
Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Ulta Peppermint Bark

Good morning, everyone!!  Lots of people tend to freak out a little at how early Christmas carols are played on the radio, decorations in cities and stores are put up, etc etc. and I used to be like that.  C is a huge Christmas fanatic, though, childlike in his enthusiasm, and over the years of being together that enthusiasm has rubbed off on my skinflint little heart a bit.  Why not listen to carols and decorate early?  The point of it is to make people happy and if busting out your wreaths and tinsel sometime between Halloween and Thanksgiving brings you any amount of joy, have at it and Godspeed.  So, yeah-- this all happened at our house Sunday night.  We were going to hold off for another weekend but we'd been in the stores doing some early Christmas shopping a couple nights before and were totally ready to be fully in the spirit.  Our tree is up and decorated , stockings hung on the mantle, the whole nine yards... in the house, at least.  We'll wait to put lights up until closer to December.

Naturally, I felt like dressing my nails up in something Christmassy after all that, so I pulled out Ulta Peppermint Bark, a gift from a good friend who rightly knew I'd adore this color.  Peppermint Bark is a light rosy pink foil with pale pink, gold, and green shimmer.  I used two coats; probably should have used three... maybe just a little bit lazy, lol.  The formula's great, as most foils are-- one of the easiest finishes to apply.

Ulta Peppermint Bark

Ulta Peppermint Bark

Ulta Peppermint Bark
 I love it!  It looks like my nails are coated in smooth peppermint sugar.  I'm pretty sure this came out in an LE mini set last holiday season so I'm uncertain about overall availability.  I do know that I kind of want to licck my fingertips and then eat a bowl of peppermint ice cream.
Thank you again, friend, (you know who you are) for adding such a pretty thing to my stash.
Thank you all for reading and have a lovely day!! ♥ 


  1. I love it! Ulta makes some kickin' foils too...I got a Christmas set of them once and they're great. This pink does look edible mmmm...

    1. This is the first square bottle Ulta polish I've tried, and yeah, it's awesome! Unique, too, from what I can think of.

  2. Hi sis - hahaha what an early couple of elfs!!!!! I love that foil on you and I like it at two coats perfectly. I think it wins a lot with a dose of transluscent finish ;-) <3

    1. Cool! :) I keep thinking my middle finger looks a little wonky with the translucence but otherwise I do enjoy a slight peekaboo shade, myself.

  3. Wow! What an amazing color. I love foils so much.

    1. Me, too <3 And I can't believe I've never seen one like this before.

  4. Oh wow, that's so pink and pretty and feminine! Love it, of course! :D
    Haha... there's definitely nothing wrong with starting the holidays early. Winter's so dreary and dark, so if putting up lights and listening to holiday songs is going to bring even just the smallest amount of cheer, I'm all for it! <3

    ~ Yun

    1. That's just it, why wait to do something that makes you happy? It's not like we're putting stuff up in the middle of October, lol... that might send an altogether different message....

    2. I wouldn't mind if the holidays extended into January and February. That period, from Jan to Mar, is just awful, with dark days and no holidays to look forward to. >< Pretty much all of winter should be the holiday season, is what I'm saying lol.

    3. I agree, at least for the entire month of January. I get all excited about Valentine's Day in Feb. and then March is C's and my birth month, so we have have distractions, lol.

  5. Gorgeous, I think Ulta polishes are so underrated. I love them! This looks fab on you!

    1. Thanks, Margo ♥ I've worn a few of the round bottle polishes and now this one, and I'm inclined to agree.

  6. Love this!!! So girly. Looks great on you <3

    1. Thank you, sweets! Seriously, sometimes nothing beats a good pink on your nails ♥

  7. This is lovely! It looks smashing on you! I do adore foils, you just can't go wrong with them.

    1. Thanks, Crystal <3 I totally agree about foils, and about pinks in general, I think :)

  8. How have I never seen this post till now? Why am I years late to the party for this one!? Wahh...this is gorgeous!

    1. Lol, I hear ya! I'm lucky to have been gifted with it. It is gorgeous!


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