
Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Zoya Neely

In case anyone needs any more reasons why polish friends are the best... I got a package a couple days ago containing two of the Zoya Lovelies I'd been lemming the most from a dear friend (who I know reads my bloggity blog and knows who she is ♥).
This is Neely.

A lot of gals love colors like this, but I've steered away from them because I've had a suspicion that they just wouldn't look right on me, and indeed, I had a devil of a time trying to edit the Mr. Krabs out of my skin.  In the end, I decided that until my patience/photo editing skillz improve, it is what it is.
So, what drew me to this color, then?  Maybe it was Essie's delectable swatches, or maybe it's Zoya's particularly beautiful description of Neely as "the earliest spring green creme".  Whatever the case, the color is gorgeous, and like Jacqueline, looks much prettier on me in real life.  Neely is pale, glossy, and perfect in two coats.  It reminds me of crocuses amidst melting snow, and baby daffodil buds growing in the cold, late winter sun.

No snow here right now, but these babies in our front yard are making me tremendously happy :)

Oh, one more thing, not polish/beauty related or even remotely interesting to most of you, lol...  We just bought tickets to go see Rush this summer :) This is awesome because Rush has been my third* favorite band for as long as I've been listening to rock and roll. 

Thanks for reading and have a lovely day! ♥

*My first and third favorites have not changed.  My second favorite is in a state of flux, because I can't ever decide if that place should belong to The Who or Steely Dan.  Led Zeppelin remains #1, and Rush remains #3.


  1. I still think Neely looks delicious on you!!! I know I'll be getting it with the next Zoya promo!!
    Congrats on the tickets, it should be a great concert!!

    1. I'm so excited!! :D They come to Washington almost every year, but this'll be my first time seeing them live. C isn't the biggest fan but I've converted him to my music on other occasions, and he did buy himself a tee shirt ;)

  2. It looks beautiful! You never need any photo editing so don't worry about it:) Thanks for the shout out! You know I always wish I had your nail shape. I hope you can file my nails for me some day. Have fun at the concert. The only concert I have ever been to is Eminem...LOL.

    1. Thanks, friend ♥ It would be very cool to meet irl one day and I would totally file your nails, not that you need my help :) I bet that was a fun concert! Im a dyed in the wool classic rockaholic but any live show is a good one, imo. ;)

  3. Nelly is a gorgeous soft shade - and you wear it well :)

    1. Oh, thank you, Destany :) It is a beautiful color.

  4. I love this green! It is so soft and pretty!

  5. I think Neely looks gorgeous on you! The soft color really suits you. :-)
    And yay for going to one of your favorite band's concert!

    ~ Yun

    1. Aw, Yun, so nice of you to say :) Neely is one of my faves on you. It is such a great shade.

  6. Gosh love these kinds of colors! But I feel like I have a green like this's more pistachio than minty I think...

    1. There seem to be a lot of similar colors out there, for sure. I agree, this doesn't look exactly minty, it's a smidge too yellow for that. Pistachio's a good descriptor. :)

  7. Hi sis - Neely is sooooo pretty and suits you spring-ingly cute!!!! I got it too and it CAN give me piggy colored skin too, but you know what? Wie should not be bothered in the least, it is the sweetest soft green EVER and matches those lovely Flowers in your Garden - so what's more to wish for??? xxx Again a wonderful post, was such a pleasure to read :-)

    1. I agree 100% :) I like it and it's super pretty and I really should not have let someone else's style negatively affect my way of doing things, lol. I hope you share your own swatches. We are, of course, our own worst critics and I bet it looks springingly cute on you, too ♥

  8. What a pretty color! I don't think your skin tone looks that bad in the pictures though :). I don't care when a color doesn't suit my skintone perfectly, I'll wear it anyway!

    1. Thanks, G, I'm with you :) If I like it, I'll wear it. It's not like it's a shirt right next to my face, lolol ;)

  9. This color is truly gorgeous on you - what based mints are hard but this is just stunning! Hooray for a fun summer outing planned!!!

    1. Thanks, love :) I was thisclose to switching back to my Eurso Euro last night but I really am enjoying this color (and it hasn't even chipped, so if it ain't broke....)

  10. Neely looks great on you. I wore mine the other day and loved it. Have fun at your concert :)

    1. Thanks, Sara, I cannot wait!! Further bulletins as events warrant, lolol ;)

  11. I ordered Neely with the "SHARON" promo. I'm super looks great on you!!!

    1. Ooh, fun! I adore how the two look together. Sharon's such a pretty orange, too. Most orange cremes look too nacho cheese-ish but Sharon's gorgie.

  12. Neely is on my Wish List, it's so gorgeous! And your flowers look amazing, can't wait to see when they're full bloomed!

    Also, I picked you as one of my featured Bloggers for the month of March! The post with your nails will go up tomorrow :)

    1. Oh my gosh, Heather, thank you! I'm so excited to see! :D And yes, I can't wait for my daffodils to bloom :)

  13. Looks good on you hun. I love that you inserted a picture of the flowers.

    1. Thanks, Lizzy :) I totally had to add the flowers, they capture the essence of this poish, tee hee :) Or vice versa.

  14. I think Neely looks good on you! It's such a soft pretty green. :)

  15. Neely is such a pretty color! I think it looks great on your skintone but I know what you mean about editing and dealing with the effects of green :/ And yay for spring flowers!! My daffodils are just starting to bloom and I think they should be fully open within the next few days!!!

    1. Yes!! Today the crocuses are in full bloom and a few of the dwarf daffs have started to open up. I love this time of year so much :) :)

  16. That is such a beautiful shade of green, softer than most mints out there. I haven't seen Zoyas sspring collection in stores here yet. Its still snowy as ever in Southern Ontario & I live as far south as you can, and still be in Canada (approx 1/2 hour from the US) :( I love your spring photos.

    1. There's something really cool about a late winter/early spring snow to me, but that might be because I hardly ever get to experience it here in OR. I hope these show up in your neck o' the woods soon and I hope you pick this one up!

  17. Replies
    1. :) Me, too :) I can't decide if this one or Blu is my favorite, lol.


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