
Saturday, September 8, 2012

More Satinified Zoya Surf!

Happy Caturday, friends!!  I was so stoked about how Zoya Carly turned out when I put my Essence Soft Touch over it that I had to play around with my other Zoya Surf polishes.  Besides, what better way to close out summer than by reworking some of its prettiest colors?  Here's Zoya Rory, Zuza, and Kimber, satinified.

Zoya Rory

Zoya Zuza

Zoya Kimber

Ahh, these are SO gorgeous satinified.  The topcoat made Rory kind of coolly elegant, and is probably my favorite transformation.  Zuza just looks gorgeous and summery, anyway, and a middle aged gentleman told me he hadn't seen that color since the 1955 Ford Thunderbird (not altogether accurate in my opinion, but a cool compliment, nonetheless).  Kimber's my favorite of the collection, though, and satinifying it didn't change that.  The demi-matte microscopic gold shimmer doesn't show in my photos, but it's the neatest looking thing, and reminds me of a late summer sunset.  I'm so addicted to this topcoat right now it's not even funny.  

C and I are hosting my jet-setting uncle and one of his friends for dinner tonight, and they'll come bearing polish gifts which I'm ridiculously excited for and I can't wait to share them with you all... stay tuned, lol. ;)  Have an awesome weekend and thanks for reading!! <3


  1. Love all of these! I think Zuza and Rory are my favorites! Great swatches and you are so lucky to have your uncles pick up polishes from overseas:)

    1. Thank you!! And yes, I'm a lucky duck, lol. ;)

  2. Love these!! I really love Zuza! Such a pretty color!

  3. Replies
    1. :) I think they have a more elegant look satinified, personally.

  4. oooh I love them satinified, especially Kimber! :-)

    ~ Yun

  5. They all look so different, but LOVELY satinified!!! I like the gentleman's comment, LOL, the things people say sometime!! :)

    1. I know!! There are worse things to be reminded of, though, lol.

  6. They look great mattified like this!!

    1. Don't they? It gives them an entirely new feel.

  7. I love the essence top coat. I buy one every time I go to Ulta

    1. Lucky gal! I can't seem to find it anywhere, anymore.


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