
Thursday, November 15, 2012

Sally Hansen Nail Prisms Scarlet Ruby

Hi friends!  It's been a while since I posted about a Nail Prism, and I've got some lovely dark multichromes I picked up this summer that have been sitting around waiting for a cool fall day to be properly worn.  Today I'm wearing Scarlet Ruby.

Scarlet Ruby honestly doesn't look like much in the bottle, but once it's on... HOLY smokes.  We've got rich red, dark pink, amber, golden brown....  From some angles it truly is reminiscent of a ruby, glistening and dark pink-red.  Then from others it's as deep and shifting as a brick red garnet.  Scarlet Ruby's also a metallic, which means its coverage is better than some of the Nail Prisms dark duo- and multichromes.  This one is perfect in two coats.  I absolutely love this color.  It's definitely one of the more underappreciated Prisms-- not so well known, but totally gorgeous.  
Prices and availability of these colors are in constant flux.  Scarlet Ruby's available on amazon right now for $14.99.  I got mine this past summer for less than half that.  It's definitely worth it to pay attention if you're looking to add any of these beauties to your stash.

Thanks for reading and have a lovely day! <3


  1. This is beautiful on you Liesl, I have and love it too, just like you ! : ) It is fascinating. Please be careful when you are driving in this polish, if you are like me, I am in danger at the wheel at times when in these fascinators.

    You have such good taste! I really want to do some more swatches of prisms, they really are worthy of the love we have for them, and they are still to be found if you look!

    1. Lool, these should TOTALLY come with a driving precaution! And you know what, I googled Nail Prisms one day not too long ago and found your treasure chest post and wanted soooo badly to see more, lol. You must swatch them, Iggy, their adoring public awaits. Especially on your gorgeous nails.

  2. This is so stunning! Absolutely gorgeous! :-)

    ~ Yun

  3. That's because it's so much more than just red, lol. :D

  4. This is beautiful! And you have some great shots there to prove it! Great job:)

  5. This is awesome, I love the changes in color and you captured it perfectly in photos. Another to add to the wish list!

    1. Thanks, Shannon :) These duo and multichromes are the most fun to take pictures of, lol. ;) Like, how many different aspects can I capture?

  6. I loved the SH Prisms and did not gobble up a ton of 'em when they were in retail like I should have - I sort of took SH fore-granted then - like they would be around a long time - or they were not worth coveting like some of the other brands I had been collecting for eons. I have a # of them I bought when they were in retail - did not pay much attention when they started to clear them out like I should have. This is a lovely one that I don't own (yet).

    1. There are a few available on amazon and evilbay for very reasonable still, and then there are those that have jumped up in price :( and then there are those that are so rare that their price consistently reflects this, if you can find them... I will say, if I ever find a Turquoise Opal, I ju st might pay what is being asked. I haven't seen it since I started looking, which has been for a year. ;p Which ones do you have?

  7. Oohhh this is sooo beautiful!!! I really hope that some company will decide to make similar shades to Prisms!!

    1. I know! I think we were all hopeful that the new Lustre Shines would be more Prism like. Moonstone, the white one, is most reminiscent of the old Prisms. Not everyone likes their pearly white colors like I do, though, lool....

  8. This is nice. I hear some people say they see these at ROSS and some stores, but I never come across them. Ugh. I'd like to own some prisms.

    1. Check out amazon! There are a few colors available there for less than or what you'd pay for an indie. <3

  9. Replies
    1. I know!! Prettier than I thought it would be <3

  10. This one is so pretty! This is my kind of shade. Again, this looks lovely on you!

    1. Thanks, Crystal :) I don't think I've met a red I didn't like. Or a Prism, lol. :)


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