
Monday, December 24, 2012

Merry Christmas!

I originally had this set up as a scheduled post, but it didn't work for whatever reason, so here you go :)  I'm currently full of Rioja, Cabernet, and delicious food, and I cannot be held responsible for an typos. ;) .   Thank heaven for netbooks and wifi, I was beginning to feel like I was back in the dark ages, lolol.  So spoiled by techology, are we.

Check this out... C gave me the cutest Christmas ornament earlier this month <3 <3  I've been wanting to post about it since he gave it to me, but decided I'd save it for today.

Have a safe and wonderful Christmas, friends.

Love, Liesl


  1. Adorable ornament. I love it, it looks real. Did you try to open it? lol :)

  2. Very cute! I am ready to do my holiday eat today! Yesterday I served meals for seniors and low income and never got time to even get a little plate for myself. Last night was still crazy last minute stuff for me - but meeting up with some friends for some good eats...and I was told I only needed to bring beverage (wine and sparkling grape juice), coffee and half/half for it. Easy doings food prep wise on my end (LOVE).

    1. How cool. C and I have talked about foregoing family stuff to volunteer at a soup kitchen or something one year. I think we just need to do it. So nice that all you had to bring to your party were beverages :) Cooking's fun but there is so much to be said for running into the store, grabbing what you need, and being done with it. ;)

  3. Merry Christmas girl! Hope you had a fabulous day :-)

  4. It is adorable. And you seem very happy. Merry Xmas .

  5. Ahhh, cool. That was so thoughtful of him:) Merry Christmas to you!

  6. Oh that's a lovely ornament!!! CUTE!!!

    You have people around you who give you polish related gifts...

    I'm still working on it with my people. Lol..

    1. They ask what I want, and I tell them ;) It's funny, though, because I hate making wishlists.
      Best of luck with your peeps, Lizzy :)


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