
Monday, December 9, 2013

12 Days of Christmas Nails!! Day 4-- Butter London Pillar Box Red + Essie Pure Pearlfection

Hi everyone!!  I've actually been really, really excited about sporting this duo so I'm going to jump right in.
Butter London Pillar Box Red was gifted to me by the same dear friend who bestowed my first Shimmer polishes on me.  She knows I love my reds and my Butters and truth be told, Pillar Box Red might have just replaced Come To Bed Red as my favorite BL red... The former is a creme, the latter a jelly, and I prefer the finish of the creme.
Pillar Box Red is very much a true red.  It's bright, with a lot of yellow in it, and calls to mind a ripe, juicy tomato, making it a very summer appropriate red while maintaining its classicism.  I used two easy coats-- the formula is typical Butter London creme perfection.  I topped it with one coat of Essie Luxe Effects Pure Pearlfection and one layer of topcoat.

Butter London Pillar Box Red + Essie Pure Pearlfection

I'm not sure how long Essie Pure Pearlfection had been a part of the brand's Luxe Effects lineup but I waffled on it for way too long, and then when I finally decided I truly needed it in my life, it was gone.  Essie brought it back for the holidays, though, along with a few other Luxe Effects topcoats I had no idea existed.  You'd better believe I snapped it up as soon as the Ulta display caught my eye.  I just can't resist a white, pearly anything and I've been so loving playing with toppers this year.  Pure Pearlfection Christmasses Pillar Box Red right up.

Butter London Pillar Box Red + Essie Pure Pearlfection
Pure Pearlfection is an interesting creature.  It looks white in the bottle but is quite clear on the nail, adding a subtle overlay of silvery white, pink, and sky blue microshimmer.  It's the prettiest thing and I want to put it on everything, lol.  The formula's interesting; it's almost a gel-like consistency, but very easy to apply.  I love this topper and I'm so glad Essie brought it back.

Butter London Pillar Box Red + Essie Pure Pearlfection

Expect to see more Pure Pearlfection on here in the future, lol.  I'll close with a shot of Baby Beau helping wrap presents.

Thank you for reading and have a loverly day!! ♥


  1. Love the combination of both of these colors! They work so well together :)

  2. What a beautiful combination and that picture of your "helper" cat is adorable!

    1. Aw, thank you!! Isn't he cuuute? lol. We've had that paper for a while... We decided to just let him have at it, lol.

  3. Wow, the combination of the two is amazing! The shimmers show up so well against the red. I must get my hands on pure pearlfection and put it on top of everything. :D

    ~ Yun

    1. I KNOOOWWWW!! That's, like, all I want to do right now, lol. It's such a subtle, pretty little thing. I think it'd look fantastic over the lighter Euro Centrale colors. It reminds me of OY- Another Polish Joke (just silver-white, not gold, obvi :) ).

  4. Perfect Red and Pure Pearlfection makes it interesting!

  5. Hi sis - what a perfect red number, you know my love for them ;-)! And this one looks perfect on you - the Essie Tooper literally is the icing on the mani, wonderful combination - reminds me of sugared caramel apples! And Baby Beau os too sweet in helping you - have a lovely day <3

    1. Oh, that's a cool analogy! I like it! And yes, one of the many polish tastes we share :)
      Baby Beau was actually quite tame in his playing with the wrapping paper. Usually he kics and bites and tears things to shreds if he can but he was more content to just dive under this, lol.

  6. Oh my, I think I need Pure Pearlfection. I bet it would look awesome over every color! You can double your polish stash by transforming every polish into something else with it. Very cool. It looks almost wet. Very very cool. And I am glad you like Pillar Box Red! I knew you would ;)

    1. Exactly! I've been really enjoying the transformative effects of toppers this year. Tapping into my extremely non-creative creative side, lol :)And it does look wet, doesn't it? i thought that as I was applying it... uh... when it actually was wet... I know what you mean, at any rate, lol. Thanks again for my pretty new red ♥♥♥

  7. I have Pure Pearlfection (I personally think they should have named it "Pearl Perfection" because that's what I always want to call it!!) and I think it truly transforms any polish. Pillar Box Red didn't exactly need classing up or anything, but it's oh so Christmas-y and magical. <3 Oh, and that pic of Beau...hilarious. :)

    1. Same difference, lol. It doesn't exactly roll off the tongue as it is. Pillar Box Red definitely does not need classing up but this just means I can post about it on its own another day, thus ramming another red polish post down yer throats! Muahaha!! My Baby Beau's such a cute little dude :D Always making us laugh, this one.

  8. Love, love, love this combo. Goodness, this is pretty. Your kitty is the cutest thing ever!

    1. Thank you and thank you!! He is a super cute little cat. I think his leetle paws are just the most adorable thing, lol :)


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