
Thursday, August 22, 2013

A-England Saint George

Good morning!  A-England became my polish insta-crush as soon as I applied my first swipe of Briar Rose.  I ordered two more A-Englands within 24 hours of wearing that first one and I seem to be adding more and more to my wishlist....

Saint George topped many bloggers' best of lists last year and I was kind of like, that's nice, moving on.  But the absolutely amazing formulae of the first AEs I tried, compared with my growing love for teal and my undying love for holo, prompted me to give Saint George a day in court (also, it bears my dad's name and my dad is awesome, ergo, the polish was fated to be mine).  Well, it did NOT disappoint.  This one is stunning.  Here are some photos that don't do it justice.

A-England Saint George

Saint George is incredible.  It's a super saturated dark hunter leaning teal scattered and faintly linear holographic polish.  This stuff is unbelievably, gorgeously deep and multifaceted.  The holo particles flash prominently midnight blue, teal, and aqua green....

A-England Saint George

A-England Saint George

... but sometimes, they do this.

A-England St. George

Amazing.  I can't even.... and you HAVE to see this in person to fully understand.  It's a one coater, with absolutely no fuss, considering how packed with holo it is.  The only chink in the armor is that it stains a little.  I find that a small price to pay.

One of the coolest things about A-Englands is how steeped in history, art, and legend their inspirations are.  Lots of reviews do you the service of telling the story behind the name but I've deluged you all with photos so I'm taking the lazy way out...  Here's the wikipedia atricle on the real Saint George if you're interested.  (You should be.)

I purchased Saint George through for $10.

Thanks for reading and have a lovely day! ♥♥


  1. This is a gorgeous holo color! I've yet to try A-England polishes but I plan to someday. Their colors look amazing from what I've seen.

    1. Lisa, they're absolutely spectacular, in appearance and in formula :) I hope you try them soon!

  2. Replies
    1. Right?! I *totally* see what all the fuss is about now.

  3. This is my number one lemming, pretty much ever. You aren't doing much for my self control with these swatches either :)

    1. Well thanks! And you're welcome!! Get it and rock it before the sun disappears :)

  4. I have this one and it is so beautiful and you wear it well m'dear. :)

    1. Awesome! It's just such a spectacular polish, through and through :)

  5. This really is amazing. I can't wait to get it! Huge lemming. BTW, I love your new Blogger profile pic! :D

    1. Can't wait as in it's coming to you shortly??? :D It is ridiculous in its amazingness and thank you for noticing muh new photo <3

  6. I have so many teals...and yet I feel I need this. I had thought about picking it up after I got all the Burne-Jones polishes. Of course, I don't have any of those yet. :) And UGH...your on an illegal scale!

    1. I do, too, cremes, jellies, holos, et al... I have a weakness for the color and they're all special. I concur, you need this. And the Burne-Joneses. Briarwood would look spectacular on you.

  7. ***drool***

    Sorry, my brain shorted out. That's all I have. :D

  8. If your photos don't do it justice, then it must be unbelievable in person!

    1. Oh, it is! I wore it to a BBQ this Sunday and all I wanted to do was stare at my nailses glistening in the sun XD

  9. *sits up* Oh hello there, beautiful polish! And a one-coater! That seriously looks awesome on you, Liesl! :D

    ~ Yun

    1. Thanks, Yun!! I think I'll change back into it again tonight :)

  10. Wow, fabulous pictures you really picked up the holos!!

    1. Thank you!! :) It's fun trying to capture all the different facets, lol :)

  11. I LOVE and ADORE A-Englands. I only have two right now, but totally need more. This one is going on my wish-list. Coming from and art/lit background, the whole concept really appeals to me.

    1. I'm sure it does! The fact that the colors are gorgeous and the formulae perfect probs doesn't hurt, either, lol :)

  12. that's so cute that you found a polish named after you dad. i have not tried any a-england polishes yet but i really want to. i love holos and this one is super gorgeous.

    1. Weelllll in case you're interested, Llarowe is participating in AE's Summer Fayre sale... You should go check it out!! :)

  13. Hi sis, yes, yes and yes :-D!!! Saint George and you are one match, beautiful pictures and for showing is this show stopper!!! And YAY to skipping the descrition part and show more photos :-)! I am sure that whichever A England you decide to buy, you will always find more than enough reasons, even if it is only because they are so darn beautiful ;-) xxx

    1. You know how some brands just have this incredible, palpable energy about them? RBL has it and these do, too... I was just introduced to an indie brand with it, as well. Anyhoo, thank you so much for your lovely words as always and believe me, the AE wishlist is growing....

  14. This one is in my top 5!!! I just can't ever get enough of it!

  15. He was my first! And your second and last photos are incredible!

  16. St George has been on my wishlist for ages, I need this to make my a-england collection 7 in total. This is too beautiful!

    1. ♥ I would definitely call this a must-have! 7... awesome! I'm currently sitting at at 5.

  17. Is this not one of THE prettiest polish ever?! I have this one and I love it sooooooooooo much! Yeah, I love it that much. LOL I know I sound like a broken record here, but your nails are so beautiful and St. George looks stunning on them!

    1. Thank youuu!! I tend to be in exact agreement with your first two sentences :D


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