
Thursday, December 19, 2013

12 Days of Christmas Nails!! Day 8-- Butter London Illusionists Swatches (partial)

*press sample
Butter London Illusionists swatch and review
Hi everyone!!  I'm on some kind of roll again, two holiday posts in as many days, lol.  One of the coolest holiday collections this year has also been one of the quietest.  Called The Illusionists, Butter London's offering boasts a relaunch of two of their classic and most loved polishes and two of my personal faves, Come To Bed Red and Union Jack Black, as well as one new creme and three deliciously pretty and transforming new overcoats.  I've been excited about this collection since I saw the first press release.  Call me a diehard-- I've never met a Butter I didn't like :)  I've posted about the red and the black two and three times each on here already, lol, so today is all about the new shade, Bramble, and the overcoat Stardust.

Bramble is a deep, cool, blue violet creme, another non-traditional holiday color that ends up being perfect for the season, dramatic, elegant, simple.  Butter London has nailed their creme formula in recent years and Bramble is indicative of that-- I used two easy, quick drying coats and one layer of topcoat.  There are few things prettier in my book than a dark, glossy creme, and this one happens to be unique to my collection.

Butter London Bramble swatch and review

Butter London Bramble swatch and review

Butter London Bramble swatch and review

Stardust is a silver scattered holographic, nothing you haven't seen before, but different from last year's Fairy Cake in that this seems specifically made to be a topper, so the glitters are finer.  It's hard to mess up on a holo topcoat formula and Stardust is as easy to apply as anything.  Stardust is pretty and twinkling over Bramble, adding a festive but definitely not over the top dimension to the rich creme.  I used one coat of Stardust and one layer of clear topcoat over Bramble.

Butter London Stardust swatch and review

Butter London Stardust swatch and review

Any holo is a good holo and Stardust is a fantastic way to experience the rainbow during the colder months.

Bramble and Stardust retail for $15 each.  Both polishes are typical Butter London quality and if you're looking for some high end elegance for your nails this December, these two polishes are worth every penny.

Where to find Butter London

Thank you for reading and have a beautiful day!! ♥♥
*press sample


  1. Both are such pretty colors! Love the glitter :)

    1. I agree! They're very demurely festive together :)

  2. So pretty! Match made in heaven.

  3. Bramble is perfect, you are right, I didn't know anything about this collection!

    1. Isn't it?! <3 I don't think I saw any of these at Ulta, even...just the Ulta exclusive overcoat, whose name escapes me at the moment. Don't know what the deal with this collection is, lol.

  4. I am in love! Bramble and Stardust are so perfect together. They look absolutely stunning on you!

    1. They really are perfect together :) And thank you, sweets :)

  5. Oooooh these two polishes are SO pretty! I'm all swoon-y over here!

    1. Aren't they gorgie? Cremes and holos are two of my fave finishes <3

  6. Re to your last post: I hope you are well again!!! Re this post: I am waving BL's flag frantically!!! I first of all like their attitude to combine new with old (like what we are doing with our cloths) and repromoting staples like Union Jack Black is like bringing back the white T-Shirt! Bramble? Simple and straightforward beautiful!!! Stardust? LOL to any holo is a good holo and this definitely is a stunner and morphs Bramble into one freaking sparkly number!! Awesome you sis xxx

    1. I am feeling much better, thank you :) We even went Christmas partying last night, something that was looking iffy a couple days ago. I love your summation of the repromote as bringing back the white tee shirt-- that's exactly what it is and I respect BL for doing that rather than "creating" two more polishes with only mild, if any, color variances. Updating old classics is a wonderful notion and why wouldn't it be applied to polish? Awesome observation, sis <3

  7. Bramble is just perfect, and these two look lovely together. The only thing is I don't think I could ever pay that much for a topper! :/

    1. I can appreciate that, it is spendy for a topper and a pretty standard one, at that. What can I say, though, I heart my Butters :) and if you think about it, you're using less polish than usual because you're only doing one coat per nail. Might be a good "investment" piece, lol.

  8. wow, Bramble is so beautiful on you! You look so good in dark colors.

  9. So so so pretty! Like beautiful snow on a winter's night!

    1. Yes!! Maybe that's what makes scattered holos feel so much more winter appropriate.


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