
Thursday, November 8, 2012

Zoya Edyta

Good morning!!  I don't have much to say today.  I painted my nails in Zoya Edyta the other day and I naturally took pictures of it.

Edyta's such a gorgeous, shimmery hunter/olive/gold.  It's another one of those colors that just looks glorious going on.  I've honestly never seen a photo do it justice (except maybe this, lolol, also affectionately known as my sixth post, and I'm totally joking when I say that).  It's just a beautiful late fall color, surprisingly versatile (I love to wear it with dark pink), but so beautifully shimmery, glowy, and fun to wear.  It reminds me a bit of this fall's Fei Fei, not in color, but in feel.  I used two coats, in case you're wondering. :)

Thank you for reading, have a lovely day, and go check out and enter my giveaway, if you haven't already. ;)


  1. My goodness, how do I not have this???? Perfect for fall and winter!!

  2. LOL, you crack me up. Loved your first line ;) This looks really cool. I think I have it??? I think. I need to check now.

    1. I think you'd really like it. If you don't have it, you should ;)

  3. Ooh that is gorgeous! Just look at those shimmers! :D

    ~ Yun

  4. AHHHH this makes me regret passing it over! I've looked at this one sooo many times and then made some excuse not to get it. Back onto the wishlist it goes. LOVE your gorgeous nail shape by the way!

    1. Thanks, Candice :) I like it, too. I can't seem to keep it consistent, though, lol. Oh, and this color? I can see Tim finding some ridiculous combinations for it. You definitely need this in your life, lol.


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