
Thursday, August 8, 2013

Sinful Colors Folly

Hi guys and gals!  Today's notd is Sinful Colors Folly.  I don't remember why I picked this polish up.  It was sometime in late spring, I think, and I must've been hot on the trail of something else.  It's no wonder this one jumped out at me, though, it's a lovely color and reminiscent of, if not a dupe for, one of my favorite Butter London colors, Snog.

Sinful Colors Folly

Folly a quinacridone red creme.  The color reads a little bit red and a little bit pink.  It reminds me, somehow, of lipstick and the lightly perfumed, waxy floral scent that accompanies some of my favorites.  I love that this is bold but not bright.  It's another one of those shades that has a surprising amount of decorum once you have it on.

Sinful Colors Folly

 I've used a small smattering of Sinful Colors polishes and this one's been the best, formula and opacity-wise.  The brand's a little hit and miss, but at this price point ($1.99 a pop) it's kind of to be expected.  I've gotten some seriously wonky brushes, too, but that's more chance than anything and this one happened to be lovely.  The formula is of a nice consistency and is opaque in two coats.

Sinful Colors Folly

Today is World Cat Day so go love up on a diddy or three.  
Have a lovely day and thank you for reading! ♥


  1. What a pretty shade Liesl! Great find. I'm not really into Sinful Colors, but whenever I see blogger pics, I wonder why... This looks nice and juicy. Great swatches...but I say that EVERY time! LOL

    1. I'm not, either. Maybe I'm a big wierdo, but the word "sinful" is a turnoff to me, lol. BL Snog is a nice alternate, if you'd rather pay 7x the price and have the finger pointing sticker, lol ;)

    2. Is it weird to say I'd rather pay more??? LOL. Is there a BL "Snob" ??? hehe

    3. Right there with ya, sista ;)

  2. This looks great on you! So shiny. I'm actually a little disappointed.. It's World Cat Day and you didn't show us your wonderful cats!? :( ;D

  3. I have this color too and I love it! Such a pretty shade :)

  4. Auuuugh, want! That looks like THE quintessential watermelon shade :)

    1. It totally is :) Get it and work your magic with it, girlie!

  5. I have quite a few Sinful Colors and I while I like them for the most part, they are not my favorite polish brand. I have actually come across some really good Sinful Colors formula wise. This shade "Folly" I don't have, but it is quite pretty. :-)

    1. If they were readily available to me, I'd likely have more. The stores that sell them are ones I either don't use or are out of my way. They do have some lovely shades, though.

  6. Hi sis - what a perfect proof of your comment about Maura - Folly looks awesome on your beautiful nails!!! And thanks to you I have some awesome Sinful Color polishes (and based on them asked a friend to bring me some more) and all of them have an excellent formula and brush. As for cuddles for Nell: he is not pleased with the day - he had to watch birds close by all day but too far out of his reach - he was not amused and this day probably goes down as a loss - LOL

    1. I've kept my eyes peeled for the two LEs you asked for, Leap Flog and Neptune, to make a reappearance. They're a nice brand in that they're usually really good dupes of really innovative polishes at a great price point. Poor Nell, sometimes it's hard to be a cat . ;) Give him extra loves from me :)

    2. SQUEEEEAL - you are so sweet!!! I had no idea they were LE, you don't have to love, if they are anything like Essence or Catrice they usually disappear for good once the rack is emptied. These two brands b.t.w. released some very boring and disappointing LEs during summer :-S

  7. You wear these juicy colors so very well. I don't have anything by Sinful Colors as I tend to avoid Wally World like the plague. Hmmm...maybe next Target visit. Beautiful photos, per usual! ;)

    1. I avoid it like the plague, too. SCs are also available at Walgreens (where I got this) and Riteaid. And thank you :) :)

  8. I find that Sinful Colors can come up with some of the loveliest colors and great formula!! At such low price (and especially with occasional 50% sales) you just can't beat it! This red looks so lovely on you =)

    1. Well, this one's a good one, for sure! I do like that they're always so on trend without breaking the bank. The new Gel Shine colors look pretty cool, too, for just a dollah more! ;)

  9. Looks so juicy on you. I have to check my stash to see if I have this one :)

    1. You have such a pretty collection of SCs! I keep meaning to get over to Walgreens again and pick up Black Licorice. I've had that one in my head since you posted about it a while back.

  10. This is beautiful!! Love it love it

  11. Seriously so pretty!! I'm loving it!

    1. :) It is a great color, I'm glad you like!

  12. Lovely colour, I seem to have a difficult time getting my hands on sinful colors.

    1. Really? I know they aren't available in Europe but I figured you all would have them....

  13. Very pretty color on you, Liesl! And yes, you just can't beat those prices. :)

    ~ Yun

    1. Right?! There are a lot of lovely SCs, too. They had a LE winter polish last year that was a dupe for Zoya FeiFei. Just great, accessible colors.

  14. Ehm... I have it in my stash, never tried yet! SHAME on me, it is SO jelly and summery!

    1. Aw, you should totally pull it out! It's an awesome pedi shade, too :)

  15. I never had a wonky brush with any of my sinfuls. I am jealous that I can't get these in the Netherlands. :(

    1. You know, come to think of it, I've had more wonky Zoya brushes than Sinfuls.... And I'm surprised at how limited circulation of these is. Maybe they're not so easy to come by, after all. :/


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