
Saturday, November 24, 2012

Black Friday Mini Haul

Hi everyone!!  I hope my fellow American gals had a lovely Thanksgiving.  I went Black Friday shopping for the first time.  It's been a long time coming, lol.  I was very much against the whole idea for a long time-- the crowds, the fights, the whole leaving your house at a ridiculous hour to go shopping-- but C kind of gets excited about it and has gone without me and had fun.  Last year we were at my parents' house till almost midnight, so we decided to stop in at the Walmart on the way home to see just how crazy the scene at the most notorious Black Friday shopping spot really is.  So after driving around waiting for a parking space to open up, we headed in, laughed at the madness and the lack of genuinely killer deals, and went home.

This year, I figured we'd be up anyway, so why not check out some of the smaller, more local places opening at midnight?  So, C stood in line with me at Ulta at 11:15pm. (<3)  Here's what I left with...

... Stila Kitten Classics and Too Faced The Triple Threat, mini sets of both brands' top sellers.  So, I get to try bronzer (the Too Faced compact in the upper middle) and primer for the first time and play around with some pretty layering shades, for the price of a drugstore find!  I'm pretty excited about my little haul.  My city isn't terribly huge and people were, for the most part, really cool.  I even had a gal offer to grab me a Lorac eyeshadow palette if she saw them first. ;) Alas, my store apparently only received two, both of which were gone before the sale even began... hmmm....  They were sold out in no time online, too.
We wanted to check out Old Navy afterward ($5 fleece, yo!!) but the line, an hour after they opened, reached to the end of the sidewalk, and to C's happiness, I decided hekk no on that one.  So, home we went, after one store, and checked out some online deals, instead.  

Did anyone else go?  What did you get?  Know of someone who actually scored one of those Lorac palettes?
Thanks for reading! :)


  1. You really went out with the hords??? Gads, I think I only have been maybe 2 times to the day after Xmas sales and never to a Black Friday shopping - I so hate crowds. I looked at all the ads I got on line - suprised how many places were running on line sales for Black Friday too and not waiting exclusively for Cyber Monday. Like you, we don't have much shopping where I live. I would need to drive quite a ways to get to just a place with Walmart, Target and they just put in an Old Navy - never been in one yet - but sounds like it was not the place to be on Black Friday! Still $5 fleece - only I have a ton of it I loaded up on last winter that will be fine this yr. that is if it ever gets cold! Cripes I was in shorts and a tshirt again yesterday and today going to be equally as warm. I am ready for the 28 degree nights and the 40 degree days.

    1. I can't believe it either, lol. The best part about it all is that Ulta's like, seven minutes away from our house, so getting there and back was no big deal. I will admit, about 20 minutes before the store opened, the line had gotten pretty long and I started to get a little skeered, lol. But, everything was fine and we were all pretty respectful of one another and just excited to be there. ;) It was a decent first experience.
      Shorts and a tee shirt at the end of November, ehh? When I was a kid, we visited some family in Orange County for Thanksgiving, and I remember thinking how bizarre it was to watch people stringing up their Christmas lights in their shorts. Here's hoping you can wear your fleeces soon! :)

  2. I refused to go out on Thursday night or early Friday so when I finally rolled out of bed, my mom and I went to Jcpenney. I was hoping they still had some of the Sephora BF deals but of course they were sold out. I snagged a few sale clothing items for my boyfriend, a coffee mug for myself and when I was in line to check-out, I spotted one of the Sephora door buster items!! It was the Buxom full size mascara & lip stick for $10! It was too good to be true and I was so lucky someone left that baby behind :)

    1. Ahh, that's the best, scoring something awesome completely out of the blue. :) And I hear you, there is no way I'll ever wake up unnaturally that early to do anything I'm not being paid to do, lol. Sleep totally trumps shopping. Actually, there are very few things sleep doesn't trump, lol. :)

  3. No, I haven't gone ever. I actually don't even look at the ads so I won't know what I am missing. I use Too Faced Primed & Poreless and really like it. Great haul!

    1. I've never looked, either, because I've never cared. I just kind of got into it, this year :} Before we left I was bouncing around the house, all hyped up, lol. I'll probs go to Ulta again next year, it seems like it's a fun, relatively inexpensive way to play with some new things. I'm really excited to try the primer.

  4. oh, I'm always avoiding going out shopping on Black Friday!! it's complete madness!! But.. .thats not to say I didn't shop!! I just love cyberspace... =)))))

    1. I think it probably depends on where you decide to go, and where you live. There's a big outlet mall about 20 minutes up the freeway from us that I would not go near in a million years, lol. Any farther north and you're asking for it, I suspect. ;) The only thing that bugs me about online shopping is shipping, or how much you have to spend to get free shipping. DH thinks it's worth it to not have to drive, park, and deal with crowds. I guess I'm more instant gratification, lol... but then it's so fun to get packages in the mail. ;D

  5. I shopped online only, as usual. Oh Liesl, the amount if eyeshadow I've bought and Cyber Monday hasn't even gotten here yet. Haha! I hit Coastal Scents, MUG, and Lime Crime. I'm excited to see what sales Monday brings!!

  6. Nice haul! I am very fond of Stila stuff. Kitten is very nice, one of my faves... but I haven't reached for it in a loooong time... thanks for reminding me I love that shade :) I avoided going out on Friday. In Canada, retailers tried to have alot of sales to prevent ppl from going over the boarder (I live about 30 mins away from Michigan), but all sales were pretty crappy and over hyped, compared to the BF deals in the US. I also avoided On-Line shopping for my wallets sake! (Although I did peek more than once at ninja polish & LLarowe)

    1. Do you go out on Boxing Day? I've heard that madness rivals Black Friday. It's pretty crazy over here with no other designation than the day after Christmas, lol. I remember waiting in return lines and trailing after my mom as she scored deals on Christmas decorations for the next year on a few Dec. 26ths. Go you for being a good girl this time around :)
      I'm not too familiar with Stila, but I do have the In the Garden palette. I love the quality, but the colors just don't suit my skintone at all... I can't get rid of it just yet, though. ;) I'm excited to play around with Kitten, though. It seems like it'd be really pretty with some black liquid liner... maybe time to try and figure that out, again. <3

  7. Hi Liesl, I haven't tried Kitten yet, but I know it's a classic! I hope you're enjoying your haul :)

    1. Hi, Dovey! I haven't tried anything, yet! It's been a relaxing, no makeup, stay at home weekend so thus far I've just had fun looking at my new toys. ;)

  8. Nice black friday haul! :-)
    I did some online black friday shopping at Sephora and Zoya cause I wanted to avoid the craziness, but I then decided to go in to the mall friday night anyways. Haha I'm still recovering from that. :D

    ~ Yun

    1. Lolol, you're a brave soul! I can take crazy in small doses... I don't know about the mall... ;p


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