
Monday, April 1, 2013

OPI What Wizardry Is This?

I haven't been overly stoked about the textured trend this year, as novelty type polishes don't really do it for me.  Even so, I was kind of excited that OPI had included the Liquid Sand of the Oz collection, What Wizardry Is This?, in their mini set.  It means I get to try something new with minimal financial commitment, lol.

What Wizardry Is This? is a murky brown matte color with some readily apparent gold shimmers and some not so readily apparent blue and pink shimmers.  How is it matte and sparkly... at the same time???  What wizardry, indeed, lol.  The formula's fantastic, easy to control and apply, and is opaque in two coats.  It comes off with relative ease, too.
I'm pretty squarely and happily on the other side of trendy and while I might be tempted by a certain pink Bond Girls Liquid Sand, I can safely say that this particular polish, and the finish in general, just isn't my cup of tea.  It is fun to try new things, though, and in a few years it'll be fun to pull this one out of my stash and remember this craze.
Oh, and look what day it is.  I absolutely hate practical jokes and sort of dread April Fool's Day.  The only entertaining thing about it are Scrangie's yearly posts, lol.  I knew something wasn't right this time, but I had to look at the date to figure out the reason... Go look, if you haven't seen it yet.  Rofl. XD
Thanks for reading :)


  1. Hi sis - What Wizardy Is This? looks awesome on you!! To me the textured polishes scream (so to say - LOL)!!! What can I say? I fell for it ;-)!! Re Scrangie's April 1 post - here is one big fool how fell for it big time - I didn't even realize until much, much, much later - shame on me :-S I am sooo silly!! Hope you have a good start into the new week - xxx

    1. You are so adorable! I totally did not get the joke, why she'd be playing one like, I thought it was kind of mean, and then the lightbulb switched on, lol. I hope your Monday's been good to you, too, sis :) :)

  2. I wore this a few weeks ago. It wasn't the color for me and looked like poop on my nails (sorry for the visual image). I love it against your skin tone though, it looks a bit more brown and golden!

    1. EW, eww ewww! Lol. ;) The color doesn't thrill me, at all, but it I bought it, it's going on the blog, lol. I may try this with topcoat, we'll see. I think I'm more bored with it than anything.

  3. I'm not sure how I feel about the textured polishes. I broke the rules and I like it with top coat the best:) This looks pretty cool. Did you try putting a top coat on to see what happened? I saw Scrangie's post too:) I'm with you on the April Fools thing, not my cup of tea.

    1. I guess my biggest thing is that I don't want to spend money on something that's going to be passé in less than a year. A nice, smooth, glassy finish will always trump any 3-D effect, in my book, but I am excited for the Bond Girls and the summer Zoyas. We'll see if I actually buy anything, though.

  4. I like the color but I think it would be better if OPI released it in autumn or winter :)

    1. Oh, good thought... I'm definitely a seasonal color person, so maybe I'll appreciate it more later in the year.

  5. This looks quite lovely on you Liesl, even if you are not that big fan of textured polishes. :-)
    Haha Scrangie's post was pretty awesome!

    ~ Yun

    1. Thank you :) I'll probably bring it out in the fall and like it better.

  6. OOH, seriously love this polish! Might have to get it before they are all gone.

    1. Do it :) You never know, these Liquid Sands might be vhtf by this time next year.

  7. I actually don't like the textured polish trend, but this does look good on you. I don't own any and really had no plans of owning any until you said something about them maybe being vhtf this time next year. LOL! So maybe I should buy a couple, just in case. LOL!

    1. Oh, thank you! I'm not big on it, either, though I do think the Zoyas are prettier, lol... I do love the OPI minis and what they offer, though. One or two of the Liquid Sands would be fun to have around for posterity.


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