
Sunday, May 12, 2013

Jade Holographics Energy

Good morning!!  We've had some uncharacteristically warm and sunny days around these parts AND I've recently developed some hardcore feelings of love for Jade Holographics.  If that's not polish serendipity, I don't know what is.  Here's the stunning Energy.

jade energy swatch and review

jade energy swatch and review

Energy is a peacock blue jelly base with a strong linear holo.  It's gorgeous.  Presumably and logically, all holos come in a jelly base, but this one particularly stood out as such-- probably because the base color is so gorgeous on its own.  One of the coolest things about colored liner holos is the unique rainbow they flash.  You know how blacks and silvers are pretty much your full color spectrum?  This particular color flashes predominantly blue, green, red, and gold.

jade energy swatch and review

One of the coolest things about Jade holos in particular is that they're completely low maintenance.  Your nails do not need to be buffed to within an inch of their lives for these to look beautiful.  You get to wear base- and topcoat with Jades, and not only does the polish itself last longer, but the rainbow is not dulled in the slightest.  Llarowe just did a Jade restock; click on the shop name to find out what other beauties are in store.

Also, Happy Mother's Day to those of you participating in what I can only assume is the most difficult job ever ♥ Hugs to my own mamamamama, who decided to head off to the coast with my dad this weekend.  There's a message on your phone for you, but you'll probably hear that before you see this.  As for me, I'll be making popovers and waiting for C to get off work so we can go spend the evening with his mom and grandma (who loves popovers).  Meanwhile, this is what I get to deal with.

Have an amazing day and thanks for reading ♥


  1. Wow what a stunning holographic polish :D I think I only own one holographic polish and I have yet to wear it. I really need to since there so pretty!

  2. LOLOLOL...I love that last pic! And that polish...oh my goodness. I thought it couldn't get any prettier than Irresistive, but I think I actually like this one even more! And it looks so great on you too. ;)

    1. I've ♥'d that meme since I first saw it, lol. And thank you :) I knew this polish would be super holo, but I didn't expect to like the actual color as much as I do.

  3. Beautiful polish! I can see why you are obsessed with these. I'm glad you are having some nice weather. Have you guys started your hiking trips yet??? We went hiking today but we don't have trails anything like are so lucky.

    1. Oh, noooo. C is just now back to full time off his SAIF claim and is still building up his strength. We're hoping by mid summer we'll be able to do some of those hikes but it's still too early, unfortunately. I'm seriously dying to go, though.

  4. That is so freaking gorgeous! The weather here is odd. Yesterday it was hot. Today was a bit cool out and tomorrow is going to be in the upper 50's but on Thursday the weather is going to be more summer like. Lol. Hope your day was great! :)

    1. That sounds about like a typical spring in my neck o; the woods. Like, pick something and stick with it! lol. Preferably something warm and sunny. :D My day's been pretty cool, I hope yours has been the same :)

  5. OMG LOL, that cat photo.. I JUST had to stop my cat from going on the table he knows he's not allowed on. So funny!

    This polish.. Oh this polish. I LOVE it!

    1. Chasing the cats off the table is a total exercise in futility in this household because they really *are* that belligerent. We continue to yell at them and they continue to jump down only to get right on back up there when we're not looking. Grr. lol. Hmmm...

  6. so beautiful! the weather is crazy hot here, too. i love a good linear holo. i don't have any of the jades yet but someday...

    1. Well, I'll just go ahead and tell you that the price is right on these things but once you take a look at Llarowe or Ninja (if you haven't, already) it'll be all over. ;)

  7. beautiful shade... Love the swatches :)

    1. Thanks, Pearl :) I just adore peacock blue and when you add crazy holo to it it becomes magical, lol :)

  8. Jade holos are so super gorgeous! I can't wait for sun to be out for more than 2 hours a day to get them out of my Helmer!

    1. BUY ALL THE JAAADES!!!! This is my new mantra for the year, lol. I'm hoping for sunnier days for you ;)

  9. Hi Liesl - you know, you have a Jade-ally in me - ANYthing I tried by Jade floors me and Jade looks drop dead gorgeous on you!!! LOL for your pic- I won't show Nell, else he gets some funny ideas ;-)!!! I hope you enjoyed a lovely Sunday - here it is already Monday morning and I start working 50 % again as of today - l was truly looking forward to get some more normality back into my life - xxx - Christine

    1. I'm tempted to try some of the Cremosas-- I mean, why not, $5 a pop?! Llarowe, what have you DONE TO MEEEE!!! lol. Are you saying Nell doesn't go climbing on to surfaces where he's not allowed? What a good little boy he is.
      Normalcy will totally be a good thing. I hope your first day back is a good one. Lots of love, sis.

  10. LOL - I love the cat picture. And that polish is gorgeous!

    1. Isn't it funneh? It's like, my favorite cat meme because it's SO TRUE!! lol.

  11. Replies
    1. Me, too! A peacock blue holo... seriously, what's not to love? ;)

  12. This color is so amazing! Wow! And love the cat picture - cracks me up because that what we say when my dog doesn't listen to us!

    1. Lolol, darned insolent little critters. They're lucky they're so cute.

  13. I'm off to add this to my wishlist. Great pictures! I don't have cats anymore but when I did that was exactly how they acted.

    1. Excellent! I'm so glad you like and that you have joined the holo hordes, lol ;)

  14. I can't tell you enough, you and Jade polishes are a match made in heaven! You must buy all of the JADE POLISHES!! Haha, easier said than done LOL ;-) Love the cat pic! We went over to my mom's yesterday for a cook out and she has 4 cats and my son always goes nuts!! Now though, he has a funny way of pronouncing "kitty" I'm going to let you're imagination do the wandering but it's a slang term for a female body part ;-)

    1. YES!! Yes, agreement! BUY AAAALLLLL THE JADES!!!!! XD And oh my, lol at your little guy's terminology. I bet it sounds adorable in the context, though. It's so cute how excited little kids get over pets, too.

  15. I love the jade glitters. I have a few but don't have this one. It looks really pretty on you :)

    1. Aren't they great? I imagine I'll have them all when all's said and done :)

  16. Another gorgeous holo, Liesl! Love the teal base of this one! I'm glad you were able to enjoy the nice weather we've been having... now it's back to rain and cold, but I kind of like it. I was missing the coolness hehe. :-)

    ~ Yun

    1. Is it raining up there? Well, I'm sure it's headed south, then, and it's cool because our fruit trees and berry bushes could use it. And I don't mind it *too* much, as long as it's in season, which it still is, lol.


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