Monday, July 23, 2012

WetnWild On A Trip + Flakies

Good morning!!  It's a new week and time for new letters in the alphabet challenge.  I decided to combine E and F today, and layered Essence Special Effects Topper in Night In Vegas with WetnWild On A Trip.  But where are the E and F? you may ask.  Well, the E would be more creative license, lol.  On A trip is En Voyage in French (and it's on the label, so it totally counts).  The F would be for flakies, aka flake glitter.

On A Trip is a medium lilac purple creme that applies nicely and is opaque in two coats.  It dries a little bit matte, so I put a topcoat on top of the whole thing (which I always do; I was surprised at how matte this combo was without, though). If you're totally unfamiliar with the term "flakies," that's what those shiny, colorful bits of glitter are.  I looked it up and learned that they're little pieces of mylar suspended in a base.  This particular flakie isn't overly dense, but it's got a pretty copper to gold to green shift that showed up a little pink over On A Trip.  I've heard the flakies can be a little thick to apply, but this one wasn't bad at all, for my first experience.  Apparently, companies like to make their flaky polishes limited edition, and this one is no exception, so I'm glad I snagged it while I could.

C and I went to our local art fair over the weekend and bought our first piece of non-commercial art!  I'm really excited.  Art is, as we all know, highly subjective, but we both saw this painting and had pretty much the same reaction of  "That's kind of cool!" 

Yes, it is a crab in a martini glass.  We thought he was happy and colorful.  He's now residing above our tv.

Also, my banner is done!  I'm really stoked about that, too, lol.  This lady is remarkably talented and patient, and I'm so grateful to her. <3
Thanks for reading. :)


  1. Where do you get your Essence Special Effects polishes? This is so pretty! I love On a Trip and with the flakies??? awesome. Love your new banner, it's soooooo perfect. I works great with the name of your blog.

    1. I got mine at Fred Meyer, but I haven't seen it for a few weeks. In fact, it was the only place I've ever seen it. I don't think my Ulta even had it (or if they did, I missed it). I really need to remember to put purchasing info in my posts, lol. Thanks for the compliment on my banner! Mommy Does did a great job. I'm sort of test driving it for the week :) I may want to go simpler. This whole process is way more complicated and time consuming than I imagined, and I'm not even doing anything! lol.

  2. What a great mani! The purple is great.

    1. Thanks, Sara! I really need to wear it on its own sometime soon.

  3. LOL! I love this - sometimes you have to get a little creative. Love the combo of this color with the flakie.

    1. I've been "creative" more often than not, so far... lol.

  4. Lovely Combo! But I must say your banner looks amazing!!!

    1. Thanks for the positive feedback, Karen :) :) It was done by an amazing lady!

  5. First of all: LOVE your new banner!!!!
    Second: haha, love your creativity with this challenge!!! That's all it was supposed to be about, if you don't have a polish you make shit up and its still good!!
    And third... As a photography artist selling my stuff at art fairs I wanted to thank you for buying art at the show!!! That painting is AWESOME!!! Especially for a martini lover like me.!!. (Thirsty Thursdays? What? Haha)

    1. Thirsty Thursdays, woot! Yep, we're stoked about our new painting :) I've wanted to start an art collection for a while, and now we have and C is totally on board, in fact this one was entirely his idea.
      Thanks for the positive feedback on my banner! The artist behind it is amazing. :)

  6. I LOVE that purple so much! Maybe I'll use it for my next mani, it looks so fresh and summery :D

    1. You totally should! I don't even know why I haven't worn it on its own, yet. It's such a fun and elegant shade.

  7. Looks like i'm gonna need this WnW polish. This color is PERFECT!!! I love it!!!
    Your creativity about the names totally count! LOL I liked it too!
    And the crab does look happy. Oh well, what's not to be happy in a martini glass...

    1. Thanks all the way around, Jin! And yes, who wouldn't be happy, lol. ;)

  8. That's a lovely combination! I think this is the first time I have seen a flakie over a lilac color, and I love it! :D

    ~ Yun

    1. Thanks, Yun :) It's kind off neat how the flakies look pink over it.

  9. Congrats on the redesign! Candice did a great job :) And I'm loving your nail polish combination. I never thought to add flakies over a periwinkle purple like that!

    1. Isn't she amazing? :) And I never would have thought to, either, but I needed an E and an F, and this fit the bill, lol. Good call on the periwinkle, too, that's definitely more what this color is than lilac.

  10. Replies
    1. Thanks, Karine, the artist is awesome. :)

  11. Thank you!! It was fun seeing my little vision morph and finally come to fruition. Candice is amazing.

  12. Whoa lady. I Love you spin on the names there.
    Lovely combo. I need to layer flakies over pretty light colors more.

    1. Haha, pretty good, no? Lol. I wasn't really feeling the combo, to be honest, but all these positive responses have kind of encouraged me. :)


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