
Friday, November 30, 2012

My Favorite Things-- November



I couldn't start a survey on my favorite things without including cat spam, and it's been a while, so feast your eyes. ;)  Yes, our tree is up and presents wrapped.  And it is still November.  This is an anomaly (the presents, not the tree... that's been coming up Thanksgiving night for the past few years).  I finished C's shopping yesterday and all I have to do is wrap his gifts and those for the sisses/sis-in-law/awesome girlfriend in the family.  It's so very nice to not have to stress about parking, lines, what I'm going to give, and so forth.  I can officially sit back and relax, and bake a bunch of tasty things at my leisure (and maybe even sweep the floor!).  
Anyhoo, I always think it's fun to read these survey thingies, but I've never filled one out.  This one is short and sweet, though, and I thought I'd join in with Kirsten at Geeky Owl.

favorite new (tried) polish:  Rescue Beauty Lounge Piu Mosso.  There are few things more fun than having your socks knocked off by a gorgeous new color. ;)
favorite new (untried) polish:  This is really a tossup because I have a few I'm pretty stoked about... I'll go with Zoya Song.

favorite new indie polish:  The funny thing is, I actually have one.  I recently won Rainbow Polish Artoo from Shannon... but more on that later.

favorite new (seasonal) collection:  I'll be honest and say none of the holiday collections have really wowed me.  I love the Zoya fall collections, though-- my favorite is probably Diva.

favorite manicure you did this month:  That would be my SH Nail Prisms in Scarlet Ruby.  You know I love me some Prisms. <3

favorite new technique or tip:  I just started using Duri Rejuvacote as my basecoat.  Will report on that as events warrant.

favorite new makeup item:  Garnier Anti Dark Circle Roller and bb cream.  I won't get into why, it would take too long.  Maybe I'll do a review.  I'm very happy with both.  Thanks for the intro, Essie :)

favorite TV show right now:  Once Upon A Time.  We're watching on Hulu, though, so we're a show or two behind... NO SPOILERS!! lol. ;)

currently reading:  "Current" isn't really the word... C gave me a Kindle last Christmas and the first book I downloaded was The Art of War by Sun-Tzu.  I've wanted to read it for a while, but it seems to be extremely hard to locate the actual book.  Anyway, since I started it, I've finished three or four other books.  This one's still in the process of being read.  Really.  It's not even a hard read.  I just have a difficult time sitting down and just reading.  Too easy to lose track of time, I think.

So, there it is :) Here's the list, if you want to participate.  Feel free to leave the link in the comments, if you do.

favorite new polish:
favorite new indie polish:
favorite new (seasonal) collection:
favorite manicure you did this month:
favorite new technique or tip:
favorite new makeup item:
favorite TV show right now:
currently reading:
Have a stellar last day of November!


  1. I LOVEEE your kitties Liesl!!!

    1. :) My lil diddies :) They just love having their pictures taken first thing in the morning.

  2. Awwwwww....such cute fur kids, Beau is my favorite, I want to kiss and cuddle them both ;)

    1. He's my dapper little dude, lool :) And thank you :)

  3. Glad you are liking the roller ball thingy :) I'll have to do this survey - perhaps tomorrow. And such cute cats :)

    1. I love it! The first day I wore it I got a compliment on my makeup. :)

  4. Love it! Ooh and Piu Mosso is gorgeous! And I need to buy me some Duri Rejuvocate. It's on my lust list. :)

    1. I felt kind of lucky to have found it! There's a little section in the grocery store with a few different random nail products and this was one of them. I figured I'd have to order it.

  5. Hi Liesl, Piu Mosso is beautiful! Definitely favorite-worthy :)

  6. Your cats are so cute! I love Once Upon a Time too, but I'm so behind on the episodes lol. :D

    ~ Yun

    1. I think we're two or three in. It's SUCH A GOOD SHOW!! :)


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