Friday, October 12, 2012

China Glaze LOL-- Last Holo of the Year!

I received some awesome nail mail earlier this week.  In a pretty sweet case of nail polish serendipity, the lovely and talented Karine of Karine's Vernis Club and I won each other's giveaways, and I was pretty much bouncing around the house Tigger-style when I learned what she was giving me.  A few years ago China Glaze came out with a collection of twelve holo polishes, named after text-speak phrases, all linear, and all very hard to find now.  Karine sent me the dark purple of the bunch, called LOL.  This polish is special for many reasons, not the least of which being the glaring absence of a good purple holo in my stash and my love for the phrase lol.  You may or may not have noticed/become slightly annoyed at my excessive use of it in my posts and comments. lol.  

Gorgeous.  LOL's holo isn't super strong, but the color is really saturated and it's another holo that doesn't go off and look dingy as soon as you take it out of direct sunlight. lol.  The formula on this is somewhere between a Layla and a Butter London holo.  I used my regular top and basecoats, and there was a minor amount of balding and pulling.  Two coats evened everything out nicely, and the topcoat didn't dull the holo effect. lol.

So why is this the last holo of the year?  Well, the rain comes this weekend, and if you live in the PNW you now what that means....  Sunny days will be hit and miss from now till March. lol. (lol.)
A MILLION thank yous to Karine again for gifting me with this gorgeous polish!!  Thank you all for reading, and have a fabulous weekend. lol.


  1. LOL :) What an awesome post. You are so funny. And I love purple and holo???...hello!? Awesome polish, you sure hit the jack pot on that giveaway.

  2. I love this color so very much! This one has been on my want list forever, I love the purple and congrats on the win!

    1. I'm pretty stoked. I was beginning to resign myself to the fact that I might never own a dark purple holo, lol. ;)

  3. Lol I love your post! The holo is totally gorgeous! :-)
    Yes, the rain is coming. So gloomy out today.

    ~ Yun

    1. We're actually going to the coast this weekend. It's supposed to be awesome, lol. :/ Oh well, the coast is fun, regardless. ;)

    2. It was great! Lots of napping, shopping, and way too much delicious food. ;) And, my girlfriend let me do her nails, lol. :D

  4. I haven't worn this yet!! I paid a ton of $$ for it and I'm saving it... For what??? I'll have to whip it out!!!

    1. Haha, I get it, though... It's like you have to savor some things before you take the plunge and wear them, lol. I've got a couple SH Nail Prisms I've been saving/savoring. ;)

  5. Replies
    1. Yeah, I should have warned to wear a bib or something before reading, lol. ;)

  6. Gorgeous! I hope China Glaze has a nice dark purple holo in their new collection, because that's my favorite. Totally know what you mean by no more holos until next year. The rain is back in Seattle and here to stay, apparently!

    1. Ohhh, I totally forgot about the new collection! I can't wait to see it, too, in a few months. Lol.

  7. Lol looks totally gorgeous on you, and what a great post you write so well. I'm happy that you like it and that it was the last holo of the year lol

    1. Aw thanks, Karine :) It is highly worthy. ;)

  8. Lucky!! This is a beautiful color! Like a holo grape! Lololololol. ;)

    1. Lol, it totally is like a big, juicy holo grape! Lolol ;D

  9. Such a pretty purple even when the holo is not showing much!

    1. I know! That's the best kind of holo, imo. :)

  10. Replies
    1. Hi hi, Rhonda! :) It is. I'm so stoked to own it. :)

  11. I know it! It makes it extra fun when things like this happen, though :) And thank you, that means so much. :) :)

  12. It's gorgeous! And I know what you mean: I hate bad weather :(

    1. Me too, for the most part. It's cozily novel for a couple months. :)

  13. My condolences on the loss of your sun, lol. BUT, what a fabulous polish in which to celebrate! I only have a few from the OMG collection, and this isn't one of them, but I think I will make it a point to look for it more often. It really is a gorgeous purple! Congrats on your winning, it looks fabulous on you!

    1. Thanks, Andrea! The whole OMG collection looks so awesome, and I'm kind of bummed that I missed out on it, but I'm so stoked CG's doing more holos. I can stock up for the spring, lol.


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