
Friday, May 11, 2012

Is it just me, or....

I've been feeling a little sorry for myself lately. 

I've been blogging on here for a little over two months.  My photos and my paint jobs were absolutely terrible when I started, and I've learned, practiced, and gradually improved, and with my improvements came the excitement that maybe I'd be good enough for people to actually want to pay attention to.  And I'll admit, that's the whole reason I started.  I love an audience, and I love to write.  I've always wanted to have nice, manicured nails, but I couldn't motivate myself to spend the time and energy necessary to keep them looking pretty on a daily basis.  The discovery of a world beyond OPI, the allure of instant publication, plus the opportunity to write and the possibility of actually being heard, nudged me to start blogging.  Painting my nails is fun, but writing about it is better.  I've gained a few readers in one capacity or another, which is totally awesome, but naturally, I want more.  So how do I get myself out there in the ridiculously, insanely supersaturated world of polish and beauty blogging that I've now dove headlong into? 

One of the first things I learned was that just because you follow someone and leave a few comments on their posts does not mean they will follow you back.  All the talk of support in the world will not make someone follow your blog if they don't want to.  And, that's been a little discouraging for me, especially in my enlightened little state of improvement.  And so, the second thing I learned is that this is a seriously passive-aggresively competitive hobby.  It is hard seeing new blogs' popularity rise stratospherically while you're still plinking away, and you can't for the life of you figure out why; how is anyone else's visibility any greater than yours?  My writing's more engaging and my photos at least as good as so and so's, so Y NO ONE FOLLOW MY BLOG??!!!  It's all too easy to start playing the comparison game and take this as the huge popularity contest the members gadget can tend to make it. 

There are truly a lot of genuinely friendly, supportive women doing this who want nothing more than to make friends and have someone new join the party.  But, struggling as I am, I've found myself guilty of this passive-aggression, trying to bait my fellow bloggers somehow into visiting and following.  I've felt a little smote when I've received a kind comment and gone back and followed the commentor's blog, only to receive nothing more, so I've done the same thing and told myself that I won't follow anyone unless they follow me first.  My comments sometimes feel more like fishing than genuine enthusiasm.  How terrible is that?  and stupid?  But at the same time, I'd love to know the secret formula, what I'm doing wrong, why when I write the big-timers for advice, it falls on deaf ears, and why I'm growing so slowly.  I've seen girls ask their readers what they'd like to what they'd like to see more of, ask generally what entices a person to follow a blog, be warned against "buying" readers with too many giveaways, all things I've been tempted by but largely wish to stay away from, because....

This is, after all, MY blog.  It's what I like, and maybe there are people who like the same things.  Why should I change my voice simply to gain popularity?  And that brings me to another observation, which is the alarming amount of apologizing we do on our blogs.  I'm sorry for the poor photo quality; I'm sorry for my dry cuticles; I'm sorry my nails are uneven; I'm sorry my cat clawed my finger last night (ahem).  WHY are you sorry?  First of all, life happens, and NO ONE'S hands or nails are perfect.  We all know what it's like to fight with the weather and the lighting, to get a hangnail, and it is silly to expect our hands to appear kept under glass.  We live, we have kids, pets, jobs, chores.  And we're apologizing for our own art, whatever stage it's in.  It is a known fact that some people are overly fickle and judgmental and make fun of others' chosen or God-given nail shapes, and some scoff at a less than perfectly executed photo.  There are also those who think you're great and like what you're doing enough to come visit you every day.  You don't owe either group an apology. 

So anyway.  In all honesty (while I'm into my fifth paragraph of it) I sometimes wonder what I'm trying to do.  This all feels so cutthroat sometimes that I feel like doing away with LLPT and sticking with my cooking stuff.  But the truth also is, it's fun.  At its best, I'm getting to write, watching my photography skills improve, I'm discovering new things and thinking more creatively in terms of color than I ever have, and cultivating friendships.  It's not all about the numbers, or the comments.  It's about the journey and the experience. 

Time to really heed that advice.


  1. I stopped caring about readership. It is MY blog and I love that people are interested in it, but I don't need a thousand followers to be happy. I'm in it for fun and when I hold a giveaway it's because I enjoy making other people happy. ^_^ and y'know what? I work in a bookstore. No amount I'd moisturizing saves my cuticles. But I'm gonna share my nail art with my crappy phone camera anyway!

    I wouldn't worry too hard about it. I love your blog.

