Monday, January 14, 2013

Fun With BadAss Polish!

 Hi hi!!  Before Christmas, I showed you four different glitter polishes from a brand new indie company, BadAss Polish.  I've been wanting to play around with some different color combos for these fantastic glitters, and tonight I finally did.

This is America's Team over WetnWild Fastdry  Right after I got America's Team, a gal in one of my fb groups asked for a swatch over orange.  I love how the orange amplifies the blue stars, especially with the added effect of the glassfleck.

 Bling! over OPI Meet Me on the Star Ferry.  I love Bling! over shimmery metallics and I think it'd be absolutely gorgeous over one of those red foils that were so big this Christmas.

Go Pack Go over Max Factor Ivory.  I keep trying to think of a way to highlight the big yellow hexes to their full advantage besides over a base of green.  I don't think this is it, but I like how it looks with the green glitter.

Dusk over WetnWild Toxic Apple.  I initially wore Dusk over a dark teal creme so I thought a dark, shimmery navy might amplify the sparkle.  Dusk is so twinkly on its own, though, that it'll outshine whatever base you put it over.  This is not a bad thing.

Check out BadAss Polish's etsy store here.

Thanks for reading! ♥

Some of these items were sent for review.


  1. I love all Badass Polishes! Your swatches are amazing!

    1. Thank you, Heather! I totally love them, too. I hear she's got some new stuff lined up for spring and I can't wait!

  2. Hi Liesl, I like all your combinations!!! I also encounter Glitter / Base Combos that highlight only the one or the other Glitter. What I like with this is that the same polish gets a totally different look depending on the dominating sparkle!!!!!

    1. Exactly :) I've already got some other ideas on different combos with these glitters. They're really quite fun! Who knew, lolol? ;)

  3. Great post. I really enjoyed it. Very unique combinations. You are so cool :)

    1. Really?? Because I was looking over them and thinking how they're basically variations on what I originally did, lol. I really liked how the Bling! and OPI duo looked irl.

  4. Ooh, Evvie! I never would have thought. And mattifyig it would be awesome. I have to try that now! Fun With BadAss Polish part 2 is imminent ♥

  5. Wow those Badass polishes look amazing. New follower

    1. They are amazing, and I'm not even a glitter fanatic! And welcome to the partaaay ;D

  6. Nice combinations! I'm liking every one! :-)

    ~ Yun

  7. Give me DUSK!! Oh WOW. Love your layerings. Gorgeous swatches.

    1. Thank you, dear :) Dusk is pretty special, alright ♥

  8. Replies
    1. Yay, so do I! It might be my new favorite ♥

  9. I LOVE Dusk...that one is so pretty to me!

    1. Dusk is awesome. It's like a twinkling night sky! :D

  10. I soooo need to get my hands on Dusk!!! It's so so beautiful!!


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