Thursday, December 27, 2012

Deborah Lippmann New Flesh

Hi everyone!  Today's post features my awesome Christmas presents from my two leetle seesters.  The first one got me Deborah Lippmann's limited edition True Blood collection, called Forsaken or Bad Things (depending on which side of the box you read, lol), inspired by the HBO series.  I'm pretty stoked about each of the three colors, a vampy burgundy, a sheer nude, and a magenta creme.  Seriously, all right up my alley.  I thought I'd wear the nude creme first, called New Flesh (creeeepy name, awesome color).

 I love when you try on a brand new nude and it ends up matching your skintone perfectly.  BIG fan of mannequin hands, here.  New Flesh is obviously very sheer.  I used two coats because, even though three would have brought up the opacity, I like a sheer, peek-a-boo nude polish.  On top of being so clean and pretty, it's quite... titillating. ;)  This would also be my first experience with Deborah Lippmanns, and I must say, if the formulas are all this nice and easy to work with, then I can definitely see what the big deal with her is.

 And this would be the gorgeous and deliciously soft scarf from my youngest sis.  These gals know what I like and it makes me smile. :)


  1. Hi Liesl, so classy. I love slight sheerness with Nudes rather than a solid coverage. But this really only works with superb quality - and I am a big fan of DL polishes ;-)!!! And I love the shaw :-)

    1. They're so much prettier sheer! Every time I've tried to go more opaque I've wished I'd stuck with two coats. I'm excited about trying my other two colors :)

  2. Oh wow. Your sisters definitely got you amazing Gifts.
    Deborah Lippmanns are a gift I'd welcome any day!

    This looks good on you, and fits your skin tone.
    I long for the day I'll find a perfect nude for me. :-(

    1. Yeah, I sort of cleaned up, lol. ;) I'm pretty lucky in that my skintone seems to be easily translatable into polish. I've found three nude types that work well with my skin.

  3. This is the perfect nude for you!! AND True Blood inspired, pretty awesome!

    1. I've never seen the show! We don't have cable or premium channels, but maybe it'll show up on hulu or netflix one of thee days.

  4. Thankks, Amy! The right color just looks remarkably cool and elegant. I hope you do try it and post about it :)

  5. You can pull off this shade so well! And there's something about Deborah Lippmann polish that makes me swoon! :)

    1. I know they're some of your favorites :) I'm stoked I finally get to try them!

  6. I've never tried a Deborah Lippmann but I have had my eye on a few of them. This is perfect! Reminds me of your favorite...the OPI Ballet Collection. I can see why you like it so much. Great swatches!

    1. Yeah! :) This is actually quite dir=fferent because it is't *as* sheer and it's a creme. It's a little more fleshtoned, too, which is pretty cool since that was the whoe idea. Ilove it when the name totally matches what the polish actually looks like/reminds you of.

  7. This is a beautiful nude! I love it!!

  8. Not going to lie, the name kind of creeps me out-- but this is a really pretty nude! Looks great on you and I love that you left it sheer instead of making it opaque.

    1. Isn't the name awful?! I guess it's suposed to have something to do with one of the sho's characters, but that's lost on me, lol. I really like the color, though-- might be my new favorite nude.

  9. Great prezzies! I only recently splurged on my first DL and my pick was Across The Universe. I was a tad dissapoint as I needed to layer a dark blue underneath to make it appear on the nail as it does in the bottle. I wanted to give DL another shot so I chose a creme (Modern the musical names). I love it! Slow to chip and actually accelerated growth (I had it on for 6 days) it also left my nails in good condition. That is so far my limited experience w DL. Modern Love is a lilac/grey tinged nude, and I'm super happy w it!

    1. I generally don't buy glitters for that very reason, but lately I've been getting into trying out some layering combos. I actually picked up an Across the Universe dupe that I have yet to wear. Modern Love sounds beautiful-- I'll have to check that color out. And I agree, I was pretty impressed with the wear on New Flesh, too.


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