
Thursday, May 23, 2013

Essie Naughty Nautical

So I have a funny story about this one.  (Okay, it's not that funny.  Or interesting.  Feel free to skip ahead to the photos.)   
Yun at The Polish Hideout has been posting about the Essie Resort 2013 collection all week and I've been commenting on how pretty it is and how I need to quit tarrying and just get In The Cab-ana already.  I picked up the one I've been lemming most on my way home from work yesterday, and as I was drafting this post in my head last night, I had my intro all planned out.  It did not occur to me that I didn't have what I thought I had until I went to link back to Yun and found I was in the wrong collection entirely.


Anyhoo.  Essie Naughty Nautical is what I wanted, and what I got.  It's from the summer 2013 collection of the same name.

essie naughty nautical swatch and review

essie naughty nautical swatch and review

Naughty Nautical is a gorgeous medium-bright green leaning teal with a subtle shimmer.  I feel like it's the standout of this collection and I've got nothing like it in my growing stash of turquoise/teals.  I'm totally digging it on my fingers right now but I think it'll be the most awesome summer pedi color, too.
Everything I read about Essie says they have a notorious formula, and this one was... okay.  I used two coats.  The first was streaky and patchy, but the second evened out nicely.  The formula's on the thin side but applies thick.  The brush is very thin and is nice for my little nails.  I must say also that it looks like it might be a big time stainer, so I used a precautionary two layers of basecoat.

essie naughty nautical swatch and review

essie naughty nautical swatch and review

Doesn't it look so perfectly coastal town vacation home summery? :)  So pretty.  As I was applying this last night, I thought to myself, Self, you should create a scale measuring application difficulty depending on how adroit you are at painting your nails.  So, on the newly conceived LLPT Polish Application scale, lol, Naughty Nautical gets an intermediate.  This stuff does not apply itself and will likely require some cleanup.

Essie Naughty Nautical retails for $8 at Ulta and Fred Meyer (Kroger).

Thanks for reading and have a terrific day! ♥


  1. This looks *beautiful* on you. I love the shimmer. Doesn't even matter that your head was in the wrong collection. :) And I love the new scale. The question is...just HOW adroit are your painting skills? My scale would have to be super kindergarten lenient. :P

    1. Thanks, sweets :) Painting my nailses an average of every other day for the past year and a half , plus the extra added pressure I put on myself my having supersized photos on the ol' blog make me feel like I could, at this point, handle any gnarly formula you throw at me. DON'T THROW POLISHES AT ME, THOUGH. That was not an invitation. :) :) And you are SO above kindergarten lenient, silly girl ;)

  2. Really pretty teal shade! Funny that you were thinking this was from another collection but it doesn't matter since the color was so great in the end.

    1. HAHA!! Thanks, Lisa! See, it is a funneh story! :D

  3. What a gorgeous colour!! I do like my Essie's a lot though :)

    1. It's always interesting for me to see which brands end up being someone's favorite. Essies don't really speak to me that much, and I can't put my finger on why... Love this one, though, and Dive Bar. Yum. :)

  4. Love this teal!!! I have passed by it a few times and now I think I need to get it, thanks to your lovely pictures!!

    1. Oh, thank you! You won't be disappointed. Maybe you'll have an easier time applying it, too :)

  5. I've been getting confused with the collections too. It seems like they came out with a bunch all at once!? This is really pretty. I like it because it's a darker teal and I don't think I have many of these. Beautiful swatches! And I always think about things I will talk about in my post too...I think I need to carry a little notebook around because once I get in and start typing, I forget the really funny and awesome things I was going to say.

    1. They did! The neons, Cab-ana, this one, and I'm not sure in which order. Ooh, a notebook is a great idea. The worst is having something to say the night before, then it all falling out of your head the next morning.

  6. This is a really pretty shade and shimmer, yes please...but, but, but...yes, there is a but, I do not like Essie polishes much at all. Essie's formula just does not work for me. I don't know if I pick the problematic colors or what, but Essie polishes and I just do not get along. That aside...girl, you can wear anything - everything looks so stinking good on your nails. :)

    1. Dude, I know. This is one of three Essies I own. Most the time they just don't do it for me. I've been trying to like them since last October (and there is a reason for that but I won't bore you) but it's just not happening for me. I love my OPIs and Zoyas tooo much, I think. This color, however... I can't think of one like it.

