
Friday, March 29, 2013

OPI Glints of Glinda

Not that this has anything to do with anything, but I just discovered that season 5 of Mad Men is on netflix, and, being the huge fan that I am, will likely have the whole season watched within the week.  I knocked out two episodes last night.  No spoilers, please!  I like Draper's new wife.  The piggishness of Roger and Layne remains astounding, but at least Roger's entertaining... not likeable, but entertaining.  There's something sad and resigned about him, though.  Joan... I'm a little bored with her, but I can't put my finger on why.

Alright, on to business, this isn't a tv blog, lol.  I've been nervous and excited to try OPI Glints of Glinda, though I was disappointed in its mini set inclusion over one of the glitters.  It's a beige jelly that leans a little yellow.  It looks a little on the sickly, something not quite right going on with your nails side in some photos, so I was excitedly expecting the worst, but it's actually quite boring on me.

I used three coats.  The formula's typical OPI jelly perfection, nice and even and glossy as all get out.  It just doesn't send me.  Maybe it's because the yellow in it looks a little dirty.  Plus, I've got some stainage from a blue I had on for, like, 30 seconds before deciding I wanted to wear something else.  Bummer all the way around, dude.
So there it is, lol.  I've been staring at my screen for a few minutes trying to think of something else to say, and I've got nothing.  You're welcome for being so engaging today.  Thanks for reading, anyway ;)  If you're speechless, too, talk to me about Mad Men, your favorite tv show, whatevs, lol.


  1. I love this shade!

    Also, I love Mad Men and can talk about it all day. Season 5 really was so much better than past seasons. Also, once you get through some, I am happy to recommend a really great site that does 1) post show writeups which really get into subtle meanings and messages, and 2) another post that is only about the weekly fashion. And another one (just for Season 5) which is of the opinion that the whole of Season 5 is mirrored after he Beatle's St Pepper album (seriously, it is very thought provoking).

    Ooooor maybe I am just super nerdy :)

    1. I was so excited to talk about Mad Men I forgot to add - even though you did not like it, I think it could be a great natural nude or a good topper for a jelly sandwich.

    2. And I thought most of this collection was lame, haha.

    3. Ooh, yes, I'd love to know those sites, seriously, especially the Sgt. Pepper one. That sounds utterly fascinating and would so not surprise me. I think, after we finished season 4, I found one of the sites you're talking about, but I can't remember the name... By the by, I'm TOTALLY digging this new dynamic between Roger and Campbell.
      I'm more or less with you on the subject of this collection. I really like Don't Burst My Bubble. I Theodora You is pretty but not mind blowing, and the glitters... I have yet to try the liquid sand but honestly, those don't excite me too much, anyway. The bottle looks real pretty when the light hits it, though, lol.

  2. I wore this one and agree, it looks a bit sickly in certain photos. I did pair it with a glitter to cover up some of that weird yellow color though!

    1. So I think When Monkeys Fly would be kind of gorgeous over this, but that's just not going to happen.

  3. Hi sis - your writting is just wonderfully entertaining - thank you so much for all the sharing!!! I love the setting of Mad Men though I admittedly don't follow it closely hence I am mostly lost if I remember watching an episode - bummer :-S. My favorite (or to put it more aptly M's and my favorite) is Sons of Anarchy. In the German speaking part of the world we started only Season 2 so there are yet miles to go ;-). What I like in particular is that most main characters are more of my age - so nice to see this once in a while ;-)!!! But on to Glinda: I think this shade is not easy to carry off given its yellowness, and frankly, I like the cooler toned polishes of this collection a bit better on you. Still you certainly wear it better than me - my skin is pinkish - just thinking of it gives me the creeps - eeek :-D!!! I hope C and you had will have a lovely weekend - hugs and xxx

    1. SOA!!! C thinks I'd love that show and I really want to get into it. Maybe once I've burned through this season of Mad Men I'll start.
      I like this color much better irl, but it is still rather odd. I've honestly only seen one blogger make it look beautiful (Yun *cough*).

    2. I am sure it does!!! And I agree, Yun made this polish look beautiful indeed :-)

    3. Aww thanks, ladies! *squishes* <3 I think it's because my skin has more warm yellow tones in it, so the polish itself looks less yellow against it. :-) It doesn't look awful on you though, Liesl. :P

      ~ Yun


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