
Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Zoya Ivanka + Revlon Posh

Good morning!!  I'm back on track in Gosia's ABC challenge.  Today is more semi-creative license, as usual in these parts, with Zoya Ivanka and Revlon Posh in a Jade mani.   This is Posh on my index and middle, and Ivanka on my ring and pinkie.


Can I just start by saying what a complete and utter pain this one was to photograph?  I don't even know why.  I love the way this looks in real life, but it just wouldn't translate properly onto the camera until I put a third coat on my pinkie and took a third round of shots (and honestly, at this point, I'm sort of done. lol.). Everything involved in these shots is behaving badly today.  The last shot is the best I could come up with holding the Revlon bottle, lol.  Part of the problem is my inability to get Ivanka to photograph as green as she really is.  Okay, enough kvetching.  I love greens, and these are two of the prettiest out there.  Seriously.

Oh, one more thing!  LLPT is on facebook now.  That's all a work in progress as of yet, but go check it out!  I'm so impressed with my technologically impaired self that I actually got the facebook button to appear on here AND link to the correct page I can hardly stand it... ;)
Thanks for reading. ;)


  1. ::drool:: I adore green nail polish! That Revlon is so pretty. Reminds me of a few Essie greens that I have.

    1. I love it! It's been on a few models in Allure, recently, so we're real cutting edge with these shades. ;)

  2. LOL. I picked up Posch finally last week! I can't wait to wear it. I agree, Ivanka is so hard to photograph because it's so much prettier in real life! Yep, great minds think alike:)

    1. I noticed the same thing with Charla, which is in the same collection. At least Charla photographs true to color, lol. Posh is amazing and I know you'll love it when you finally try it out. ;)

  3. Posh is my favorite! I like how it changes color under sun light

    1. Oh, sweet, I never noticed that! How cool.

  4. Beautiful! I have Posh but haven worn it yet. It'll probably be my P polish. :)

    1. Awesome!! I can't wait to see how you wear it. :)

  5. Revlon Posh is probably my all time favorite green nail polish- love the combo!

  6. The colors look great in your pictures so I can only imagine how beautiful they are IRL!! Awesome, Liesl!!!

    1. It was a hundred times prettier. ;) And thank you :)

  7. I waffled on Posh for a while and I'm so glad I finally just got it. Just do it, you won't be sorry! ;D About the color accuracy... these Zoya glassflecks are hard to capture properly even by the big gals with their stellar photos. I've yet to see one that captures their real life awesomeness.

  8. I love Posh too! Its one of my fave revlons and one of my (few) fave greens :)

    1. :) I think it's going on my toesies next. <3


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