
Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Roses and a Repeat

Good morning!!  I've been reallyreally wanting to wear my OPI Ballet polishes again, so, since I don't really have much more to say about them than what I've already said, I'm going to go a little off topic.  
First, though, these OPI's, they're all just lovely and magical, but my dslr broke before I could swatch the grey one, My Pointe Exactly!, so I ended up taking phone pictures of it first time around (I was on some kind of roll and JUST COULDN'T WAIT for the batteries in my Powershot to charge.)   And, while I'm on the subject of Cinderella, My Pointe Exactly! sort of makes me feel like this. 

(I really wanted a picture of Anastasia jamming her foot exasperatedly into the slipper, because that's more accurate. "It's got to fit. I'll MAKE it fit!!"  But, everyone likes the shot of Cinderella's foot fitting the slipper perfectly better.  Seriously? Whatever.)  

I love it.  It's so different and cool looking.  But it's just not awesome on me. 

Today, however, isn't all about ugly stepsisters and unflattering polishes I insist on wearing.  C and I bought our own house last summer, and with it came a rose garden of 15 or 16 plants that we're slowly learning how to care for.  They survived the winter and have managed to bloom, so we're doing something right. ;)  Here are a couple blooming right now, and a pretty little bud.

The best thing?  They're fragrant.  So many roses have their scent bred right out of them, but not these.  They're right outside our bedroom window and they smell amazing. 
Happy middle o' the week, friends!  Thank you for reading. :)


  1. Flowers are my favorite things to photograph :) They're so pretty and macro shots capture even the littlest details! And I agree about My Pointe Exactly... awesome color, great idea with a gray jelly but it just doesn't work so well on me :/ I think I may try it as a faux jelly sandwich.. creme base, glitter + jelly polish. It may look better that way!

    1. I've been having such fun taking pictures of the flowers in our yard as they bloom, and yeah, they're amazing close up. I like your idea of a faux jelly sandwich. I think this might look nicer with the glittery topcoat it came with, too...

  2. Roses from a real garden are soooo much better than store bought ones. They smell divine-- I stop by people's rose gardens to smell them and people probably think I'm crazy. I love the colors of the ones you photographed!

    My Pointe Exactly isn't my cup of tea either-- I don't own it, but the idea of a sheer grey jelly is not appealing and I can't imagine it's flattering on most people. But like Kelly suggested, you could probably have a lot of fun making glitter jelly sandwiches out of it.

    1. "Corpse hands," I think it's been called? ;) I have an idea for a sandwich involving this, now, which I'm kind of stoked about because I've never done one before.

      I love the smell of fresh roses, too. And I bet people do not think you're crazy, they probably wish they were doing the same thing!

  3. Gorgeous roses! My grandma used to cultivate some really big red ones right outside her sun room. We used to open up the windows and just enjoy that lovely, sweet rose scent. I know exactly what you mean ;)

    1. :) It is amazing, isn't it? Your grandma's roses sound like they were something else.

  4. Growing up, my neighbors had these huge rose bushes that would come over our fence, I loved them! The roses bloomed really big and they made the yard smell so nice -=D

    1. Awesome memory. :) I wonder if it's all varietal, how bushy they get, because I'd love for mine to totally fill out, if they can. I know nothing about them, except how to prune in the fall. I think I'll go buy a baby rose and grow it from the ground up myself.


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