    1. Thank you :) This is my problem! I'm doing this for not altogether right reasons and I need an attitude adjustment.

      I did think about doing a giveaway at 50, but I couldn't figure out a way to keep it exclusive for those 50, so I didn't do anything. :/

    2. Lulz. You also probably have people like me who always read your blog, but never got around to following. Fix'd!

    3. I though you already were! I thought I recognized your adorable little avatar.

    4. It didn't say I was! But I aaaaam now. ^_^

      Maybe you recognized me from commenting or something.

  2. If you want to have a giveaway that's exclusive to current followers, you could just randomly select a follower from your list.

    I just started following. I love your swatches. :) We were talking on PAA on Facebook. Same Ashley.

    1. That's a great idea! And I thought it was you :) I absolutely love your banner, by the way. Those shoes are fantastic.
      And, thank you. :)

    2. Just one problem with that... at least if you're using GFC as your list... not all your followers are on that list. I follow with Bloglovin', but I'm not sure that gives you the kind of feedback on numbers and who makes up those numbers that GFC does, so I'm not sure there's a way for you to know of everyone that follows you in other formats besides GFC.

    3. Leisel, I thought you were GFC too? Hmm... I take your point, but I have a small enough number of Bloglovin' readers right now that I now who you all are. I should probably get on this, though.

    4. I should really give you a special prize just for having such an awesome name. :D

    5. LOL... I agree. You totally should ; D

  3. i just came across your blog via PAA and I totally understand how you feel about it all. It's always tough to start off and for me, my readership plunged when GFC was pulled out from my blog. At the end of the day though, it's probably the most important if you remember why you started blogging to begin with and that this is YOUR blog and quite possibly one of the things you can control in your life even if nothing else is going right(: And it being your blog, you can blog whenever you want without feeling the pressure and do whatever you want! And yeah, it's the little things that make your day. A comment here, a follower there, those'll keep you going. It's better to have a few active followers than a bunch of silent ones sometimes! Just keep going babe!

    1. Thank you SO MUCH, you totally get it. :) And I agree, a small handful of good commentors is totally preferable to lots of silent ones. Like Treesponge said up there, I'm basically taking myself waaay too seriously and need to stop it. lol.

  4. Liesl, I honestly enjoy your blog. Its on my rotation of blogs I regularly read. I don't comment a lot. I almost never comment on anyone's blog. I guess I should more though. Feedback is nice. I'll work on that. You keep on posting and we'll keep n reading. We care :-)

    1. Thanks Tami. You're so sweet. :) Don't let my vent sway what you do or don't do, please. I totally love hearing from you, though :)

  5. I read nail blogs for almost a year before I decided to start my blog. I was scared that I wouldn't be as good as the "big dogs" and being a perfectionist, I didn't even want to put myself through feeling like I was inadequate or not good enough. I FINALLY got up the nerve to start one because I have over 200 polishes and wanted to start a "diary/journal" of my collection. Actually, I tried to figure out a way to have my blog be private so no one would see... After a few weeks, I felt like I was talking to myself - and I was - I actually followed myself! So I had one follower (me) and I decided to take the plunge and start posting my blog entries on Beauty Broadcast and Polish-aholics Anonymous on Facebook. I still haven't told ANY of my real life friends. No one knows except my husband and kids. For some reason I feet like my friends will judge me or think I am weird (nice friends huh?). Anyway, I have slowly ticked up to about the same amount of "followers" as you. I look at other blogs and see like 50,000 followers (well maybe not that many) and do feel a little....little. BUT, if you put 50 people in a room and they were all listening to what you had to say, that would be a pretty big deal (at least for me it would)! Also, I'm not sure if you have the widget that shows your view count, but that may help show you that more people are reading your blog than who are following on GFC or Bloglovin. I think my view count is at like 2,000 and I think that's pretty cool! Most of the time I am looking up swatches online and I am thankful for the swatches, but don't follow that particular blog or comment every time. I also think to myself when looking at my followers... I just started 2 months ago - Scrangie, for example, I think started in like 2007. She deserves to have grown that big...not to mention her beautiful photography. I don't really know where I am going with this, but I just want to let you know that you are not alone - I often feel the same way, but keep your head up and if you are truly enjoying it, that's all that matters. I know women are very competitive and are constantly comparing themselves to other women - but try to make this hobby purely enjoyment and don't turn it into constant comparison and feeling bad about yourself...we deal with that enough in our every day lives, right?? I have to admit, reading your post makes me feel a little sad because you comment on my blog a lot and now I am wondering if you are just doing it so I look at yours. I do read yours and you do a wonderful job...I don't need you to comment just for me to look/comment on yours:( Finally, if this blog is making you feel bad about yourself, it's not worth it. I would hate to see you leave, but you need to do what makes you happy and if this doesn't make you happy, maybe you should stop - blogging is kindof a lot of work and isn't worth the time if it is making you feel like this. I hope you sort out your feelings:)

