
Monday, November 5, 2012

Joby Nail Art Stickers Review and Giveaway (photo heavy)

Good morning!!  If you've been reading for any length of time, you know art isn't my thing.  I'm not good at it, I prefer simplicity on my nails, I don't have the time, etc. etc. etc.  So  when I was asked to review a set of nail decals, I thought, Cool, why not?  What a perfect opportunity to step outside my comfort zone.  Here's what they sent me.

Joby Trading Company sells lots of different types of nail decals.  I was sent two different sheets.  Here are my favorites from the Tattoo collection.

The stickers are super cute and really easy to apply, and honestly broke the barrier of what I thought such things were supposed to look like on the nail.  They can really be anything you want them to be.  They're pretty and elegant over a clear basecoat and under a glossy topcoat (though I recommend more than one coat over), and super cute over color as accents-- just wait for your base color to dry, apply your decal, and seal with a couple layers of topcoat.  My only complaint is that they're a little on the big side.  My nails are small and, as you can see in the last photo, I had a little trouble placing the sticker so that I had no overhang.  
The stickers can be purchased at  They're regularly $4.19, but are on sale right now for $2.99. 
AND, the good folks at Joby are hosting a giveaway for me.  Fill out the rafflecopter widget below like you're supposed to and you'll be entered to win the Christmas collection (pictured above) as well as a 10% off coupon good on any three decal sheets now through the end of the year.  The holiday season's officially upon us and these sheets would make adorable little stocking stuffers.

Here are the specs.
This one's for US and Canada residents only, please.  The only mandatory requirements of this giveaway are that you follow via GFC (the only way I can verify you) and that you provide me your email address.  I reserve the right to invalidate any entry that clearly violates stipulated rules, including the non-mandatory entries.
Fill out the rafflecopter widget below.  Once the raffle has ended, I will contact the winner via email to get his or her mailing address.  The winner will have 48 hours to respond, and if I receive no response, rafflecopter will choose a new winner.  I will then send the decals and coupon to the address provided to me by the winner.  I am not liable for lost, damaged, or stolen product.  I am not liable for accidents or adverse reactions involving the product.  
  Good luck, and thank you for entering!! :)

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Ooh I don't think I have ever seen decals over just a clear base coat, and I love it! It looks so simple and elegant. Thanks for the awesome giveaway! :-)

    ~ Yun

    1. Pretty cool, huh? Thanks for entering, Yun :)

  2. Cool! I was just going to say say that they look like tattoos - but then you said it :) Great review - they are lucky to have you review their product. I want to try them now.

  3. What a fun giveaway :) I love nail stickers haha! I also cannot freehand anything so these are really handy.

  4. I like these, those roses are really pretty!

  5. Your last look with the red & black ROCKS! I love the sparrow!! And I also completely agree, the decals ARE big! But still pretty cool :)

    1. Thank youuu!! :) I really like that look, too. Yes, these are great for someone who can't freehand worth a hill o' beans.

  6. Hi Lisel, found you via Shannon's blog and will be checking your blog out more from now.

    Those decals look awesome and thanks for hosting this giveaway :D

    1. Sweetness!! Welcome to the partaaay, lol. I love your screen name :)

  7. I really like the roses, very nice :)

  8. Hi Liesl, this is really cool. It is an easy way to rock nail tats! I like the designs on these.

    Thank you for sharing with us! : ) You are so nice!

  9. I really like these Liesl, especially over dark nail polish!!! I really hope you'll be doing more nail art now!!! :))

  10. I love the Christmas themed stickers-- they're so cute! Since I'm not skilled in free hand nail art, I am starting to like stickers as way to dress up a mani without needing to pull out brushes and paint.

  11. I love, love, love them against that black polish!! They look great!

  12. Yay me!! thanks for an awesome giveaway.


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