
Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Zoya America

Good morning!!  Today I embark on a new challenge, one hosted by the lovely Gosia of Life in Color in which we choose polishes, or combos, or art, beginning with a letter of the alphabet in sequential order.  I decided I'd actually challenge myself with this one, and I will... tomorrow.  Today's my A, and I'm wearing Zoya America, a creamy, gorgeous, 40's pinup style orange-red.

America's formula is nice and easy to apply, if a little on the inconsistent side.  The first coat felt a little thin, and the second a little thick.
I love reds because they each have their own unique sexiness.  If Butter London Come To Bed Red is Kate Hepburn, then America is all Bettie Page.  Not surprisingly, I love this.  I'm thinking of some way I can work this into the B, C, and D days this week. ;)

Here are the other gals participating in this challenge with me...

Gosia, aka Fearless Leader, at Life in Color
Kelly at Devilish Polish
Essie Rae at iHeartPrettyPolish
Karen at Nail Call
Thanks for reading, and see you soon with my B! 


  1. I love this colour! :D I should really try some zoya cremes, I have none!

    1. You should! This one's awesome, and it's actually my first Zoya creme, too.

  2. Fearless leader LOL LOL!!! I almost got this when they had that promotion!!! I should have... Wuaaaah!!! It's such a beautiful red!!!
    Did you get an email from Jin about InLinkz widget?

    1. I just saw it. Would you prefer we use that? I don't have time to mess with things any more today, but I can try to install it for my next post.

    2. I thought it would be easier if we all did it... that way if someone wants to join the challenge they can! And it will direct ppl straight to our challenge links, not just a random post. But it's ultimately up to you!!

  3. Oy! You're ON TOP of this challenge! Lol...

    Very well done. Perfect polish to kick off the challenge. America is so beautiful!

    1. Isn't it great?! And no, not on top of it, lol. I'd be on C if I were on top of it! Lol. We're all going at different paces. ;)

  4. What a fun challenge!

    I should do something like this for myself - if anything else, I have (as we all do, I am sure!) so many freaking untrieds, that I get overwhelmed what to pick, and that is with changing my polish daily! This may help narrow it down a bit ;-)

    1. Tara, you should totally join us! Click on Gosia's link and join la partaaay!! :)

    2. Yes Tara!!! Join in!!! The rules are so easy!!

  5. That's an awesome red Liesl! I need a red like that, but I don't know if it will work with my skin tone...

    1. I wasn't sure about this one, to be honest, but it was the freebie with the Independence Day promo, so I had nothing to So it's extra awesome that it's extra awesome. ;) You should Google it and see if there's anyone with a similar skin tone swaching it.

  6. Good choice!! Start the challenge off with a POW! lol I really love this shade.

    1. Thanks, Karen, me, too!! This is the second challenge I've started with a red.

  7. This is such a gorgeous color! Seeing it now makes me so happy that I ordered it during the promotion! It still hasn't arrived but I expect it to be here every day.
    It looks so pretty on you! I just love the way your nails look!

    1. Huzzah for the promo, man!! I never would have ordered it otherwise. :D And thank you! :)

  8. Pretty! I agree with everyone, America is an excellent choice to start with. (:

  9. This is gorgeous on you! I love how shiny and bright it looks.

    1. Thanks, Kelly :) It's a great lil red. :)

  10. this is a unique shade! I love those kind of reds they never get old :)

  11. lol, you'll really challenge yourself...tomorrow huh? :) This is such a classic manicure. Awesome!

    1. The day after tomorrow, actually... I'm wearing this one more day. ;D

  12. Hey, I sent you an email - I hope you are still speaking to me....???

    1. Yes, silly girl ;) I just sent you something. :)

  13. Thank you! :) I love the color red, but it did take me a while to get into red polish. There is a red out there for everyone, though. ;)


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