
Friday, November 2, 2012

Nicole Love Your Life + Essence Black is Back-- BCA Pink Wednesday Week 5

Hello hello!!  This is my final submission in Andrea's Breast Cancer Awareness Go Pink for October event, and I'm so freaking late that I don't even know if I'll provide/add the inlinkz thing at the end... I guess we'll both find out when we get there, lol.
Life has certainly gotten in the way this week, and all is, for the most part, well.  I'd been looking forward to wearing this manicure on Halloween like, all month, and wouldn't you know, it just wasn't meant to happen.  Sleep and spending time with family trump giving myself super cute Halloween/Pink Wednesday nails.  So, I'm going pink on Friday.  Did I mention it's the beginning of my three day weekend?  And that I slept in until 10:38 this morning?

This is Nicole Love Your Life over the most fabulous jet-black creme, Essence Black is Back.  Love Your Life has these adorable pink hearts suspended in a clear base with little holographic glitters.  It is absolutely adorable and perfectly girly, but a complete and utter pain to apply.  You've got to fish for the hearts, as is to be expected, but by the time you get them on your nails the whole thing is a ridiculously thick, gloopy mess.  Forget about adding topcoat at that point.  I've read in a couple different places that the best way to handle these types of glitter is to pour a little polish out and place the hearts on your nails with a cuticle stick.  After two failed tries, that's what I did, and then brushed over the top with the glittery base.  After topcoat, it's still thick, but wearable. 

So there you have it!  Thank you so much to Andrea for organizing this awesome, fun, and supportive event.  It's been a blast, and I hope we're all even just a little more aware of how important it is to get yourself checked and be proactively healthy.  Me?  I'm going to get my behind off this chair and go run some bleachers this afternoon.
Take care, and God bless.  Here's the inlinkz.  I got in just in time, with a little over an hour to spare. ;)


  1. Aww it's so pretty and girly! You totally can't tell from your pic that you had any trouble at all with application. Enjoy your long weekend! :-)

    ~ Yun

    1. Third time's a charm, lol. ;) And thank you, I already am! ;)

  2. How girly and fun! What a shame about the heart application, but you got them on and they look great. Don't worry about posting late, I posted my Pink nails late too! Holidays are tricky to make time during.

    1. I think it's worth it :) I need to learn to not pour out more than I need, though, because I ended up wasting a lot of good polish, lol.

  3. I was scrolling through my subscriptions and I took a double-take on the photo. Those looked like your nails, but not something you typically wear. And there was your name. So look, I could pick your nails out of a lineup! This looks cool and thanks for all of the fishing so we can enjoy the catch! :)

    1. That's kind of awesome! But yeah... totally not me, lol. And, nice use of metaphor ;)

  4. I usually don't like those shaped glitters because they seem hard to work with, but I love the way you've displayed them here! Great manicure!

    1. Thanks, Cat :) I've now used hearts and stars, and for some reason hearts are the more temperamental. Really fun to wear, though.

  5. I love the hearts against the black, it makes it pop and it really looks great!

    1. Thanks, Shannon! I actually thought the base was going to be more of a shimmery overlay, and I was pleasantly surprised to see otherwise.

  6. Very cute! The glitter looks beautiful over black!

  7. Soooo cute, may have to give this a try!

    Just followed your blog btw :)

  8. Oh This is really cute. love the hearts in the nicole polish.


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