
Friday, July 20, 2012

Zoya Pippa... You're a Daisy if You Do!

Good morning!!  The idea was that I'd paint a little flower on my left ring finger and call it a daisy, but 1) last night got late, as they tend to do, and 2) this polish was not terribly fun to apply, and I didn't want to have to redo a finger because of bad nail art.  Besides, I've been really excited to wear this polish on its own.  So yeah, perhaps it's cheating a little, but Zoya Pippa is my D polish on account of my original thought, and because it is kind of a daisy yellow.  K?

Pippa's a sunny, bright but not overtly so, creamy yellow.  I've been on the lookout for a good yellow since that day in the rainbow favorites challenge.  After looking at swatches of Zoya Pippa and Creamy, C helped me decide on Pippa, despite reports that Creamy has a superior formula.  The shade isn't much different from the Essence I used in the challenge, but Pippa is all creme, and I like it much better.  But that formula... It's still streaky after three coats, and filled with air bubbles.  So really, Pippa, You're no daisy.  You're no daisy at all!
But, I like you, anyway.


  1. I tried Pippa for the first time a few weeks ago and I had the SAME experience! Wasn't happy at all. I'll stick to my China Glaze Sunshine Pop!

    1. Well I'll have to check Sunshine Pop out! :)

  2. Hey its not cheating if you'd name this polish Daisy yourself!! or Daisy Wannabe considering the PITA application!
    That's why I like this challenge, not too many strict rules so everyone could participate, even those who don't have a whole store of polished!!

  3. Bummer that it's so streaky, because it's a stunning yellow!

    1. I knowwwww! I've been so excited to wear it. Maybe I just need a better hand.

  4. Too bad for the application but it looks so nice on your nails!

    1. Thanks, Karine :) It's pretty in real life, too, if you don't get too close, lol.

  5. It's a very pretty yellow, so summery and happy! But bummer about the application.

    ~ Yun

    1. It's so pretty, I think I'll get over it. ;)

  6. Haa I like this Idea. lol... Pippa for D eh? lol...

    Anyhoo. This looks lovely. Yellows are usually a PAIN anyway! But This is fab!

    1. You like that? I really had to convolute this one. ;)

  7. Wow, this looks really pretty on you. But it's not fun when the application sucks:(

    1. You know, I was real nervous about these photos, but they came out more forgiving than I thought they would...just don't enlarge them. Lol. And thanks! The color's been making me smile. :)

  8. The color is amazing. No doubt on that! I really love this striking yellow!
    But you are right, application is a PITA...
    I actually own both Creamy and Pippa but I never really noticed much of a difference. I think I should try a comparison of them! Thanks for the inspiration!!!

    1. You bet! :) I'd love to see a comparison.

  9. Thank you! :) Re. the formula, that seems to be the consensus. :p I wonder about Nars Amchoor, but that yellow is more goldenrod leaning in the bottle, and I'm not sure how I feel about that. I've heard the Nars polishes apply like a dream.

  10. That yellow is super awesome! I think I'm really loving yellow polish nowadays! Now I kinda want Pippa lol Damn you Liesl!! j/k lols

    1. Lol, it's what I'm here for, lol ;) I really like it, too, and it certainly drew a lot of attention!

  11. Pippa is a B**** but I love her colour so much! NO daisy AT ALL!

    1. Lol, my thoughts, exactly. That's it in a nutshell! ;)


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