
Friday, April 5, 2013

Hey Look, I'm On Youtube!

I got together with my good friend Candice at Mommy Does Her Nails again this afternoon.  I was lucky enough to be around when the mailman showed up with her new Glitter Guilty box,and therefore got to guest star in her unboxing video.  Check out her review on this crazy cool new subscription service, subscribe to her awesome channel, and most important, LOOKIT HOW CUTE WE ARE!!

Thanks for watching, and have an awesome weekend! ♥


  1. those boxes look like so much fun, and those polishes look so pretty!

    1. Don't they!? I'm thinking I'll fill out a profile ;)

  2. Very nice video and that's a pretty cool subscription box! I can so see that subscription box being a hit!

    1. Thanks, Crystal :) Candice and I both have a feeling that now's the time to get in on this one ;)

  3. *SQUEAL* We are so cute! ;) You SHOULD sign up...just sayin'

  4. YAY Liesl - that was fun to see you on and Candice on You Tube!!!! Great idea :-) What I liked best was that the two of you ogled the content first always out of sight so that I could not stop to think "showmeshowmeshowme" - LOL!!! I think it is a great idea that Indie Brands do those giftboxes as well - an excellent idea to spread your brand!!! Glitter Guilty did a very nice job with the selection of contents and the wrapping (I liked this a lot)!!! Have a lovely Sunday sis :-D

    1. Thanks, sis, it was fun to do! It'll be interesting to see how long the personally specialized thing keeps up because it totally does not feel sustainable, but yes, an excellent way to spread the brand. :) I think I'll get in on this for at least a month :)

  5. I haven't heard of that subscription. It is pretty intriguing, though!

    1. Doesn't it look neat? I'm going to head over there now and sign up, at least for a month. ;)

  6. OMG, I can't wait to watch this when I get home. It's like the closest I have come to seeing you in real life!!! :)

  7. Love the April Showers nail polish, and not just because my name's April.

    Liesl, you are so pretty! ha ha not trying to sound weird :)

    1. Not weird at all, sweets, I'll take that compliment any day, lolol ;) Thank you :) And isn't that polish cool? I love the grey with the little pink flowers.


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