
Friday, May 4, 2012

Zoya Charla

So I was sitting around, waiting impatiently for the Zoya Surf collection to show up at my Ulta, and cruising Zoya's website for other colors I can't possibly do without in the meantime.  And what do you know, Charla was one of them.  Ask any number of pixies (Zoya's pet name for their fans) which blues in the lineup are must-have, and Charla will invariably top the list.  Um, yeah!  It's gorgeous! **pic heavy** **cat spam**

I also thought it matched this pendant I've been wanting to wear quite nicely.

Charla is amazing, like a magical something from the sea, gorgeous and shimmering with aqua goodness.  I'll be sad to take it off tomorrow in favor of something to match my Cinco de Mayo outfit.  This is two coats, and typically awesome Zoya formula.

While we're not on the subject, the cats were so very peaceful in their favorite places to hang out yesterday.

Sally on my snuggie on the bed...

 ... and Beau chilling by a window in the garage.  Doesn't he look like the coolest little dude. :)


  1. Replies
    1. Me, too! When I first brushed it on I was all, "Ooooh!!" :D

  2. I keep passing Charla over and I keep seeing swatches which makes me regret passing her over - why for you post gorgeous swatches that make me NEED this?! KITTIES! I love kitties <3

  3. Charla is at the top of my favorite polishes list! Gorgeous!

    1. It's pretty much at the top of mine now, too. <3

  4. I have catch me in your net by OPI and it's amazing! It stains like crazy though, does charla does that as well?

    1. Color-wise, not at all. It does leave a small amount of glitter behind for a bit, though.


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