
Monday, February 17, 2014

Nubar Indigo Illusion

  Hi all!!  Ever on the search for gorgeous duochromes am I, and Nubar's got some fantastic ones.  Indigo Illusion is purportedly one of the strongest, prompting fellow blogger Erika of Icy Nails to call it "death by duochrome" during a facebook conversation sometime last year.  I had to have it.

  The interesting thing about Nubar duochromes is that they seem to be more duochrome shimmers in a monochromatic base.  Most duochromes demonstrate flashes of color that permeate the entire polish, but Nubars have a surface change, still very strong on account of how much shimmer pigment is in each polish, but sort of floating on top with a subtle permeation; more of a suspension than a solution.  Anyway, here's Indigo Illusion, a dusty, medium toned midnight teal with a rosy pink, green, and gold flash.  Tasty.

Nubar Indigo Illusion swatch and review

Nubar Indigo Illusion swatch and review

Nubar Indigo Illusion swatch and review

Nubar Indigo Illusion swatch and review
  The cool thing about a duochrome being so packed with shimmer is that the shift won't be completely lost in the summer sun, though I feel like this is a perfect dead-of-winter pick me up polish.  Indigo Illusion's formula is great, the color opaque in two coats, and dry time minimal.  I finished with one coat of HK Girl Glisten & Glow topcoat.
  I get my Nubars off Amazon.  They can generally be found there for $7 and under.  Definitely some fun and unique duochromes in this line-- I like them and I'm excited to own more :) 
  Thank you for reading and have a gorgeoussss day!! ♥♥


  1. That polish is absolutely gorgeous!! I have it but I think I'll need to wear it more often!

  2. So beautiful!! I love the shimmer!

    1. Isn't it amazing?! So different from the norm :)

  3. Looks like I found another polisht o add to my wish list. Your photos are phenominal by the way!

    1. Oh, thank you so much! ♥♥ When a polish is this pretty, it makes taking photos a breeze, lol :)

  4. The way you just described this makes me want it even more! I don't think I've ever heard such an elegant description. This is an absolutely gorgeous polish and I, like Katie, am going to add it to my wish list!!

    1. Thank you so much, Dani! I was struggling to convey what I felt and I wasn't sure it was coming across coherently so your words mean a lot ♥

  5. Ahhhh you do have a way with words - pigments floating on the surface, spot on!!! I have Indigo Illusion and love it. It looks divine on you and isn't it amazing that to the day nothing closely ressembling has ever been released? The formula must be real magic!!! xxx

    1. Thank you sis ♥♥♥ Like I said to Dani, I wasn't sure if I was saying what I wanted to about this so I'm super stoked it resonates with you :) This is a gorgeous polish and it's true, the Nubars are a unique bunch... magic, indeed!

  6. One of my favorites, great swatches!

    1. Oh, thank you so much, Cait!! ♥♥ It is a fantastic color.

  7. I can't get enough of those duo/multichromes by nubar, each one even more stunning than the other!

    1. I TOTALLY AGREE and I'm seriously lemming Peacock Feathers harrrrd, lol.

  8. I love this at it's teal stage, but not quite as much otherwise. I wish I liked duochromes more, but they just never really scream at me.

    1. WHAAAAT?!!?! Jk, jk :D It took me a long time to get on the glitter bandwagon and I'm still not fully there so I totally get it ♥

  9. This is one of the strangest polishes I ever saw. That means I'm headed over to Amazon.

    1. Hahaha, well, yes! This looks like a Melissa polish. I said the same thing to Sara of My Life in Polish fame-- it is so very both of you but for such different reasons, and I think that's just cool :)

  10. This is so pretty on you. I think I have it in my stash somewhere and need to dig it out.

    1. Thank you!! ♥ You totally need to wear it. It's a stunning polish.


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