
Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Milani 3D Holographic Hi-Res + Hi-Tech

Good morning!!  The other night I came off a not very fun day at work to Christmas in July!!  First, the deerstalker cap C ordered me for fall arrived (IG photo in my little slideshow on the right, if you haven't already seen it) and I received awesome surprise nail mail from the lovely Melissa of  Lacquer Reverie.  I'd mentioned at one point that I hadn't even seen the Milani holos in my area so she went and tracked down the whole collection for my holo-loving heart ♥♥♥ Naturally, I had to try a couple of those babies on, like, immediately.

This is Hi-Res, a grape jelly holo.

Milani 3D Holographic Hi-Res

Milani 3D Holographic Hi-Res

Milani 3D Holographic Hi-Res

This is Hi-Tech, a light, bright yellow-green holo.

Milani 3D Holographic Hi-Tech

Milani 3D Holographic Hi-Tech
Milani 3D Holographic Hi-Tech

There's something different about these holos and it's very cool.  They don't appear to be done with spectraflair; it's more like a fine glitter and holo flake mix... there seem to be some irregularly shaped holo bits in these. The consistency is fairly thin, being unaltered by spectraflair.  Application is elementary and these can be worn as easily as any non-holo polish.  They're very obviously scattered, but with a very faint linear effect and instead of the rainbow where the line begins, it's kind of a glowy, fiery golden orange thing.  These also look amazing under artificial, indirect light and shade.  So many holos are merely acceptably pretty out of direct sunlight, but these are jelly-like and twinkly, making them ideal for those dark winter days when you've got a hankering for some holo.  They're festive.

I'm so excited to have these beauties in my collection and I'm so thankful to Melissa for sending them to me.  Good friends are more remarkable and brilliant than the most fiery rainbow ;)

Thanks for reading and have a lovely day!! 


  1. Wow, you really have a knack for showing the holos! Melissa ROCKS! :)

    1. Thanks, Es :) And she most certainly does.

  2. blogger friends ROCK!! <3 I love you guys! And what a sweet post, Liesl. Now I wish I hadn't given my stepdaughter the green one!! Beautiful photos and always! I love the fact that they're jellies too. I plan to try my blue one verrry soon...

    1. Aww :) :) The blue looks so pretty and I can't wait to see it on you! Who knows, we may end up wearing it on the same day ;)

  3. Both are gorgeous colors! Ill have to check these out since my collection of holos is so small! :)

    1. For sure! These are definitely worth having in your collection.

  4. Replies
    1. Isn't that a cool shade of green?! So different.

  5. These are both so pretty! I definitely wish Milani cosmetics were easier to find here in the PNW-- I feel like we're missing out!

    1. I know. It seems that most everything comes through OR but that collection never showed, for some reason. The new Retro collection has some pretty cremes that I'd kind of like to see irl so hopefully those don't pass us by, too.

  6. These are so pretty! You are so nice Melissa! You and Liesl definitely have a great taste in polish ;) I am loving your swatches!

    1. Melissa's awesome and yes, so are these holos, lol :) Thank you for thinkin gmy swatches are awesome, too :D

  7. Great holos, gotta check these out!

    1. Definitely! They're so different and cool :)

  8. Melissa is awesome! I'm a huge fan of the almost holo flake finish, it's a nice change from the linears. As always, lovely swatches Liesl!

    1. It really is. I adore my linears but these are something special :)

  9. Your holo swatches are always so amazing! You did a fantastic job of capturing these two beauties! :)

    ~ Yun

    1. Thank you so much, Yun ♥ It's kind of fun seeing how many different facets the camera'll pick up.

  10. Replies
    1. Aren't they? So different from a "normal" holo :)

  11. Hi sis - Melissa really rocks - she is such an incredible sweetie!!!! And what a great choice she made!!! Both polishes you show us today are holotastically beautiful - to me it seems as if the jelly holos have one more dimension compared to the regular holos - the particles look like floating in the polish!!! I am super curious to see more..... <3

    1. I;m so blessed to be surrounded with such awesome women, sis ♥ You gals make my heart so warm. And I agree, there's a depth to the jellies, by nature. And I'm stoked that you want to see more because I have four more!!! :D

  12. Gorgeous shades. I have them and I love them :) Hi-res is one of my fave holos..

    1. They're amazing! Hi-Res is remarkably pretty, I can't get over how twinkly it is :)

  13. Very nice shades, it would be difficult to choose which one looks better. Pictures are very nice as well!

    1. Oh, thank you! :) I agree, it is hard to choose a favorite, it's just a great collection all around :)

  14. I have Hi-Res from this collection, and it's seriously so pretty - now I want to go check out for these two!

    1. Cool! The whole collection's really lovely and I'm excited to play with the other four :)

  15. Ahhh, so much beauty! love the holos! great swatches and pictures!

    1. Thanks so much, Lizzy :) These are pretty amazing. :)

  16. Oh my are truly going to make me own ALL OF THE HOLOS! Every color by every brand! When I'm in the poor house, I shall blame Liesl! j/k LOL These are truly beautiful!

    1. Hahaha, BUY ALL THE HOLOS!!!! Sorry, dude. It's partially Melissa's fault, lol ;)


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