    1. Essie <3 I comment on your blog for lots of reasons, one being that I feel like we kind of have a connection :), you respond to your comments and are engaging, and the fact that our blogs are about the same age, because it is so hard to generate interest when you're small, and I think it is totally important to support each other. I like supporting those who've supported me, you know? So don't be sad. I knew I ran the risk of looking like a complete jerk when I posted this, but, like my hesitancy to post my lame attempts at flowers and accent fingers a couple days ago, this is my blog, documenting my journey, and it just didn't seem right if I didn't address the negative. Plus, I felt (feel) like I owe my fellow bloggers an apology, not necessarily because I've come across as mean (as the victim of some internet meanness, I would absolutely NEVER) but because of my attitude, coming clean that I have one and it needs an adjustment. I also thought that if I've got these thoughts and feelings, maybe someone else does, too, and we never give voice to the negative and maybe if I put it out there someone else will see and relate and know they're not alone (or I would know that I'm not). When Carly put out that call to support each other on PaA, it was one of the coolest things ever and the sense of camaraderie was so great. But, as I made my commenting rounds, I couldn't help but notice gals who had followed every other blog on the list but mine (gals whom I had followed), and I got a little butthurt and was all, "What's wrong with mine?" Anyways, I have thought about quitting a few times, even before all this, because I felt sooo inadequate and people are sooo fickle. But the fun side always wins out. And, I feel like this post was very cathartic. Like I said... it is about the journey for me and if this is part of the experience, then I need to embrace it, learn from it, and move on. Thanks for your kind words and sharing your feelings with me :) :)

    2. I agree and I don't blame you for having these feelings. I do feel the same way sometimes and it's nice to know that I'm not alone. I just know that if I start feeling really bad about myself or start to not enjoy it, I will be done. If you are choosing this "hobby" it should be a hobby that doesn't bring you sadness:) Keep up the great work and I look forward to getting to know you better! Don't stop! :)

  6. Oh, one more thing. I told myself that I wouldn't resort to a give-a-way to gain followers because those aren't the followers I want.

    1. Same here! I've thought about this a lot. But, I think I will host one in the near future because I do appreciate you all, you seriously make my day (you know!) I think rafflecopter or whatever is the best way to go, and I'll just accept that I will get some of those followers. I don't have to post the giveaway anywhere but here, you know? Then those who I want to see it will.

    2. Yes, that's a great way to look at it:)

    3. LOL....just reading this again....oops! I've had a few giveaways :-\

    4. Hmmm... So have I, it seems.... :/

  7. I started my blog as a way to watch my technique improve (and I still have a LONG WAY TO GO) and then I decided to share it because, why not? I don't know. I enjoy it and while I'll freely admit I'm guilty of loving comments and page views and followers, I've really just come to terms with the fact I'm never going to be all that popular and that's okay with me.

    And, I followed you, not out of guilt or anything, but simply because I love looking at nail photos and whenever I come across a blog that I like the photos, I follow.

    1. It is way cool to watch yourself improve, to look back and see the exact place where you turned a corner.
      I'm trying to not get all jacked up about mine or anyone else's numbers, myself, but I still wonder, out of sheer curiosity, why some make it and some don't.
      And thanks!! That's my personal thing, photos, because it was **so hard** for me to figure out, and there is such a learning curve for some of us. I've had halfway decent photos for less than a month, so that truly means a lot. :)<3

    2. The photos are what makes me follow a blog, too. It's also one of the reasons I haven't started my own... That, and trying to figure out what I'd want my blog name to be.

  8. You've got a lot of really great points today. Blogging is supposed to be fun! I do know that it sucks to feel like you're talking to yourself all the time. I check out a lot of blogs daily but am not able to comment a ton b/c I'm usually on my phone. Have a giveaway if you want. Don't let others dictate what you do with your blog. Bi do hope you keep blogging!

