
Sunday, April 21, 2013

Sunday Skittlette (by accident, sort of)

Good morning!!  This mani was originally planned to be the base for some sort of freehand art.  I won't get into the specs of why I was doing such a thing, since I can't even do straight french tips at this point, lol, but just know that both C and I have serious respect for the Heathers, Lucys, and Victorias of the world.  Also know that each and every nail on my left hand had to be either redone or painted over at least once.  Let's call it a lesson learned in being true to yourself, your style, and not biting off more than you can chew.  I was so frustrated by the end of it all that I nearly wiped the slate clean and went nekkid today.  I really like these colors together, though, so I decided to do what I do best, which is stick to one color per nail.

I used two of my favorites from the spring collections, OPI Eurso Euro and Zoya Jacqueline, plus a newly discovered love from Sinful Colors, Folly.

From left, OPI Eurso Euro, Zoya Jacqueline, Sinful Colors Folly.

So there you have it :) I'm happy, my nails are happy, and I will happily leave art in the capable hands of you artists.  Keep doing what you do, and I will continue to admire it purely as a spectator.  You gals are truly amazing. ♥


  1. I love all of these colors together! I think it's very patriotic without being in your face red, white & blue, although the "red" looks coral to me. Sometimes I forget about the beauty of a simple mani! And thanks for the shout out :)

    1. Thank you, and you bet! :) The "red" is a funny color. Pigment-wise, it's very similar to something called quinacridone red but it says bright pink to me. If you've seen Butter London Snog, Folly is a close dupe.

  2. Hi Liesl, what a great Skittelette, awesome to have gone bold - I normally tend to gravitate towards blending colors (errr mostly) this encourages me to go more often bold - thank you xxx.

    1. Thanks, Christine :) I actually had a vey small blogger identity crisis amidst my failed art attempts and felt like I owe it to you guys to do a little more than single color manis all the time. My right hand is done entirely in Jacqueline, so it's understated enough for my tastes but enough to mix it up a bit on here. Bold is kind of fun. ;)

  3. That's so pretty! Those colors go so well so together.

  4. Makes me think of my country's flag (red-white-blue). I like it!

    1. I was totally not thinking patriotic when I did this, but it's like mine, too, lol. All I need are some stars ;) And thanks :)

  5. Every time I try nail art, it always ends in a fail, so I totally understand what you mean. I think your skittlette is quite cute... the colors looks great together! :-)

    ~ Yun

    1. Your swatches are art, dear :) And thank you! I was all bummed at first to ruin the pretty colors with my lousy art, lol. Maybe I'll try it again, another day, lol. But not today. Or tomorrow. ;)

    2. Ah thank you so much, you are too kind. <3 Hehe yes you can always try again... in the distant future. ;-)

  6. You are not alone my sweets. The freehanded nail arts are not my cup of tea either. Lol.. I am the stamping plates kinda girl. Lol..
    Love these skittles thing you have going on here.

    1. Thanks, Lizzy :) I'm thinking those nail shields or water decals are more my speed ;) I do have a couple plates, though, maybe I should give those another try.

  7. You sound JUST like me:) That's what happened on my Friday favorites....there was suppose to be a flair...but nope. I think we should leave it to the professionals. ha. This is pretty though, I love these colors together.

    1. You know, I was so proud of you for posting your galaxy nails (and I see they're in Bloom's ticker, too :) ) even though you weren't perfectly confident about them. You know something's got to be bad if I won't post it, though, lol.

  8. This is a great color combo. I'm also best at painting one color per nail. If I can't stamp or stick the design on that it's not for me.

    1. Thanks, Sara :) That's pretty much how I'm leaning, too, minus the stamping, lol.

  9. Very pretty together. These colors would make a great subtle 4th of July mani.

    1. They would :) I keep thinking they look French :)

  10. I love that offwhite color! I wonder how it compares to My Vampire Is Buff.

    1. I don't have Vampire, but in the bottle, it looks like it's cooler toned than Jacqueline.


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