
Saturday, June 15, 2013

Butter London All Hail The Queen

Happy Caturday!!  I know a lot of us nailistas miss wearing our favorite polishes because we always want to buy MOAR, and blogger types have varying ways of dealing with this while keeping their content fresh.  Well, I'm not even going to try.  It's June and traffic has slowed down considerably, so I thought I'd take the opportunity to show off some of my old pretties again on the weekends.

Butter London All Hail The Queen first made its appearance here last August as part of a challenge I was doing, and on nubs.  A couple things have changed since then, including the fact that I've finally gotten with the times and started to watermark....

butter LONDON All Hail The Queen

butter LONDON All Hail The Queen

Regarding said watermarks... progress, not perfection, lol.  I need to work on placement and proper spelling of my first name, apparently.
Anyway.  All Hail The Queen is one of the most insanely gorgeous neutral polishes ever made.  It's got a rich taupe base and is packed with silver and holographic shimmer.  It's just... gorgeous, so elegant and decorous.  A lot of gals like to reach for this one in the winter, but I find myself drawn to it as soon as summer starts to approach.  Putting it on again makes me feel like I could live in it for the next three months.

butter LONDON All Hail The Queen

 AHTQ applies beautifully, with typical Butter London ease.  I used three coats plus a topcoat.

butter LONDON All Hail The Queen

So lovely in the sun!  The subtle scattered holo effect with the taupe is just pitch perfect for summer.
All Hail The Queen is available for sale on Butter London's website, Ulta, and Nordstrom for $15.

So my right knee has been troublesome for me since my early twenties, but it's never been anything that's waylaid me from running or doing my lower body work until yesterday.  One of my coworkers tells me I'm getting old, lol.  At any rate, the back of my knee and the tendons were hurting and starting to feel numb yesterday morning, and by evening the front was all swollen and I was on the couch with an ice pack wrapped around it.  C advised me to not run for 3 or 4 days and that's got me incredibly bummed.  So I went and posted a photo of my sad knee on my personal facebook page, lol.  Here's what's stupid about that-- first of all, no one wants to see photos of someone else's injury and it bugs me to high heaven when people post photos of their ailments because most the time, it's just gross.  The rest of the time, you can't even tell anything's wrong and it's just a silly picture of an unphotogenic body part.  That would be my case.  But, I'm not taking it down because I really want someone to feel sorry for me, lol.

Thanks for reading and have yourselves an awesome weekend :)


  1. I saw that pic and I'm really sorry about your injury. :( And it wasn't even a gross picture. And it's not necessarily an age thing...I have had arthritis since the ripe old age of 15. :/ But you can feel *much* better with the knowledge that this polish looks so unbelievably pretty on you!! You nails look amazing...are you like eating bone meal or something?? :)

    1. What the heck is bone meal? lol. I've been using Duri Rejuvacote as my basecoat every time I paint my nails and since then, I've had minimal problems and my nails have grown longer and stronger than I ever imagined they would. i know some gals have trouble with using a fortifying base like that on such a regular basis but I've been very fortunate with this one. And thank you, but my nails would look so nice glistening in the sun as I run, lol ;)

  2. This is a great neutral color! Its so pretty :)

  3. LOL. That is soooo funny that you spelled your name wrong hehe. I love this polish so much. I want to wear it again now! Awesome pictures too, of course;) I loved your knee shot, especially the sock that went with it!

    1. Do it! FF with F! And the triplet post is imminent :)

    2. I will! But I don't think it needs a flair. Yes, I already have my polishes picked out! If only I could do nail art - I would do stripes. I do have striping tape...but I'm scared to use it.

    3. I'm trying to think of a way to get around doing art but I guarantee you that whatever you come up with will look better than mine... I'm just glad we're doing it on a Saturday, lol.

  4. Oh my gosh. This is to die for. I must get it!

    1. You should! I don't know what it is about this polish... It's just special, somehow.

  5. Aww, hope your knee feels better.

    This polish is just gorgeous!

    1. It's doing better, thank you :) I'm hoping to go for a run on Tuesday.

  6. gorgeous polish...take care, have rest and enjoy weekend :)

    1. Thanks, sweets ♥ No rest today, lol, I've got a brunch to put on ;)

  7. hey it's ok to want someone to feel sorry for you once in a while. i do it if i have a sad cold or something, too.

    and i totally get that you want to post your new polishes but also want to wear the old ones. i kinda just go with the flow and see where it takes me. and i love this polish! gorgeous on you.

    the painted ninja

    1. Cool, thanks :) :) My DH is sympathetic, too, so that helps, lol ;)

      I almost feel like I wouldn't know what to do with myself if I didn't take pictures of my nails, lol. It's become a part of my morning routine, so my old stuff will all invariably find its way on here again, lol. This polish really is lovely.

  8. Hi sis - Your typo is really funny :-D - could happen to me as well but then I can always claim to not have worn my rwading glasses - yup, I am that old ;- P!! I ALWAYS appreciate posts about older polishes - when I dove into my polish addiction I more often than not was desperate to find pictures and reviews and only rarely succeeded. And All Hail The Queen is just devine on you and the pictures are immaculate - have a great start of the week xxx

    1. Oh, I can't wait till I need reading glasses, then I;mm be near and far sighted. I guess then it'll be time for bifocals, YES!! In the meantime, I'll keep eating my carrots and canteloupe, lol.
      It is, like, WAY too easy to get caught up in the new release only things, but my nails look considerably different than they did when I did a bunch of these posts, so maybe no one'll notice all the repeats, lolol.

  9. I really like this. It's a lovely fine glitter. So understated and pretty x

    1. I agree completely :) Great description of it!

  10. This one is so gorgeous, go ahead and show your old favorites! That's such a great idea - sometimes I forget to just wear a plain polish and embrace the ones that got me hooked on nail polish to begin with!

    1. Cool :) I really want to wear last summer's Zoyas again and I just wouldn't know what to do with myself if I didn't take pictures of and blog about my notds, lol.

  11. Hehe I'm glad your sense of humor is still in tact. I saw your knee pic and it looks really painful... I'm so sorry and hope you feel better soon. <3
    This polish is so pretty! I have it, but it's been sitting in my un-tried pile. I'll have to pull it out soon! :)

    ~ Yun

    1. Thanks, Yun :) I'll ice it tonight and plan on running tomorrow. ;) You need to show this puppy off soon! I bet it'd be stunning on you.

  12. This is really pretty! It actually reminds me of an Essie I've got, but I don't remember the name of it.

    1. Essie's got a polish that looks like this? I guess they do have some shimmery colors, don't they? I'm going to have to figure this out.


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