    1. Thanks Sara. :) I've regularly gotten at least one comment on my stuff, which in light of that I really look like a spoiled child, but, as this is my blog and I want to keep it real for myself, I had to air this out, learn, and move on. You all have been amazingly cool.

  9. I love reading your blog! Seriously it is better to have a small number of engaged followers than a silence audience. Another good idea would be for you to add your blog view count, so you can see how many people visit your blog and you will know that even though they dont comment or follow, they do read and care for your words. And at 400 followers, I have around 5-7 comments, depending of the post and those are from the same nice ladies (including you). I dont want to judge people who don't follow/comment because I do it often, read a blog then hop over to another one and so and so :)

    1. Thanks Karine :) And thanks for pointing out again the value of a small but engaged audience. A blog view count would be THE WORST thing for me to add because after all this catharsis the last thing I need is another number to constantly watch. lol. Bottom line-- I need to get over myself. ;)

  10. thats right this is your blog. Try not to get sucked into the follower thing like i know some bloggers do. Blog for yourself!

  11. I love your blog! I just nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award at

    1. Awesome, thanks Steve!! I'll be sure to check it out!! :)

  12. I love your blog! Sometimes it's just better to write for yourself and the subscribers you already have, and read other blogs and subscribe to them because you like to, not because you have to. I personally love reading blogs, and looking at how much they've grown! I know everyone is different! But keep writing and posting and painting, for us the subbies that you already have more will come.

    I know how you feel because this happened to me. When I first started my blog in march, gaining sub. was slow but I was hopeful that if I kept writing and posting, and coming up with creative ideas that someone, anyone would come! Surely enough they did, 1 subscriber turned into 2 and then the 2 turned into 10 I was so excited everyday I got a new person who enjoyed reading and looking at my stuff. So then I got to a point where no one was subscribing I was at a stand still at 20 subscribers... So you could imagine I got dissappointed and discouraged. I then realized that the readers I did have enjoyed reading my blog, and thats became what mattered to me! I write for them, and for myself. Still deep down I enjoy having new subscribers, but its not my main I love comments and opinion more than anything.

  13. Aww this is seriously exactly how I feel/felt. I actually didn't blog for several months because I was tired of the drama in the blogging world. I came back because I missed seeing my nails. I actually tell my friends about my blog because they enjoy looking at nails just as much as me, and even though they don't follow me on my blog, they still support me. I actually decided to have my first giveaway just a week ago and while my number of followers has doubled, I'm not too worried or concerned about that. I have a few faithful commenters and I appreciate them and respond to their comments because I feel like they get why I'm blogging in some way. That said, I didn't know about your blog until today, so I guess it all depends on publicity. I was lucky to be featured when I first started out last year on more popular blogs so I got up to 100 followers in a couple of months. I'm thinking about doing some features on my blog for the blogs that I feel aren't getting enough appreciation.

    1. I think a feature's a great idea and I'd love to be a part of it.

  14. awww Liesl! <3 I've been there (and most times I still go thru it!) But you gotta boil it down to doing what YOU love :)

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. This is a great post. You see how many comments you have on it already? It's because you're honest. You're sharing feelings that I think almost all of us polish bloggers can relate to. It brought me here, because I see so few bloggers take the time to really talk about the challenges with blogging.

    There are many great aspects of this blog-o-sphere, but there are many toxic ones too. There is no way around it. I may have been blogging for two years, but I will never be a "top blogger". I'll never be part of the cool-kids blogger group. That used to bother me a lot, but it doesn't now. I'm not trying to be Miss. Popularity. I do not want to dedicate time and my sanity to have an amazing blog, pictures, connections, and etc. There is a very competitive and cliquey side to this stuff, that now I will always be happily on the outskirts of. My intention of my blog was always to be a casual laid back atmosphere where I could feel comfortable and confident being myself and engaging others. When I came to terms with this, blogging became so rewarding for me.

    You have to be confident with who you are and your blog. I really rely on my personality and genuine experiences/thoughts to keep my blog interesting and engaging. Your posts have that element too. That is great! I like to get to know a blogger through their blog. I find those blogs much more personable than the ones with perfect pictures and 2 line color descriptions. You are also still pretty new to blogging, so have some patience and give it time. It took me several months to really gain a strong foundation of readers. :)

    The key here is you really have to see yourself as completely separate from other blogs and bloggers, otherwise you'll get trapped in this negative cycle of comparing yourself. I still have to mentally remind myself of this on occasion. Blogging should be a fun way to share your little obsession with like-minded people. It is really is your own project, and you should make it your own. The people will come!

