
Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Sinful Colors Inkwell

Good morning!!  The end of the month really crept up on me and I'm going to be a little open hearted with you all for a minute.  I feel like I've been posting at a relatively leisurely pace this month and it's felt good.  It's been fun dedicating one post to one polish at a time again.  This leetle blog has grown to the point where that's not exactly feasible a lot of the time any more, which is time consuming but very cool.  I love, am extremely appreciative of, and embrace the growth.  I still need to be able to run this thing how I want, though, and that includes sprinkling in makeup and beauty posts and also writing about polishes I went out and bought myself.  As tiring as swatchfests can be, I do get a rush when I do one, and the finished product makes me feel all accomplished and professional, lool, but it's been nice to have a month where I sort of returned to my roots, I guess.  All this to say that I purchased a couple Halloweenish Sinful Colors a couple weeks ago with the intention of posting about them before the day was actually upon us, but here we are, the day before, and here's one of the two, lol.

I've been after Sinful Colors Inkwell since I saw it on Rhonda's gorgeous nails back in April.  Inkwell is a limited edition color from this past spring's Haute Rebel collection and the LEs tend to run out quickly around these parts and not come back.  SC seems to like to do rereleases, though, so I was pleased to find this in a Halloween display in my local Walgreens.

Inkwell is a cooool color.  It's actually quite appropriately named-- you know how some black ballpoint pens aren't really a true black?  They're this very color.  It's an extremely dark sort of brownish, purplish, molasses-y, raisin-y jelly that *almost* reads black but doesn't quite.  It's also super glossy and my camera doesn't quite know how to handle the double threat.

I seriously do not know how to label this-- maybe black (sort of), lol.  Inkwell's formula is amazing.  Because it's a jelly, it is perfectly self leveling, and, as I said, very high shine.  But unlike most jellies, it's completely opaque in two coats, with no visible nail line.  This is two coats, with a topcoat.    

Sinful Colors Inkwell swatch and review

 You all know by now that I've become quite enamored with Sinfuls and Inkwell is one of the most unique colors I've seen this year from anyone. It's worth stalking your drugstores for.  I picked mine (and my second choice, coming up tomorrow) up during a Walgreens sale for 2 for $3.

As always, thank you for reading and have a remarkable day ♥♥


  1. Way to get back to your roots. That is my preferred way of blogging as well:) I know that swatch-fests are necessary sometimes when there is a deadline - but try to do what makes YOU happy so I can continue to be happy and read your blog:) I don't want to lose you. This is such an awesome polish and is truly a "Liesl" shade. Take care.

    1. You are such a sweetheart <3 I'm not going anywhere any time soon, any time I entertain the motion if quitting I think about how much I'd miss it within a week and there you go... It's not happening, not any time soon, at least!

  2. Thanks for this! I purchased Inkwell too with the Halloween polishes, not reading the label beforehand, I assumed it was black. I haven't tried it yet, wondering what it really looked like - yes, I know. Kind of lazy, but why rush to wear it when you can just find a blogger who already has? Definitely going to be a well-used polish this fall/winter.

    1. Lolol, glad I could be of service! I will say that the first coat weirded me out a little and I wondered what this was going to end up looking like on me, and how many coats it'd take to look alright, but the second coat ensured pure awesomeness, lol. :)

  3. Thanks for the shout out. It does feel good when you post a polish that you want to share. Ink Well is gorgeous and I love SinfulColors too :)

    1. I know you do <3 Your posts about them made me want to explore the brand further.

  4. Sounds like you had a great time this month posting what you are really excited about. That's the way it should be. :) As for the leisurely pace, sometimes you need to slow down a bit and really savor the experience to renew your love for it. <3

    ~ Yun

    1. It's funny, when I've got nothing queued up and am all caught up, I start to feel bored but then when it's the opposite, I feel a little stressed, lol. Maybe it's my personality. ;)

  5. I always love to have good black cremes in my stash and this looks lovely :)

    1. This one's awesome :) and it's particularly cool because it isn't really black. It *almost* comes across that way but not...quite. ;)

  6. Did I ever mention that I love your long nails?! And this color is so cool, must find it to try!

    1. Aw, thank you, Heather :) They don't even feel long right now, compared to what they've been looking like. This really is a fantastic color and I hope you can find one!

  7. I have enjoyed your leisurely pace almost as much as you have. ;) And I saw this color a few weeks ago, and naturally I picked it up because it was vampy, and it looked black as black to me in the bottle. But I much prefer your description of the color, LOL. It's so shiny and lovely on you. <3

    1. This one has you written all over it, right down to its indescribable color. SC seems to be really good at that kind of thing... I 'm excited to see it on you!! <3

  8. Hi Liesl, I love the authenticy of your Blog, I find the balance well mixed with only limited number of sample or full collection reviews. Your writing style is so unique and whitty, I would clearly miss those Liesl-esque posts immensely. Hence no surprise that I find your Description of inkwell so spot on!!! It looks gorgeous on you!!!! xxx

    1. Thank you for those words, sis <3 It's just so interesting the way these things evolve and things I never thought I'd ever think or say I find myself thinking and saying, lol. I've been feeling my writing suffering for doing sample posts so it's just lovely to hear I haven't completely lost it <3 Your friendship and support means so much to me <3

  9. Wow, consider me blown away. If I saw this in the store I would have written it off as just another black polish, but clearly it's much more than that! I applaud you for being able to capture that in your photos-- I always have such a hard time photographing dark or near black colors. I need to try and find this asap!

    1. I hope you can find it! And thank you so much ♥♥♥ I've felt like photographing dark colors has been my Achilles' heel for a long time so I feel your pain. I keep thinking I ought to take that first shot down but it shows the gloss so well, even if it isn't in focus.

  10. What Cat said!! :D I would've written it off too because I'm not a sucker for blacks, and those darn bottles are ever so misleading in the store lights! (hence how I ended up with some Essie that I thought was very similar to BL La Moss...err...not at all)
    This not exactly black jelly looks SO sexy, on you gurl!! ♥ it! :D

    1. Just get La Moss, girlie! You won't be sorry. Do you follow BL on facebook? I think there might be a sale going on right now. What did you get, Wicked? I've picked up and put down Wicked more times than I can count, lol. And thank you for your kind words ♥

    2. Hehe, yes, I shouda just gotten it during Ulta's $10 BL sale...I had it in my hand, but figured 3 was enough. ;) Oooh thanks for the tip! I shall pop on over to their FB page and check it out. :D I just checked the Essie, and you would be correct! LOL I gave it to my roommate because all she wears are reds, pinks, & the occasional purpley shade.
      Aww you're welcome dearie! :D

  11. Wow...I was in the market for a new black and I am totally stunned. Getting three or four of these!

    1. If you can find it, you should stock up, because 1) at that price, why not, and 2) who knows if and when it'll be released again ♥


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