
Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Max Factor Fotd!

Good morning!  My UK hookup/awesome uncle got a free gift with purchase when he bought me my last batch of Max Factor nail polishes.  It's a holiday look set complete with a full size lipstick, eyeshadow, and nail polish (full size for Max Factor is mini for anyone else, but that's okay) and a mini mascara.  This is the look I've been sporting the past couple days.

Clockwise from center, Max Factor Glossfinity in Angel Nails, Earth Spirits shadow in Terra Firma, lipstick in Lilac Wine (isn't that the prettiest name?), and Masterpiece mascara in black.

Lilac Wine is a light, mauvey lilac with gold shimmer.  It's not a color I'd ever choose for myself but looked really promising, so I was really excited to try it on.  It ended up being a little on the frosty side, and while I love a good frost on my nails, that's where it should stay.  Still, it's a pretty enough color and had decent staying power.  Of course, I had to reapply after lunch, but I didn't find myself completely bare-lipped after I finished my afternoon tea.

  The wand for Masterpiece mascara is one of those rubbery things that seem to be all the rage, at least amongst drugstore cosmetics.  I'd never tried a wand like this, and it doesn't look terribly full to me, and since I'm all about volumizing, I didn't hold much hope for this.  I ended up loving it, though.  It separates and lengthens so beautifully, doesn't flake off, even with my oily skin, and isn't terribly uncomfortable at the end of a long day.
I didn't take a closeup of the shadow, so sorry....  Terra Firma is a red based brown matte shadow, plain and simple.  The suggestion on the little insert paper says to use your fingertips to really press this color in, which I assume is because it's not overly pigmented.  I used a brush on day two and found the payoff to be just as good with a prettier, softer effect.  They suggest you line your eyes with this, too, so that's what I did.
The jury's still out on this one.  It highlighted my eyes nicely enough, but the red based brown isn't the most flattering shade on me.  The formula's nice, though, with little fallout.

This is Angel Nails, a silvery gold foil with a hint of rose that didn't come out to play here but really surprised me when I moved into certain light yesterday.  It's not an original color, but it is pretty and works well with the rest of the look.  Glossfinity claims to last seven days, and so far we're on day two with no tipwear.  This is particularly impressive on my nails at this length, which generally do not like to hold color for over 24 hours.  Formula is typical max Factor thin with a great application.  I used three coats.

Aaand, here are some shots o' the full look :)

 The best self portraits are taken while making a face.  This is not saying much.

Day two.  See how much nicer the shadow looks when I've got a brush to apply with?

One with the nails. 
The whole idea is a soft focus, natural and understatedly festive look, which is definitely accomplished.  It's a pretty little set and while the lip and eye colors aren't my cup of tea, it was fun to fall for a new mascara and fun to try a polish beyond their Special Effects line.

Thanks for reading and have a lovely day :)


  1. You totally crack me up! Actually I LOVE that lip color on you - it's super pretty. The whole look is so fun!

    1. Thank you, thank you ;) My mom likes the lipstick, too. Maybe I need to rethink it.

  2. Oooh that first face picture! Haha you're so silly!

    1. Lol, yes, well... The full-on glaring face shots were a little too skeery for me to want to subject anyone to. ;)

  3. Hi Liesl, ohhh I love this post - the writing, the self pics - truly Liesl-esque :-)!!!! I think the box is well composed and while lip and eyeshadow colors would not be my first choice either the polish reminded me of Picture Polish Atomic - though that one is more silver / greyish toned. Oh and I love your earrings xxx

    1. Ooh, I'll have to go back and check out Atomic again. This one's actually surprisingly rosy irl. And thank you for the compliment, sis :)

  4. I like using frost lipsticks just on the center part of my bottom lip as an extra shine. It makes the bottle lip look extra plump. That polish is very pretty and classy! And I love your first face shot! :D

    ~ Yun

    1. Oh, I like that! Glosses always wear off too fast. That's a great idea. I like the polish; I just wish I'd been able to capture the rose in it.

  5. LOL! Great post. You are so awesome:) You look beautiful and I love those nails on you.

  6. You look great! Maybe a little frosty lip can be added to a creme lippy, but on their own I'm really not a fan either.

    1. Thanks, Julie :) :) Yeah, it's not opaque enough for my liking on its own and kind of sinks into my lip lines, but it'd probs be really pretty layered.

  7. Gorgeous! How similar is Angel Nails to OPI Designer De Better? They seem close, but I don't have either. Although I would love to get my hands on the OPI. And the Max Factor!

    1. Hi, Erica! :) I've not seen Designer irl, I had just gotten into painting my nails when that collection came out. Based on photos, though, I can tell you that Angel Nails doesn't have the copper bits. It seems to be a little less silver and a little more pink gold. They look pretty similar, but the OPI looks to be more complex :)

    2. Thank you! See now I need both, I want the pink gold in the Max Factor and the copper in the OPI ;)

  8. You look beautiful. Love your facial expression!! So beautiful!

    1. That's high praise and I don't believe you, but thank you ;)


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