
Tuesday, January 21, 2014

China Glaze Crinkled Chrome Don't Be Foiled

  Good morning, everyone!!  China Glaze has kicked off 2014 with a new take on texture in the form of Crinkled Chromes, meant to emulate crinkled up aluminum foil on your nails (I guess, haha).  I feel drawn to unusual, polarizing, and envelope pushing textures (like Essie Belugaria) but the first swatches of this collection did nothing for me, despite the absolutely beautiful shades.  Then, Cris at Let Them Have Polish had the brilliant idea to wear these in one coat and it made all the difference.  Two looks like a paint job gone wrong, at least in photos; one looks cool and futuristic-- the sleek chrome finish isn't completely obscured and the texture pieces aren't the least bit sloppy when not layered on top of each other.  I decided I had to have one.

  I chose the aquamarine shade, Don't Be Foiled.  I used one coat and didn't use as light a hand as I probably should have-- mine still looks a little too thick and rumpled.  These are extremely pigmented and one thin coat will give you perfect coverage and the less you can get the glitters to catch on each other, the better.  Still, I daresay I like this!  I thoroughly enjoyed wearing this on my nails and I'm kind of excited to wear it again.

China Glaze Crinkled Chrome Don't Be Foiled

China Glaze Crinkled Chrome Don't Be Foiled

  I urge you to give the Crinkled Chromes a shot.  The colors are beautiful, the formula easy to apply and well pigmented, it dries nearly instantly, and removal is surprisingly easy.  The bar glitters are actually some sort of thin, fibrous white material, so they don't stick around on your nail after the color's been removed.  Remember that the camera amplifies everything so what you see in real life is not going to be as extreme as what you see in x-large macro.  The only flaw with this polish is how it wears-- I had some minor chips by the end of day 1, and the bar pieces tend to protrude a little as the chrome pigment wears off, revealing their fibrous nature.  It's not a huge deal but I feel this is a two day manicure, at best.  For the beauty of the colors and the uniqueness of the finish, it's still worth a bottle, though-- it's novel and maybe a little gimmicky, but it's a pretty little gimmick and you're just going to have to trust me on this.

  The Crinkled Chromes are probably all still available for purchase at your local Sally Beauty Supply.  Honestly, I'm tempted to go back and pick up the pink one.

  Thank you for reading and have a lovely day!! ♥♥


  1. Nice swatch on this color! Still not sure if I like this or not, lol.

    1. Thanks, sweets :) They do take some getting used to but I think swatching them on one nail would honestly sway anyone, lol.

  2. I think I would like them better without the bar glitter. Even though I like bar glitter just doesn't seem to go well with these. I just might purchase one to see for myself. Thanks for sharing :)

    1. I can see that, the bar glitter might be detracting from the whole thing. It has never once looked like I think ChG originally intended it to look and maybe that's why. I do wonder what they were thinking with this.

  3. I grew to like these A LOT. Strangely enough.

    1. That's cool! I bet it was the colors :) I can forgive almost anything for a pretty color.

  4. This looks very captivating on your nails!!! You certainly aren't surprised that I immediately thought of you when I saw those swatches starting to pop up ;-)! I hope they come up with some bolder colors - I would surely give them a try xxx

    1. Lolol, right on ♥♥ Captivating, that's how I felt about it when I saw these on LTHP's nails! Bright red and royal purple would be gorgeous, don't you think?

  5. I'm sorry, but I just like these. No. I'm NOT sorry. I like these, and I'm proud of it!! :D This looks just like something you'd like too...a la Belugaria. I was actually surprised that you didn't like them in the beginning, while I was a closeted fan, LOLOL! :P Ugh...those metallics and their awful wear time...but they are always in the prettiest colors! I have to ask...did you mess with this while it was on your nails?

    1. #sorrynotsorry ;) I love that you like these, too! I don't know what I didn't like at first. Once you change your mind you tend to forget what your issue was in the first place. YES, I totally mess with them because of the errant fibers. I'm wearing this again today so maybe I'll bring a pair of tweezers with me so I can pluck the exposed ones off and then they won't bug me throughout the day, lol.

  6. Your nails are so pretty. I just can't get behind these polishes. Sadly not for me.

    1. You're so sweet :) EVEN IN THIS COLOR??? Are you sure? ;)

  7. I will definitely at least pick up one! Great post! :)

    1. Thanks, Margo! I can't wait to see which one you choose :)

  8. Now, I wasn't a big of Belugaria but these intrigue me. The more I see them, the more I like them. I also think they look better for far away, because then they really do look like crumpled aluminum foil.

    1. Is that how? Because I can't for the life of me see that in these. I still think they're cool. I admit I like this MUCH better irl-- I don't think I took a very pretty picture of it.

    2. I haven't actually seen them in person, so I can't really verify anything, but in some other pictures I have seen I definitely think they capture the "crumpled aluminum foil" look.

  9. So beautiful! China Glaze makes foiled polish though?!? *mind blown*

    1. They do!! Apparently back in 2009 they released a chrome collection in matching shades to this set but without the texture. I so wish they (or someone) would do it again!

  10. You would like this you crazy person! LOL.

  11. Yeah I just don't think these are for me.

    1. All good, they're not for a lot of folks, lol ;)

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