
Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Pure Ice Kiss Me Here

With the knowledge that C doesn't read my blog, I can safely disclose this info, lol.  He loves Walmart pj pants.  No other brand will do.  Those are his favorites.  So I drove out to one to do a little Christmas shopping for him, and took the opportunity to pick up this lovely little grey polish Essie at I Heart Pretty Polish has been tempting me with for a while.  Here's Pure Ice Kiss Me Here.

Kiss Me Here is a medium grey creme with less blue and more brown.  It's a calm, true grey in comparison to that other grey creme I really like.  This one's a little bit streaky.  Three coats made me happy.  The formula is otherwise really nice, and for $1.97 it's a lovely polish in a color I'm really fond of.  As far as I know, Pure Ice polishes are only available at Walmart.

I'm experimenting with some different hand poses and camera angles.  I feel like I've been too straightforward and scientific, as opposed to artistic, in my approach to photographing my swatches, so I thought I'd play around some.  Got any thoughts, ideas, or opinions?  
Thanks for reading! :)


  1. Looks great. I always like this one as an accent color as well as under glitters - but I know you don't wear glitters much. It is pretty cool on it's own too though. I like your new angles, but I always like your straight on ones too. Your nails are all such the perfect length and square that when they are all side-by-side, it looks so cool! Thanks for the mention!

    1. I actually just won and received a glitter that I think will look awesome over this color, lol. I've just been so loving grey the last couple fall seasons, and I've been real curious to see how this compares to Storm Bird. I agree about this being a nice accent color. It looked so great in your Joe Giudice mani. :)

  2. I like any of your photos, 'scientific' and artistic!! Although I'm not too big on greys, this looks great on you!!!

  3. Cute gray! hehe, I like your photo hand positions, but it's always fun to experiment. :-)

    ~ Yun

    1. It is. :) Nothing wrong with mixing it all up a little, you know?

  4. I know, I know :) Feedback's always nice, though. ;)

  5. What a lovely polish! So pretty :) Also, I think your photos are great!

    1. I really like it, too, Jamie :) And thank you :)

  6. I am always on the look out for awesome greys! This one looks like its in that "just-right" catergory, where everything about it is spot on. I will keeping one eye peeled for this.

    1. It is a lovely grey! I think you'd really like it. :)

  7. I love, love, love Pure Ice polishes. For the polish to be so cheap, the formula is pretty nice on these polishes. I like this shade of grey.

    1. They've got some really pretty colors, too! Too bad (or good, lol) Walmart isn't convenient for me.


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