
Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Zoya Piaf

Good morning!!  Maybe you remember what I said a few days ago about really liking the more discordant colors in some of the new polish collections.  The same awesome gal who sent me Neely also sent me the most interesting color of Zoya's Lovely collection.  This is Piaf.

zoya piaf

zoya piaf

Piaf is an unusual pale daffodil shade with a light, almost whipped, appearance.  It's one of those things that has jolie laide, or ugly beauty.  In most light, Piaf is stunning and never quite ventures into "fugly" territory on account of the multitude of pastel pink, blue, and yellow microshimmers and its frothy, airy texture.  Sometimes, though, Piaf takes on a kind of dingy, greyed out appearance and reminds me of a dull mustard.  It's most interesting.  I wouldn't call this shade particularly flattering, but it is striking and I have yet to see someone who does not wear it well.  It's not as difficult to pull off as I imagined.
I used three coats but they apply thin and perfect.  Zoya's got their formula down pat when it comes to shimmers and glassflecks, and Piaf is no exception.

The truth is, had my friend not sent me this color, I might have passed up on it, despite my initial enthusiasm,  for one of the more conventional colors in the collection.  But I'm thankful to my dear friend for sending it to me, and I love having Piaf in my collection and on my nails.

Non, je ne regrette rien.
(Thanks, Mom ♥)


  1. Oh wow! You really pull this one off. Great swatches. Very cool color:)

    1. It's a great color! I think you should reconsider it ;) And thank you :)

  2. Replies
    1. Isn't it? :) I keep thinking how pretty it'd look with some light blue designs over it, too.

  3. This looks really lovely and interesting on you! It's awesome that you can pull off such a tough color! :-)

    ~ Yun

    1. Thanks, Yun :) I don't think it's so tough! It looks like it in the bottle but I think it's actually quite easy to wear.

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks, G :) I thought it looked pretty with the necklace :)

  5. Hi sis, Piaf is soooo beautiful on ya!!! Hmmmm your post is very convincing, I wonder if I should not get it??? And is this a necklace that you are holding? It's very pretty :-)!!! I think this perfectly show the surprising versatility of Piaf!! Hope life treats you well xxx

    1. It is a necklace :) I brought out a couple and asked C's opinion but I knew the answer before he said it, lol. They do look pretty cool together, don't they? I think you shold try this one out! I bet you'll be pleasantly surprised.

  6. Very pretty color, and I love your pictures. I'm not sure its something that would look good on me, but I like the way it looks on your nails!

    1. Thanks, Krystle! :) I bet you'd be surprised at how well you wear it. It's more complex than your average yellow and the paleness and shimmers make it much easier to wear, imo.

  7. Piaf is def an interesting color but it looks great on you. I also like "weird" colors, like China Glaze's Classic Camel (among others).

    1. I'm definitely starting to see the appeal! This one's sort of gateway weird. I'll probs be wearing Trendsetter in another six months. ;)


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