  17. As all of these girls have said, you make so many good/true points! I've tried e-mailing a couple of bigger bloggers and never gotten responses and I too find myself apologizing on my blog. I even went so far one day as to text my sister one of my photos to see if I should even post it because I slipped with the knife in the kitchen and superficially nicked two of my fingers. I have a very small following that even when I get 1 new person following I get so excited and I tell my husband or my sister.

    I agree with you, these are OUR blogs and we can make our OWN rules! Who would have thought nail polish could be such a petty hobby! When I see some of the posts girls make because they are being harassed for a giveaway or someone feels slighted because they feel someone took their idea... it's insane.

    I can't stand girls who complain about people "buying" their followers.... if someone is nice enough to use their own money and host something, why are so many girls attacking them?! Who cares if you THINK they are "buying" followers. If it's such a big deal to you it wouldn't matter they gained such unfaithful readers. It seems such a sore subject, ya know?

    Just keep with it because at the end of the day, there are girls out there who find your words and images inspiring. And hey, if you can't enjoy blogging for yourself, then who are you doing it for?

  18. I am glad that others can get trapped in the mindset of what is wrong with my blog. I was getting pretty down about followers not being as up there with some other people that started the same time, but I decided that I am doing this for me. I don't kill myself if I don't have enough posts that week, or if I can't get a shot just right. I started this because it was fun, not for the numbers. I am extremely flattered by every single reader that I have. I still can't get over people are actually interested in what I do! You can ask my husband, every follower I get, I still scream like a 13 year old girl. Also, I don't think giveaways should be so dogged. I know some people might do it just to get numbers, but I do feel the majority of us just want to share the love. I did mine because sometimes I find great deals on polishes and I just want to share it. How many of us get excited about a new collection or color and try to tell our friends and family and they look at us like we are special? That is what this is for, to find like minded people that enjoy what we enjoy. I have gained more confidence by doing this blog than I ever would have imagined. I agree with you that the no comment thing sucks, but I am very guilty of doing that too. Just remember that the only person that matters, who reads your blog, is you. Just enjoy yourself.

    1. I do the same thing to my husband:) Who cares if he thinks I'm weird? lol. I am now following you!

    2. Thanks! I am glad I am not alone!! :) Now, why cant everyone be as supportive as the people who are commenting here??

  19. SO many great responses here, I just want to share my thoughts...I went back and looked through your older posts and YES you have improved in your polishing and photo skills a lot! That's exciting :) If this brings you joy - then keep it up. That's all there is to it!
    And regarding blogging, I too get caught up in the numbers, but always remember that I'm doing it because it's fun and I love it, and not for the numbers :)

  20. Power through!! -=D You can't blog with the mindset of gaining followers, I realized just because someone follows you, it doesn't even mean they read what you write or even look at your photos. There were so many times I received comments that are solely based on the photo and not by what I wrote. Keep on blogging, it's always nice to have followers and comments but it's better knowing that you're doing what you love and having fun while you're doing it!

  21. I definitely sympathize! I have been blogging for over a year, mainly because I wanted a place to show off my polish and I was inspired by other blogs I read on line. But I have often felt I'm just speaking to thin air and that there's no one listening. So I know how you feel. I think it's easy to get caught up in the whole numbers/popularity thing. But you've got the right attitude about it! I have to admit that while I read your blog every day on Google Reader, I'm not very good about commenting. I will try to be better!

  22. Your coherency and honesty rings really true with me and was enough to encourage me to press that follow button, so all hope isn't lost!

  23. It is indeed a harsh blogging atmosphere. I totally relate to everything you've said. I never used to comment on anyone's blog, and it's something I have to constantly reming myslf to do. I enjoy reading and lookingbat the photos, but commenting is hard because, like you said, most times I feel I say the same words everywhere.
    Good luck amd hang in there, but most of all, do it for yourself!

