
Monday, October 1, 2012

LLPT's Fall Favorites and an Empty!

Good morning!!  The highly unpleasant cold bug thingie that was toying with me all last week hit me hard this weekend and I did nothing and went nowhere for three days, until Sunday afternoon, when I thought some retail therapy and a good sale might perk me up.  "Must... get... to... Ulta...."   It's October 1, and I've got two different Breast Cancer Awareness events I'm taking part in (see the adorable pink buttons to the right) and I wanted to stock up on some pinks.  Nothing was speaking to me, though, or maybe I was just too tired to think straight, and I left empty handed.  I should have something pretty and pink ready to go for today, but I don't. :(  Instead, I've got a couple things I've seen around the beauty blogosphere. 

First up is a special empty, because it's the first perfume bottle I've actually drained since I was a kid, and it's my favorite perfume.  Fortunately, I have a brand new 100ml bottle waiting in the wings.

Caron Tabac Blond edp.  I used to belong to a few perfume blogs and forums, where we'd discuss fumes and swap decants.  I was fairly active until I decided I was happier inhabiting a few specific scents than always trying out the newest (or most sought after vintage) thing.  I discovered this, my "soul scent," through kindness and stellar writing, and the rest is history.  I actually had my own blog on one of the forums (my first foray into this world, as it were).  Check it out here if you're bored. :)

Lots o' gals have been doing posts on their favorite fall polishes, and I wanted to jump on that bandwagon.  I thought I'd do something slightly different, though.  There are some absolutely fabulous collections out this season, so I decided to choose my favorites from my favorite collections.  The best of the best, imo.  
First up is NARS Storm Bird. 

Ever since a certain big blogger whose name starts with S and ends with E posted about this I knew I had to have it, and it didn't disappoint on the nail.  Storm Bird's the lone polish from NARS's fall collection and I LOVE it.  It is the perfect dark, stormy grey creme.

L'Oreal The Muse's Attitude from the Project Runway/Electric Fantasie collection.  I've gone on about this one recently so I won't bore you with the details again.  Dark, gorgeous peacock teal.

Butter London Shag, from BL's fall/winter collection.  Another I've posted about recently.  Dodgy Barnett is rockin' too, but Shag's very specifically, gorgeously, fall.  So this one gets the vote.

Zoya Fei Fei, from the Diva collection.  Cadet blue jelly packed with every color shimmer under the sun.  All those shimmers are perfect for a warm, Indian summer sun, but the base is autumn cool. 

Zoya Rekha, from the Designer collection.  Dark, femme fatale, poison apple, blood-red.  Believe me when I say there's nothing classy about this one.  Swatches coming soon.

So there you have it!  Time to Day-quil myself up and trudge on into work.  Thoughts on any of these?  Favorite collection this fall?  Emptied anything lately?  Got a signature scent?  


  1. Oh I love your Fall picks:) I have thought about that Nars one a lot since you featured it on your blog! I may have to treat myself with it sometime in the future:) My signature scent is the Katie Perry one where the bottle is shaped like purple cat:) Yummm!

    1. I think your grey Pure Ice might be a dupe (and I've been tempted to pick that one up because of you, lol...I love that shade of grey!). I've never smelled that Katie Perry scent but the bottle is adorable.

  2. I really like that NARS, it is so pretty!

    1. It is gorgeous. And it's been a few weeks since I've worn it, lol. ;)

  3. It's always so much fun to read these favorite posts. Great fall picks! :-)

    ~ Yun

  4. Ooh, I'm wearing The Muses Attitude right now. It glows!! I love it!!

    1. I saw your mani in my Google reader and I meant to go comment... I fell behind on commenting with this cold, lol. It is such a pretty color!

  5. Hi Liesl,

    These are pretty, especially Muses Attitude.


    1. :) I'm so glad you like them! Muse's Attitude is gorgie.

  6. Sweet picks.
    Yay for feifei and rekha

    1. Yep! I'm pretty much in love with Rekha at this point. :)


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