
Thursday, August 23, 2012

China Glaze Bohemian Collection No Plain Jane

Good morning!!  It's pretty awesome when you get up to take your swatch pictures and return only to find that your cat has taken your chair. :p
I didn't think I needed another polish from China Glaze's Bohemian collection, having already gotten Rare and Radiant & Swanky Silk.  Then I saw this post from Emma at Manicurity, a nail art mani done with the Deborah Lippmann Private Dancer and Sugar Daddy, the polishes ChG No Plain Jane and Swanky Silk are supposed to be reminiscent of, and I noticed something.  The two colors are like the light and dark versions of each other, like one's the negative to the other's color print.  How cool is that?
Clearly, I had to get No Plain Jane at that point and try a mix of the two for myself.  But first, here's No Plain Jane in all its glory. ;)  I used two coats. 

You've probably heard by now that No Plain Jane isn't quite the duochrome it claims to be, but the sage green/honey brown to purple shift you see in the bottle does translate onto the nail, and it does so by giving this metallic violet a delightfully and surprisingly demure, dusky appearance. 
The verdict?  I like this one on its own, way more than I thought I would.  Aren't surprises like this fun?

Here's my Sal Pal, before I unceremoniously removed her from my chair. 

Thanks for reading, and have a lovely Thursday. ;) 


  1. I like this shade too. I mean its a little let down in the sense that its not very duochome... But that aside it is still a very pretty shade (and it doesn't really help that I love all things purple does it?) I never noticed that NPJ and SS were inverse of each other!! I have both, and will def have to try something with them togther. SalPal <3!

    1. Inverse, that's the word I was looking for! :) I think knowing they're not in your face duochrome and accepting them as such is key to appreciating this collection... Personally, I like the fact that they're fun and pretty but not, like, spectacular. I feel like this way, they go with most anything, kind of like fancy neutrals.

  2. I bought 3 from the collection, including this one, and I am disappointed with all of them :( Totally not duochrome-y on me, much less really look like what it does in the bottle.

    1. I thought Rare and Radiant was satisfyingly duochrome, but I'm totally in love with that sort of shade, anyway. ;) I think we've all been spoiled by the Sally Hansen Prisms, the Nubars, and whatnot. I like a good, strong duo as much as the next gal, but there's a side of me (the OPI Ballet loving side) that totally loves the subtlety of these.

  3. I didn't originally like this but that second picture of yours looks very tempting... I may have to give it another look!
    And your kitty kat.. LOL.. that look on her face: what, what do you want?! haha.. my kitty always decides to lay right smack in the middle of my laid out mani bottles =)) and is mad when I move her over!!!

    1. Yes, the whole "I'm gracing you with my presence, aren't you lucky" thing, lol. Sal likes to try and climb in my lap while I'm painting my nails. She's totally not a lap cat, but when I'm in the middle of doing my nails... ;p

  4. I kind of like that this isn't a duochrome. It's lovely with just the main color of dusty purple. I think if the duochrome is more obvious, I would like it less because dusty purple/greenish-gold is an odd color pairing, if that makes sense. :-)

    ~ Yun

    1. It totally makes sense, and that's exactly what I was getting at. The color in the bottle did not sell me at all; quite the opposite, in fact.

  5. So I had totally talked myself out of the Bohemian collection but then your swatches. Are trying to pull a Scrangie on me?! This is totally GORGEOUS! Kitty says, "Sup yo. My chair. Move on."...also I wanna cuddle her!!

    1. Whaaaaat?!? I'M NOT WORTHY!!! lol. But yeah, that's kind of the aim. ;)

  6. I'm not a big fan of those shimmery metallics, but it looks great on you! MY GOD your kitty is so cute!!! I should post a pic of mine lol

    1. She's lucky she's so cute, lol. ;) Yes, please, post a photo of yours!! :D


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