  24. So this is the post you referred to in my comments! We have all been there and felt this way! I always wonder why some blogs really take off and others dont. A lot has to do with giveaways and buying followers. I just did my big one year anniversary one and got a lot of followers, almost none of whom even read my blog after they learned they lost. Plus, the cheating that goes on in giveaways, its disgusting. People lie and say they follow you when they didn't etc. It really ruined a happy blog moment. You have to be in it for you and no on else. Otherwise you will feel like this rant every day for the rest of your life! Be yourself, its YOUR blog YOUR rules! I just got a comment that asked if I only do funky frenches-I told her yes I only do them and if you don't like it, there are plenty of blogs out there who dont. Go read them! You will gain followers slowly and surely-you want the ones who are there cause they like you and what you are doing. That is the joy in it!

    1. Arghh, this totally makes me NOT want to ever do a giveaway. I keep thinking about ways to make it special for you all, only, and I think maybe I've come up with something. But we shall see. It is a nice way to show appreciation, if only the "right" ones could be the guaranteed recipients. Hmmm....

  25. The one thing I can say is that I believe most of us started this because it's our hobby. So when those tough times comes, Just power through and remind yourself that this is an online database for you. You started it for yourself, and you're all that matters.

    When You have enough to spend, and feel like giving away, Host a giveaway. Ignore whoever says you're doing it to buy followers.
    No matter how much of an hobby something is, we all enjoy being noticed. I'll be real with you my love.. Lol... We love comments, and we enjoy knowing that we're not talking to ourselves.

    I've had days when I post a swatch/art or something I thought was TOTALLY COOL!!!! And then, I get 400 views and only 1 comment!!!! I'll be like... "WHAT THE.... WHAT?"!!! LOL...
    But I remind myself, "at least the viewed it"! Lol...

    Don't get caught in the numbers, have giveaways when you wanna splurge. Getting rewarded with followers shouldn't ever make you feel guilty because at the end of the day you WILL be making somebody happy. Keep in mind, people who came for the giveaway ONLY will leave after the giveaway. Those who stay truly want to stay.

    Strive to be the best at what you do... ALWAYS, and enjoy it!
    I must also say, I personally follow so many blogs, and wanted to make sure I comment or visit them all, but I realized that won't be possible. I follow waaay too many blogs to do that.

    So, I decided, on days where I'm free, I'll visit those I can visit.
    On days where I'm not so free, Comments will be a "trade by barter" thing. You comment on mine, and I'll comment on yours. Lol... End of story.

    Sorry for my epistle.. I think my comment is even longer than your post. I LOVE Talking and typing just like you!

    1. Lizzy, I've been thinking about that, the amount of time it takes to properly read and comment on so many blogs. It is very time consuming, but in a good way. It's easy to look up and suddenly two hours have passed. Lol. So it is cool to know that peeps are interested enough to even take a look. We've all got our real lives. :) I know as time progresses I'll be gifted with all sorts of new blogging insights. This whole rant and subsequent comments have taught me that chlling out is necessary.

  26. Liesl, you put so many things into words that I never could! I originally started my blog with the wrong intentions and saw that very early on and never shared the link. I wanted to do it to join the "big girl bloggers club" but realized I didn't have their nail shape, their fabulous cuticles, their amazing macro shot cameras, nor the freebies to share. I'd never be one of them and I had to take some time to rethink the blog idea and come up with something that worked for ME! More and more non-polish friends started asking aobut my nails and why I didn't blog so I sat down again and thought about it. I started up again with a vengenance and a plan to do regular manis, use my good camera and enjoy it all the while. I've gained some awesome followers (yourself included!) and found lots of ladies in the same situation. I just love to polish my nails and want to follow those with the same outlook. It allows me to "meet" people around the world, compare stories about polish, expand my wishlist and also showcase our talents. I love that you're part of the kind hearted bloggers pledge and you are truly a stand-up blogger :) This also encourages me to go through and make sure I'm following the sweet ladies that support me! I want to reciprocate the gesture and show the same support!!

  27. Love the blog post! I found your blog through a link @ and I'm glad I did! I'm also a new nail polish blogger and often find myself getting a little obsessed with how many followers I (don't) have. It seems like there's so much you have to do to get noticed since there's such a huge amount of nail polish blogs out there! Of course we blog because we love writing and sharing our thoughts, but it's nice to know that someone's listening! Your post has put all of my own frustration into words! Sometimes it's tough to hang in there but I think we all need to remember who we're doing this for, ourselves! Thanks for the words and the inspiration!


Please be respectful and refrain from using profanity or including links in your comments. Posts containing either will be deleted. If you have a blog you'd like me to check out, shoot me a message and your link by using my Contact Me form.