
Monday, August 20, 2012

Zoya Trixie + Revlon Coral Me Wild

Good Monday!!  I'm in the home stretch (sort of) of Gosia's ABC challenge.  I'm on the letter T, and I was honestly going to skip it because I couldn't think of anythinggg!!  But, good things come to those who wait till the last minute, lol.  My friend Essie at iheartprettypolish used the silvery, shimmery good Zoya Trixie for her letter T, which jogged my memory that I did, in fact, have the same polish.  In the interest of challenging myself and not being a total copycat, I decided to try my hand at sponging with Trixie.  Here it is over Revlon Coral Me Wild. 

Sponging might just be the easiest art to do, like, ever. I found a nice little tutorial here at The Nail Polish Addict on how to do a gradient, and I just simplified it.  I used two coats of Coral Me Wild, let those dry, and added a drop of Trixie per nail on the corner of a makeup sponge, blotted off the excess, and sponged it on the tips to my desired effect.
Coral Me Wild is the perfect bright summer coral and one of my favorite summer pedi colors.  It was LE when I bought it a few years ago, but it's now part of Revlon's core line.  Trixie's available through Zoya's website.

Thanks for reading! :)


  1. Ok, now you are starting to get fancy on me! LOL. This looks cool! Now I wanna try:) I'm starting to feel kindof boring in this crazy nail polish world...with just one color on every nail... :(

    1. Well, I still think one color looks best, but it is fun to play around a little. You should not feel boring in the least, but I do know how you feel... I keep waiting for the "I just found your blog and it's awwweeessssooommmmeee!!!"comments on my giveaway post, but nothing, yet, so of course I think the giveaway is sweet but my blog must not be... Well, it's awesome to me, lol. And so's yours. ;)

    2. Well your blog is awwweeessssooommmmeee!!! to me:) As I have always said, I love your nail shape so much and I keep trying to get mine to look like yours. I love your writing style and your sense of humor. You are awesome!!! Keep up the great work.

  2. Great combination! I've yet to perfect the gradiant but I'll keep trying because it looks awesome. Zoya Trixie looks like the perfect silver foil.

    1. Thanks, Kelly! The coral actually looks better on my toes, lol. Trixie's awesome. And I agree, this technique is definitely worth practicing.

  3. Look at you!!! and you said you don't do nail art!!! I tried to put glitter on my tips and blah... had to redo the whole mani =)) I'll have to try the sponge method.
    Like I told Essie, Trixie is soo awesome!!! I love how you used it here!!

  4. I loveee coral LOL I know you know that already -=X

    1. Haha, yes, yes, I do! ;D It's prettier on you than me. ;)

  5. They go well together, the silver and the coral! It makes me think of a fire, but like a cool one (instead of a hot fire) because of the silver. :D

    ~ Yun

    1. That's a cool comparison! I just wonder what it'd look like on someone who can actually pull off coral... Like Cee up there...

  6. I love the sponged tips, so pretty!

    1. They're pretty fun! I'm excited to try them when not confined to the letter T, lol. ;)

  7. Trixie and Coral Me Wild look gorgeous together! I love corals, they are just so beautiful!

    1. They are lovely, and much better o my tissues Yun fingers. ;)

    2. Holy smokes, that is why I should never text while carrying a box o' cat litter to the car. They're much better on my toesies than fingers. :p

  8. Pretty! I love Trixie, I think I need to get my hands on it. :)

  9. How totally gorgeous <3 This has to be my most favorite application of Trixie ever. And you know how much I adore Trixie ;)

    1. I think you were the one who told me how good Trixie is in art. Well, duh, you were right! <3


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