
Saturday, August 3, 2013

Deborah Lippmann True Blood Collection-- New Flesh PLUS!!! Second Level Seating Rush Concert Spam

Good afternoon!  It's another shop my stash and wear something I've already shown you Saturday, lol.  C and I are going to the wedding of one of his oldest friends this evening and I'm wearing a navy blue '20s-style dress with lots of fringe, which all but requires a red lip, so I decided a nice, no frills nude shade on my nails was in order.  
My little sis got me the Deborah Lippmann True Blood collection for Christmas last year, and when I first wore and posted about New Flesh, I was still trying to figure out my new lightbox.  That post is here, if you feel like revisiting/checking it out.  It's funny, in retrospect, I thought once I had that lightbox I could magically stick my posed hand in there and start shooting perfect pictures...  Obvi I was terribly, terribly wrong, lol.  Anyhoo, here's New Flesh againnnnn, seven months, one ottlite, and lots of Duri Rejuvacote later.

Also, Best Concert Of My Life report after the polish shots.  Be forewarned, I'm feeling wordy. :)

Deborah Lippmann True Blood Collection New Flesh

Deborah Lippmann True Blood Collection New Flesh

New Flesh is a great fleshtoned crelly with a borderline creepily accurate shade and feel.  There's nothing additional going on here, it's just a sheer, no bells and whistles, super glossy peachy beige polish with an amazing formula.  I used two coats plus topcoat here.  The True Blood trio, which also includes a sheer blackberry jelly and a softly shimmery magenta, is still available for $25.

So I've really felt like I've had to scale back my concert enthusiasm this past week on my social media stuff because if I didn't, I would have looked like a converted Rush fanpage on IG and twitter, especially.  You maybe know that C took me to see my second favorite band (though that designation is currently up for debate) last Sunday.  My phone screen decided to bite the dust for good on Sunday morning... the concert was at 7:30 that night a state away... I was incredibly bummed.  C took some shots, though, and they're all from our second level perch, so they're not awesome, but they're there, and so was I....

But first, lol, right before we left, while I'm touching up my nails, Sal decided to be adorable and hang out on my leg in a most awkward fashion.

The venue, Sleep Country Amphitheater, a few rows forward from where we were seated.  C will say we paid too much for that sweatshirt, but the truth is this-- I will never be able to see Led Zeppelin as they were in concert so this show is it for me.  There is nothing, NOTHING, to compete with the magic of the first time seeing the only other band I've loved since I was 14 live and in concert for the first time.  Plus, it was really windy.

Imagine this.  Your favorite band has just taken the stage.  They begin to play their first chords and it sounds a lot like your favorite song of theirs.  You had this hope that they might play it later on in the set but you weren't holding out for it because your favorites generally get passed up when you go to concerts.  But then you realize it IS that song.  Your favorite band, whom you are seeing for the first time, is opening their show with YOUR FAVORITE SONG.  It was five of the most intense minutes of my concert going life and I'd just like to relive it over and over and over.  The song is Subdivisions.

Geddy Lee, bassist, keyboardist, and frontman extraordinaire, in the middle of Subdivisions, as the sun is beginning to set.

That little drumset you can sort of see belongs to Neil Peart, aka The Professor, flanked by guitarist Alex Lifeson and the aforementioned Geddy Lee.  This is from a song off their newest album, deep into the second half of their set.

Here's a better shot... it might be from the same song.  The one cool thing about not having my own camera is that I was totally absorbed in the music and wasn't distracted by trying to capture all of my favorite moments for posterity.  But, it's cool that C did. ♥

And that's it!  The show was just amazing.  Easily the best concert I've ever seen.  They did a lot of their most well known stuff, three of my personal favorites, and a bunch off their new album, which is one of their best ever and certainly the best in recent years.  Here's hoping for a 40th (yes, 40th) anniversary tour in a couple years.

Thanks for reading!  Enjoy the rest of your weekend. ♪♪♪



  1. Hi Liesl! Your nails are lovely and have fun at the wedding! Your concert pictures are really good, and it sounds like you had an awesome time!

    1. Thanks, Clare :) It was the best concert ever.

  2. What a lovely nude sheer color! Looks like the concert was a lot of fun too :)

  3. What a great post! So glad you had a good time at the concert. And be absolutely SURE to take a good pic of yourself tonight in that dress!! I want to see it. :D This polish is pretty's the same color as your skin, which is little creepy, but it works on you!

    1. Weeelll, no good dress shots, lol, but it won't be the last time I wear it. :) And that's just it, it's, like, EXACTLY the shade of my skin. Nails are supposed to be a little lighter. Oh well, it sure is a pinterest hit for some reason.

  4. lovely nude polish :) seems you had a good time at!

  5. Hi sis, this shade of nude is one of my favorites!!! It looks awesome on you :-)!! I hope to see a pic of that dress.... Wouldn't it be nice if there would be something like a magic box, making any polish photogenic? You know all the shades would be magically pictured like IRL? I can so understand your delight at that concert - I had a similar experience the other week, the settings were different though, I did not know the band and thought oh well, it is a nice evening and its outdoors, it will be ok and then they played the first chords and I was like O.M.G. this is one of the best things I ever heard!!! And would you be surprised to learn that Led Zeppelin are my favs too? Have a wonderful Sunday xxx oh I and I love that cat picture :-D

    1. Ohhh, a new band with a totally captivating sound... how wonderful. I love concerts. I got to experience that newness at Rush, too, when they started playing off their new album. I hadn't heard anything from it and was anticipating not being terribly excited but it was absolutely, mind blowingly amazing work. Totally smiling big and chuckling at your Zeppelin statement ♥♥♥ It would be such fun to meet in person one day, sis :)

    2. oh my it would be and we would talk music and nailpolish and life and ....... who knows, sometimes stuff comes true.... I would LOVE to travel again to your part of the US - I LOVED it when I was there some eleven years ago, unfortunately not long enough, or you come to Europe - who knows..... <3

  6. Still love this shade as much the second time around! What a great nude! And looks like the concert was a lot of fun!

    1. Cool :) And it was the best show I've seen.

  7. OK, I love a good nude, but I love RUSH more. You lucky gal!! And...they are Canadian :)

    1. YES!! No one I know gets it. C appreciates their talents but does not get their style, and that's cool... I know they're polarizing and I read somewhere recently that Rush fans are the Trekkies of the music world... I wave that flag high and proud, lol.

  8. Awesome nails and such fun pictures! I love seeing all of you, not just your hands;)

    1. Aw :) I wish I had a couple more of me and C, but I didn't want to test his patience. I grew up in a big picture taking family and he didn't, so he doesn't feel the need to thoroughly document everything like I do.

  9. Great Nude! OMG!! It looks like you had such a good time!!! :D

  10. i totally wanted some of the true blood polishes when they came out but resisted. this is a great nude on you.

    1. Thank you!! They're still available, if you're not into resisting anymore :)

  11. Looks good on you. But too sheer for me..:-)

    1. It's amazing what one additional coat does for this one... but I do love my sheers :) Thanks sweets :)

  12. This is a very pretty nude and your kitty is so adorable.


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