
Saturday, August 17, 2013

Butter London Cotton Buds

Hi all!  I'm capping off Butter London week with my favorite from this fall's Colour Clash collection, the stark while creme that is Cotton Buds.

 Butter London does pale and pastel cremes like no one, streak free, self-leveling, and opaque in two coats, so I had really high hopes for Cotton Buds.  Even with the known finickiness of white creme polishes, this one is superior.  I used three coats here and it's not self leveling, but the formula on this is as nice as some companies' pastels, certainly better than others.  White cremes are kind of a bird of a different variety, regardless, and I'm inclined to think that Cotton Buds is worth the investment.

I've been kind of amused watching various companies try to make the "white-hot mani" happen over the last couple years, and I admit I've always loved seeing blog posts featuring a stark white but just couldn't get on board with the look in real life.  I love this, though.  I really do.  Maybe it just took my favorite label offering its own white creme to convince me to give it a go.  I'm so enjoying how striking white looks in the summer sun and while I'm not sure how this will translate into fall, with chunky sweaters and wool coats, I'm sure going to try.

Cotton Buds and the rest of the Colour Clash collection are available for $15 each at Ulta and on butterlondon.comLike Butter London on facebook to stay abreadth of specials and new releases.

Thank you for reading and carpe diem!! ☼


  1. Hi Liesl - Cotton Buds - another hilarious and so appropriate name!!!! It looks beautiful on you - you do stark white so well on those beautiful nails of yours!!! I agree - the stark white is "la pièce de resistance" (piece of resistance translated verbally) in the nail polish world. I have to admit, I probably will skip this though as I am totally happy with Cult Nails Tempest, but hey, this means one more other color from BL for me!!! Take care <3

    1. It is very much the "pièce de resistance" but now that I've found a good one, I sure understand what the fuss is about. Ahh Cult Nails... I've been saying for months that I need to try some of those, join the Cult, as they say. I started following Maria on IG and she seems like a lovely person and you and Es always speak so highly of her polishes... I'm sure it's imminent, but my wallet only has so much room for new brand crushes and a-England's occupying a lot of space right now, and of course BL... le sigh ;)

    2. Oh I hear you so well - in order to be a Cultie AND get my A Englands I "sacrificed" Essie, Zoya - none for me since beginning of year and just one or two Opis or mini-sets. And I had to cut back on BL :-(

  2. Looks awesome Liesl! Have you ever met a Butter London you haven't liked???? :)

  3. What a awesome white creme! Its always nice to find a good white and this one looks lovely :)

    1. Lisa, this one's great! The price is a little steep but it truly is the best I've tried and like I mentioned up there, worth the investment, especially if you're looking to wear it byitself.

  4. Replies
    1. I know it, isn't it cute? Maybe I should look it up and find out what it *really* means....

  5. Haha your so right... White creme are a different bird altogether! The name is pretty cute too. I'm def not oppossed to rockin' a white mani at anytime, especially if I can get it too look as good as yours!

    1. It is a cute name! I just googled it, thinking it's something lewd, but nope, cotton buds are cotton swabs... that's as awesome a name for a nail polish as I can think of, right up there with Dodgy Barnett... ahh, BL's names never cease to entertain.

  6. Though I don't wear white cremes myself, I can certainly admire it on others. It's such a clean and classic look that's still a bit daring. Look wonderful on you! I love the name of this polish... Cotton Buds... how cute is that? :D

    ~ Yun

    1. I've been the same-- always liked the look on others. You explained it perfectly, clean and classic yet daring :) And I know, such an awesome name :)

  7. i am in search of the perfect white creme, too. i hear that the cult nails ones is nice. this one is pretty though. butter london has a great formula usually.

    1. I hear that too, it's Cult Nails Tempest, right? I'm very curious about it.

    2. Another mention of Tempest... I've got to try that one.

  8. I LOVE white cremes, but, as you say, it's very difficult find the perfect one. 3 coats and not self levelling... uhm, this is very hard for me! But it's looks SO pure and elegant.

    1. You know, I'm thinking there isn't such thing as a self leveling white creme. I mean to try that Cult Nails white but honestly, if BL can't even make a self leveling while then maybe it just can't be done. i love the look, too, though, so it's worth a tiny bit of trouble :)

  9. This is such an awesome white! It is so clean and refreshing!

  10. A good white is always hard to find! I might try this one :)
    I never use white because most polishes are a pain in the ass to work with.

    1. I think you'd be impressed... If you ever got the Eastern Lights/Western Lights Chanel duo (I think that's what it's called) I'd be interested in hearing your thoughts on that white.

  11. This looks like a really nice white. They usually look awful, LOL. White is something I could never pull off, but you do it well. ;)

  12. This is such a flawless looking white! I love the idea of a white-hot mani... Hmm, I wonder if I should try it? ;D

    1. You should. With this one. Or Cult Nails Tempest, apparently ;)

  13. You know what, I don't like all white polish but I do have one from Zoya (I've never even used it), but felt like I needed it to round out my polish collection. This one looks good though and I know you love BL.

    1. It took a while for it to grow on me! I couldn't get over the whole whiteoutishness of it all. I figured if anyone could do a proper formulation, though, it's BL, and the rest, I guess, is history, lol. Which Zoya do you have-- Purity?


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