
Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Deborah Lippmann Bad Blood

Good morning!!  I've got the last of my Deborah Lippmann True Blood collection on my nailses today.  This one's Bad Blood.

In the bottle, Bad Blood looked to be on par with vampy jellies like Butter London La Moss and Julep Lindsay, but it's not.  It's super sheer, for one thing, and it's more of a blackberry shade, decidedly un-bloody, if you ask me.  (But then again, vampire blood is probably somewhat deoxygenated, so of course it's going to be less red and have a bluish tinge to it.  Bad, indeed, lolol.)  I used four coats here.  I'm very much reminded of the Zoya Gloss shades.  I've been lemming Kathryn for a while, but this might be just as good.  The thing with jellies is that I have difficulty keeping them from bubbling.  I don't know if it's because I'm not allowing enough dry time between layers, or I'm not shaking the bottle properly, or what, but any tips on that would be appreciated.

This whole collection's been pleasantly surprising and a lot of fun.  I'm stoked to have had the opportunity to try a brand that's new to me, and I think it's safe to say that I'm hooked!  Kiitie, if you're reading this, keep 'em coming. ;)

Thanks for reading! ♥


  1. Another beautiful one! I love how you analyzed vampire blood...LOL.

    1. Hahaha, thanks! ;) I really had to think about why it wasn't more bloody looking, lolol.

  2. Hi Liesl, a beautiful polish <3!!! And it looks stunning on ya!!! And I am with Essie, your analyse of vampire blood is hilarious!!! I own the Zoya Gloss shade but I think yours is just this much more special!!!!

    1. It's special because of who it's from, lol :) Thank you :)

  3. I love this one. It looks very similar to Essie Bordeaux. I love the color! I'm not a fan of Essie Bordeaux though (or the brand in general), it's so runny and hard to apply. Maybe I should try this one. I'm with Essie Rae though, I love how you analyzed the vampire blood haha.

    1. It's in a set of three, and all three are worth having, imo. They all pack a bit of a surprise, which is very cool.

  4. Wow, what an interesting color! I like it :)

    1. Isn't it neat?! It's like blackberry jelly :)

  5. Ooo this is lovely (and I am a bit swayed in favour of it because of the association with the show ;)). It looks like a polish bottle filled with True Blood XD

    1. I read somewhere that this one's inspired by Pam? I have no idea.

  6. This definitely reminds me of the Zoya Gloss shades-- very pretty! I love how deep and squishy it looks. It's vampy without being too vampy, ya know what I mean?

    1. I do! Vampy lite. Toned down vampy. Subtlely, not so in-yo'-face vampy. Perhaps a more work-appropriate vampy.


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