  7. Essie has been releasing collection after collection back to back so it's only normal that one would get confused. Lol. Anyway that's a very pretty color. I have nothing like it in my stash so I'll definitely will be getting it. :)

    1. Okay, good, lol ;) They're kind of similar in feel, too (not the neons, obvi, but the other two). I'm glad you're getting this! I hope you post about it.

  8. Wrong polish or not it's gorgeous! I want this so bad because I must own all the teals but I can't find it anywhere. I love the photo with the red (maybe pink) and white on your hand.

    1. Saaaaad face! It just isn't right for you not to own this. The red/pink is actually coral. It's one of my favorite maxi dresses, lol ;) And thank you :)

  9. Haha, you silly girl! Although I've been having a hard time keeping them straight too. I think they came out with a few collections for the summer one right after the other, and their press releases never look anything like the colors in real life. Very confusing. This is such a lovely teal on you! And I just love the shimmers in there. I compose my posts while brushing my teeth and showering. I'd have all these witty statements all lined up, but when I go to write them down, they never sound as good on paper. Maybe I just remembered them wrong? Lol. :D

    ~ Yun

    1. Haha, YES, I was totally thinking this was much funnier last night, too. I compose mine the same way. The best stuff comes to you in the shower, seriously! And Essie's notebook idea is great but obvi there's a conflict of interests there, lol. Well anyhoo, truth be told, I might still need In The Cab-ana, but my local watering hole is out and I don't think my Ulta has them, yet.

  10. Gorgeous with a capital *G* I gotta get this collection :)

    1. You do!! :) Maybe it's just me, but I feel like Essie's been stepping it up this year.

  11. The shimmer is gorgeous! I need another blue/teal in my stash!

    1. You do! Buy all the teals :D I seem to be, lolol ;)

  12. Hi Liesl, LOL so funny and so great that the wrong can be so right, no??? I see, our brains sometime switch into polishoverloadinformation :-)!!!!! But I love this one probably just a tad better because it strikes me as more unique and so special!! Your pictures are beautiful and I love the color on your nails :-)

    1. That it is :) I do like this one better as well, though it was pointed out to me on facebook that Zoya Zuza may be similar, and indeed, the colors are spot on. The finish is different, Zuza being very shimmery and NN being more saturated, but it was interesting to learn that it's not as unique as I thought. The two make a pretty monochromatic mani, though :)

  13. Oooooooweeeee this one is pretty! My radar for shades like this is going off the charts Liesl. You mean the polish doesn't paint itself? I hate working for it ;-) :-P

    1. I KNOW! Lol. Get on my nails, polish. Reminds me of an old Conan O'Brien and Mr.T sketch in a convoluted, roundabout sort of way. Tee hee. Now I'm going to be giggling all day. :)

  14. I agree! This would be gorgeous on toes! It is so pretty!

    1. Wouldn't it? With the comparison to Zoya Zuza pointed out to me on fb this morning, though, no wonder we're thinking that.

  15. Totally loving this color! Left you an email yesterday in response to your comment on my blog! Totally just left a message on another blog thinking I was on yours! DUH! Just making sure you got it-since its under my real name not Fingers.

    1. Ooh, whose blog got blamed for being mine, lol? XD I did get your email, I'm just terrible at responding. I'm sorry.

  16. As long as you got what you wanted! Love this color for summer, so cool!

    1. Exactly :) Though if In The Cab-ana had been in stock and NN had not, this might be a different post, lol.

  17. Yun has given me lemmings too! This shade is so gorgeous I love the subtle shimmer.. shimmery teal, whats not to love! You photographed it beautifully :)

    1. Yun's like my top lemming-giver :) And thank you for the compliment!

  18. Okay, this is the third time in two days that I've seen swatches of this color and you girls REALLY need to stop tempting me with this! I am such a sucker for teals and the shimmer in this one is so unique. AND you did really good swatches so not I feel like I HAVE to buy it. I'm mad at you now :)

    1. The universe is trying to tell you something, A, lol :) Glad I could help it among ;)

  19. I really, really need this one! Great swatches!

    1. Oh, thank you so much! :) It's an awesome color and I think you'd love it.


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