great on you Liesl. I have yet to wear pastels and feel comfortable in them. I keep buying them and trying though lol.

    1. Thanks Tami :) I'm still a little surprised at how much I like it. Perseverance, man! You and pastels will learn to coexist. ;)

  6. I love any blue shades and this one looks amaze on you, I might need this color now lol

  7. I saw this colour and like you I decided it was out of my comfort zone. Though now after seeing your swatch I am re-thinking things...

    1. Stepping out of your comfort zone can be fun :) I'm thinking I'll actually wear that pink I told you about sometime next week.


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