
Sunday, September 15, 2013

Skittles For Essie-- A Tribute

 *contains press samples

Hi all!  A lot of you know by now that the wonderful Essie of I Heart Pretty Polish has decided to bow out of the game, perhaps indefinitely.  She's been a great friend and an inspirational and talented blogger and to keep this from sounding like a funeral dirge, let me just say that I'm SOOOO glad you'll still be around, friend, even if not in that capacity, because this whole crazy experience just wouldn't be the same without you ♥♥
 A few of us who have become close, at the prompting of Christine at Polished Marvels,  decided to each do a tribute mani for Es in the form of a skittlette, a style at which she's remarkably good.

For my skittlette I used Zoya Pepper, a creamy brick red and one of my favorites from this fall's Cashmere collection, Butter London Posh Bird, a shimmery, silvery, purpley taupe gifted to me by Es herself, and a zebra print Jamberry Nail Shield.

Requisite Essie sweater shot :)  This was my first experience with a nail shield/wrap/what have you.  It was easy enough to apply but I still think I managed to mess it up, lol.  It doesn't exactly sit flat on my nail but I also insisted on using the shield meant for the pinkie on my ring finger.  I have a few sample sheets from a gal who no longer sells Jamberry and my options were a bit limited.  I had to use the zebra print (LOVE!!) and I had to have it on my ring finger.  I kind of had issues filing the shield down, too, but that might just be my own ineptitude.  It doesn't mean I won't try them again.

The verdict is, despite my shortcomings with the shield, this was totally fun to put together and to wear and I'm really excited to play with some more combinations!  So in closing, THANK YOU Essie for your inspiration and for being such a light in this community.  I already miss blogging with you.

Thanks to Christine for organizing this, too!  Check out her and our friends' Es-inspired skittlettes.

Christine at Polished Marvels
Emily at Must. Stash.
Melissa at Lacquer Reverie

Thank you for reading!  Have a lovely Sunday. ♥
*contains press samples


  1. This is SO classy, Liesl!! LOVERLY! It's like, "classy with a surprise funky twist" - of ZEBRA. :D
    I ALMOST did a sweater shot too!! Kinda wish I had, but you had it covered, unbeknownst to me. ;)
    Also I'm uh, beginning to feel like I did something wrong because all of you used at least one polish twice, and I did not. Ooops?
    I also wanted to use Picmonkey to do an awesome group shot of all the polishes & add their names like she did in most of her multi-polish posts, but I don't have a good light box setup to make it look stellar like hers do. :-/ Didn't help that I was running out of time. :P

    1. Your post was perfect Emily, don't even think twice about it.

    2. ^^That :) Don't be do hard on yourself. Your post is amazing and there's nothing to second guess yourself for. I'm glad to know ya, girlie, and it's been a pleasure doing another collab post with you <3

  2. I love this so very much!!!! What an amazing tribute <3

    1. Thank you!! :) I love your comment, sweets :)

  3. Aww...what a very sweet tribute and lovely manicure! :-) I hope you enjoy your break, Essie. :-)

    1. Thanks so much, doll :) I hope she enjoys it, too, and that it is just that, a break :)

  4. Love this combo! I need a red like this :D So amazing to see how close the blogging community can be, awesome :)

    1. It really is :) I'm blessed to have met so many awesome ladies ;) And this is an amazing red! I keep hearing how unique it is.

  5. This Skittlette totally maximally rocks sis!!!! I love your color combination and that you implemented that nailwrap or whatever (I am also always at a loss since each brand names them differently). And you applied it so skillfully - I am always having issues with them and seem to end up wrinkled and torn not to mention those fringed tips (bought a new file the other day and this issue got solved - one down). Very inspiring your Skittelette - you got my brain spinning ;-)!!! Thank you so much for joining, this meant so much to me <3!!!! Have a lovely Sunday xxx

    1. I would have never stepped outside the box without your lead and now I think I'm hooked, lol. What kind of file did you get? I keep meaning to pick up a glass edge is all frayed, too. Thanks again for organizing this-- I'm proud to know ya, sis <3

    2. Many of the nail wraps include a file and I bought a glass file - now I wonder what took me so long for my nails the best ever!!!! I feel humbled by your compliment and the same goes for me sis xxx

  6. This is so gorgeous...I love your choice of colors with the nail wrap. As with the Triplet Sock post, I am fascinated by the way personality plays a role in each participant's mani. :) I think you did a great job with the shield...elegant all the way around. ;)

    1. Well first off, it's been awesome doing a collab with you :) Having gotten to know you and Em a little better, I see your fascination with how our chooses reflect our personalities and it really is fun how apparent they are <3 One more reason why Es is so awesome, she introduced me to you gals <3

  7. I love this! And you're right...noone can do a skittle mani quite like Essie. I actually have a few pics of her hand on my phone for inspiration for skittle manis myself, because I just can't put it together like she can! :)

  8. Liesl, you know how I feel about you. You are seriously my BBF! You have been there with me from the beginning and I am so proud of you and your blog. You are such an inspiration. I love reading your posts because your wording is so unique. I sound like a Kindergartener next to you ;). I look forward to continuing our friendship. Oh, and this mani is PERFECT! I love the colors your chose, the accent, everything about it. Awesome job and thanks for taking the time to post this. I know how much work it is. Take care!

    1. The very notion of me being an inspiration to you is crazy to me <3 You've been so kind and generous and this blog wouldn't be what it is without you <3 And you absolutely do not sound like a kindergartener, silly girl :) You've got the sweetest, most genuine voice I can think of. Ttyl friend.

  9. Wonderful skittle mani! I'm going to miss Essie's posts so very much. She really is one of the kindest people in the community of ours.

    1. She is :) And as much as I miss her posts already, she deserves to be happy and I'm so proud if her for making the break. This whole thread is, like, so much proof of the awesomeness in our community :)

  10. Lovely mani! Love the way you combined the different shades...

    1. Thanks, Pearl! It was totally fun putting it together :)

  11. Awww, this was so nice and I love the way the mani turned out! great tribute

  12. A wonderful post for a wonderful lady! Love your mani... the nail wrap totally makes me think of Essie. And you did the sweater shot... that's totally awesome. :)

    ~ Yun

    1. Her inspiration is pretty much all over this thing, lol :) I adore the sweater shot, it's been one of my favorite things about her blog (and obvi I'm in the majority there, lol :) )

  13. Ok guys, if I ever need a boost in self esteem, I need to come back and read these comments. You are all so nice!!!! Thanks again :)

  14. Gorgeous Mani and such a great way to honor a nail blogger!

    1. Thank you so much, Krystle :) She's well deserving,

  15. Guess what?!?! I finally OWN Posh Bird!! :D Now the only remaining BL I'm lusting after is Two Fingered Salute. :)

    1. SaWEET!! Do you love it? Sorry so late in responding :p

  16. How did I just show up to this party?! I love this tribute mani, Liesl! And of course, I love Essie :)


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